import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"; export default class QueryController extends Controller { static targets = ["modal"]; disconnect() { delete this.pending; document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", this.selection); } focus() { if (document.activeElement === this.query) return; this.query.addEventListener( "focusin", (e) => {, -1); }, { once: true }, ); this.query.focus(); } closeModal() { delete; if (document.activeElement === this.query) document.activeElement.blur(); document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", this.selection); } openModal() { = true; document.addEventListener("selectionchange", this.selection); } clear() { if (this.query.value === "") { // if the user presses escape once, browser clears the input // if the user presses escape again, get them out of here this.closeModal(); } } submit() { const hasFocus = this.isFocused; const position = hasFocus && this.query.selectionStart; if (this.pending) { clearTimeout(this.pending); delete this.pending; } // prevent an unnecessary `?q=` parameter from appearing in the URL if (this.query.value === "") { this.query.disabled = true; // restore input and focus after form submission setTimeout(() => { this.query.disabled = false; if (hasFocus) this.query.focus(); }, 0); } // add/remove current cursor position if (hasFocus && position) { this.position.value = position; this.position.disabled = false; } else { this.position.value = ""; this.position.disabled = true; } } update = () => { if (this.pending) clearTimeout(this.pending); this.pending = setTimeout(() => { this.element.requestSubmit(); }, 300); }; selection = () => { if (this.isFocused) this.update(); }; beforeMorphAttribute(e) { switch (e.detail.attributeName) { case "data-open": e.preventDefault(); break; } } get query() { return this.element.querySelector("input[type=search]"); } get position() { return this.element.querySelector("input[name=p]"); } get isFocused() { return this.query === document.activeElement; } }