
Class Index [+]



This class holds the work related bits of a time sheet that are specific to a single Task. This can be an existing Task or a new one identified by it’s ID String. For effort based task, it stores the remaining effort, for other task the expected end date. For all tasks it stores the completed work during the reporting time frame.



Public Class Methods

new(timeSheet, task) click to toggle source
    # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 26
26:     def initialize(timeSheet, task)
27:       # This is a reference to a Task object for existing tasks or an ID as
28:       # String for new tasks.
29:       @task = task
30:       # Add the new TimeSheetRecord to the TimeSheet it belongs to.
31:       (@timeSheet = timeSheet) << self
32:       # Work done will be measured in time slots.
33:       @work = nil
34:       # Remaining work will be measured in time slots.
35:       @remaining = nil
36:       @expectedEnd = nil
37:       # For new task, we also need to store the name.
38:       @name = nil
39:       # Reference to the JournalEntry object that holds the status for this
40:       # record.
41:       @status = nil
42:       @priority = 0
43:       @sourceFileInfo = nil
44:     end

Public Instance Methods

actualEnd() click to toggle source

The reported expected end of the task.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 222
222:     def actualEnd
223:       @expectedEnd
224:     end
actualRemaining() click to toggle source

The reporting remaining effort in days.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 205
205:     def actualRemaining
206:       project = @timeSheet.resource.project
207:       project.convertToDailyLoad(@remaining * project['scheduleGranularity'])
208:     end
actualWorkPercent() click to toggle source

The reported work in % (0.0 - 100.0) of the average working time.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 188
188:     def actualWorkPercent
189:       (@work.to_f / @timeSheet.totalGrossWorkingSlots) * 100.0
190:     end
check() click to toggle source

Perform all kinds of consistency checks.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 59
 59:     def check
 60:       scIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx
 61:       taskId = @task.is_a?(Task) ? @task.fullId : @task
 62:       # All TimeSheetRecords must have a 'work' attribute.
 63:       if @work.nil?
 64:         error('ts_no_work',
 65:               "The time sheet record for task #{taskId} must " +
 66:               "have a 'work' attribute to specify how much was done " +
 67:               "for this task during the reported period.")
 68:       end
 69:       if @task.is_a?(Task)
 70:         # This is already known tasks.
 71:         if @task['effort', scIdx] > 0
 72:           unless @remaining
 73:             error('ts_no_remaining',
 74:                   "The time sheet record for task #{taskId} must " +
 75:                   "have a 'remaining' attribute to specify how much " +
 76:                   "effort is left for this task.")
 77:           end
 78:         else
 79:           unless @expectedEnd
 80:             error('ts_no_expected_end',
 81:                   "The time sheet record for task #{taskId} must " +
 82:                   "have an 'end' attribute to specify the expected end " +
 83:                   "of this task.")
 84:           end
 85:         end
 86:       else
 87:         # This is for new tasks.
 88:         if @remaining.nil? && @expectedEnd.nil?
 89:           error('ts_no_rem_or_end',
 90:                 "New task #{taskId} requires either a 'remaining' or a " +
 91:                 "'end' attribute.")
 92:         end
 93:       end
 95:       if @work >= @timeSheet.daysToSlots(1) && @status.nil?
 96:         error('ts_no_status_work',
 97:               "You must specify a status for task #{taskId}.")
 98:       end
100:       if @status
101:         if @status.headline.empty?
102:           error('ts_no_headline',
103:                 "You must provide a headline for the status of " +
104:                 "task #{@task.fullId}")
105:         end
106:         if @status.summary &&
107:           @status.summary.richText.inputText == "A summary text\n"
108:           error('ts_default_summary',
109:                 "You must change the default summary text of the status " +
110:                 "for task #{taskId}.")
111:         end
112:         if @status.alertLevel > 0 && @status.summary.nil? &&
113:            @status.details.nil?
114:           error('ts_alert1_more_details',
115:                 "Task #{taskId} has an elevated alert level and must " +
116:                 "have a summary or details section.")
117:         end
118:         if @status.alertLevel > 1 && @status.details.nil?
119:           error('ts_alert2_more_details',
120:                 "Task #{taskId} has a high alert level and must have " +
121:                 "a details section.")
122:         end
123:       end
124:     end
planEnd() click to toggle source

The planned end of the task.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 227
227:     def planEnd
228:       @task['end', @timeSheet.scenarioIdx]
229:     end
planRemaining() click to toggle source

The remaining effort according to the plan.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 211
211:     def planRemaining
212:       resource = @timeSheet.resource
213:       project = resource.project
214:       scenarioIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx
215:       startIdx = project.dateToIdx(project['now'], true)
216:       endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@task['end', scenarioIdx])
217:       remainingWork = @task.getEffectiveWork(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx,
218:                                              resource)
219:     end
planWorkPercent() click to toggle source

The planned work in % (0.0 - 100.0) of the average working time.

     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 193
193:     def planWorkPercent
194:       resource = @timeSheet.resource
195:       project = resource.project
196:       scenarioIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx
197:       startIdx = project.dateToIdx(@timeSheet.interval.start)
198:       endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@timeSheet.interval.end)
199:       (@timeSheet.resource.getAllocatedSlots(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx,
200:                                              @task).to_f /
201:        @timeSheet.totalGrossWorkingSlots) * 100.0
202:     end
taskId() click to toggle source
     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 183
183:     def taskId
184:       @task.is_a?(Task) ? @task.fullId : task
185:     end
warnOnDelta(startIdx, endIdx) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 126
126:     def warnOnDelta(startIdx, endIdx)
127:       # Ignore personal entries.
128:       return unless @task
130:       resource = @timeSheet.resource
131:       if @task.is_a?(String)
132:         # A resource has requested a new Task to be created.
133:         warning('ts_res_new_task',
134:                 "#{} is requesting a new task:\n" +
135:                 "  ID: #{@task}\n" +
136:                 "  Name: #{@name}\n" +
137:                 "  Work: #{@timeSheet.slotsToDays(@work)}d  " +
138:                 (@remaining ?
139:                  "Remaining: #{@timeSheet.slotsToDays(@remaining)}d" :
140:                  "End: #{@end.to_s}"))
141:         return
142:       end
144:       scenarioIdx = @timeSheet.scenarioIdx
145:       project = resource.project
146:       plannedWork = @task.getEffectiveWork(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx,
147:                                            resource)
148:       # Convert the @work slots into a daily load.
149:       work = project.convertToDailyLoad(@work * project['scheduleGranularity'])
151:       if work != plannedWork
152:         warning('ts_res_work_delta',
153:                 "#{} worked " +
154:                 "#{work < plannedWork ? 'less' : 'more'} " +
155:                 "on #{@task.fullId}\n" +
156:                 "#{work}d instead of #{plannedWork}d")
157:       end
158:       if @task['effort', scenarioIdx] > 0
159:         startIdx = endIdx
160:         endIdx = project.dateToIdx(@task['end', scenarioIdx])
161:         remainingWork = @task.getEffectiveWork(scenarioIdx, startIdx, endIdx,
162:                                                resource)
163:         # Convert the @remaining slots into a daily load.
164:         remaining = project.convertToDailyLoad(@remaining *
165:                                                project['scheduleGranularity'])
166:         if remaining != remainingWork
167:           warning('ts_res_remain_delta',
168:                   "#{} requests " +
169:                   "#{remaining < remainingWork ? 'less' : 'more'} " +
170:                   "remaining effort for task #{@task.fullId}\n" +
171:                   "#{remaining}d instead of #{remainingWork}d")
172:         end
173:       else
174:         if @expectedEnd != @task['end', scenarioIdx]
175:           warning('ts_res_end_delta',
176:                   "#{} requests " +
177:                   "#{@expectedEnd < @task['end', scenarioIdx] ?
178:                     'earlier' : 'later'} end for task #{@task.fullId}")
179:         end
180:       end
181:     end
work=(value) click to toggle source

Store the number of worked time slots. If the value is a Fixnum, it can be directly assigned. A Float is interpreted as percentage and must be in the rage of 0.0 to 1.0.

    # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 49
49:     def work=(value)
50:       if value.is_a?(Fixnum)
51:         @work = value
52:       else
53:         # Must be percent value
54:         @work = @timeSheet.percentToSlots(value)
55:       end
56:     end

Private Instance Methods

error(id, text) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 233
233:     def error(id, text)
234:       @timeSheet.message('error', id, text, @sourceFileInfo)
235:     end
warning(id, text) click to toggle source
     # File lib/TimeSheets.rb, line 237
237:     def warning(id, text)
238:       @timeSheet.message('warning', id, text, @sourceFileInfo)
239:     end

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