# ruby-server_stats-psm Credits to https://github.com/skcript for the initial code. ## DESCRIPTION: Ruby Stats helps you get your system statistics whenever you need it. We use it internally to monitor our Servers and send it to our monitoring servers in the cloud. This Gem currently supports Ubuntu and Mac. Unfortunately we have no plans to bring it for Windows. Here are some of the statistics you can get about your system: - CPU Usage - CPU load - Memory Usage - Disk Statistics (Free Space, etc) - TCP/UDP Packet Exchanges - Gets some data about the processes that are running ## Getting Started gem install psm-ruby-stats ```ruby require 'psm-ruby-stats' server_stats = RubyStatsPsm server_stats.uw_diskused server_stats.uw_diskused_perc server_stats.uw_cpuused server_stats.uw_tcpused server_stats.uw_udpused server_stats.uw_memused server_stats.uw_load server_stats.uw_bandrx server_stats.uw_bandtx server_stats.uw_diskioreads server_stats.uw_diskiowrites server_stats.uw_cputop server_stats.uw_memtop server_stats.uw_apacheconns ``` ## Example ```bash Run: linux_example.rb Example Output: 11.56 Gigabytes Disk Used 7.0% Disk Used 0.25% CPU Used 30 TCP Connections Used 0 UDP Connections Used 43% Active Memory Used 0.01 Average System Load Of The Past Minute 0.008 Mbit/s Current Bandwidth Received 0.2 Mbit/s Current Bandwidth Transmitted 0/s Current Disk Reads Completed 2/s Current Disk Writes Completed Top Ten Processes By CPU Consumption: [["/usr/lib64/erlang/erts-5.8.5/bin/beam.smp", "5.2"], ["ruby", "4.1"], ["ps", "2.0"], ["abrt-dump-oops", "0.8"], ["aoe_ktio", "0.7"], ["aoe_tx", "0.4"], ["ata_sff", "0.2"], ["auditd", "0.1"], ["awk", "0.1"], ["-bash", "0.1"]] Top Ten Processes By Memory Consumption: [["unicorn", "4.8"], ["unicorn", "4.7"], ["unicorn", "4.6"], ["unicorn", "4.6"], ["unicorn", "4.5"], ["unicorn", "4.5"], ["unicorn", "4.3"], ["unicorn", "4.3"], ["unicorn", "4.2"], ["/usr/lib64/erlang/erts-5.8.5/bin/beam.smp", "4.0"]] ``` ## Methods available ##### Linux uw_diskused uw_diskused_on(location) uw_diskused_perc uw_diskavailable uw_diskavailable_on(location) uw_cpuused uw_tcpused uw_udpused uw_memused uw_load uw_bandrx uw_bandtx uw_diskioreads uw_diskiowrites uw_cputop uw_memtop uw_httpconns ##### Mac uw_diskused uw_diskused_on(location) uw_diskused_perc uw_diskavailable uw_diskavailable_on(location) uw_cputop uw_memtop uw_load uw_cpuused uw_memused uw_httpconns uw_bandrx uw_bandtx ## Notes * Disk Used is a sum of all partitions calculated in Gigabytes * Disk Used Percentage is a total percentage of all disk partitions used * Disk Used On is disk space used on the location passed calculated in Gigabytes, returns "location invalid" if invalid location passed * Disk Available is a sum of all partitions calculated in Gigabytes * Disk Available On is disk space available on the location passed calculated in Gigabytes, returns "location invalid" if invalid location passed * CPU Used is a percentage of current CPU being used * TCP/UDP Connections Used is a total count of each respectively * Active Memory Used is a percentage of active system memory being used * Load is the average load of the past minute * Bandwidth is current received and transmitted in Megabits * Disk IO is current disk reads and writes completed per second * Top Ten Processes By CPU Consumption are based on percent CPU used * Top Ten Processes By Memory Consumption are base on percent Memory used * HTTP Conns is the number of connections on 80 port ## Tested Using **RUBY VERSIONS:** - ruby 3.0.1 **TESTED OS VERSIONS:** - Ubuntu 20.04 License MIT