#-- # This file is part of the X12Parser library that provides tools to # manipulate X12 messages using Ruby native syntax. # # http://x12parser.rubyforge.org # # Copyright (C) 2008 APP Design, Inc. # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #++ # require 'x12' require 'test/unit' class Test271Factory < Test::Unit::TestCase #message in readable format RESULT = "ISA*00*0000000000*00*0000000000*ZZ*610017 *ZZ*T0001799*030430*1700*U*00401*000000157*0*P*:~ GS*HB*610017*T0001799*20030430*1700190*1570001*X*004010X092A1~ ST*271*0001~ BHT*0022*11*270-001-AK*20030430*1700~ HL*1**20*1~ NM1*PR*2*BCBSRI*****PI*00870~ HL*2*1*21*1~ NM1*1P*1*DOE*JOHN****XX*NPI#~ REF*N5*0000099818~ HL*3*2*22*0~ TRN*2*100-270-001-AK*9050469595~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*ROBERT****MI*BP10375089330~ N3*80 GREEN STREET~ N4*WOONSOCKET*RI*02895~ DMG*D8*19801130*M~ EB*R**30~ SE*15*0001~ GE*1*1570001~ IEA*1*000000157~" def setup # result message that we are building and will test against @result = RESULT # make the result usable in the tests @result.gsub!(/\n/,'') @parser = X12::Parser.new('271.xml') end def teardown #nothing end def test_all @r = @parser.factory('271') count = 0 @r.ISA { |isa| isa.AuthorizationInformationQualifier = '00' isa.AuthorizationInformation = '0000000000' isa.SecurityInformationQualifier = '00' isa.SecurityInformation = '0000000000' isa.InterchangeIdQualifier1 = 'ZZ' isa.InterchangeSenderId = '610017 ' isa.InterchangeIdQualifier2 = 'ZZ' isa.InterchangeReceiverId = 'T0001799' isa.InterchangeDate = '030430' isa.InterchangeTime = '1700' isa.InterchangeControlStandardsIdentifier = 'U' isa.InterchangeControlVersionNumber = '00401' isa.InterchangeControlNumber = '000000157' isa.AcknowledgmentRequested = '0' isa.UsageIndicator = 'P' isa.ComponentElementSeparator = ':' } @r.GS {|gs| gs.FunctionalIdentifierCode = 'HB' gs.ApplicationSendersCode = '610017' gs.ApplicationReceiversCode = 'T0001799' gs.Date = '20030430' gs.Time = '1700190' gs.GroupControlNumber = '1570001' gs.ResponsibleAgencyCode = 'X' gs.VersionReleaseIndustryIdentifierCode = '004010X092A1' } # build the message @r.ST.TransactionSetIdentifierCode = '271' @r.ST.TransactionSetControlNumber = '0001' count += 1 @r.BHT {|bht| bht.HierarchicalStructureCode='0022' bht.TransactionSetPurposeCode='11' bht.ReferenceIdentification="270-001-AK" bht.Date='20030430' bht.Time='1700' } count += 1 @r.L2000A.HL {|hl| hl.HierarchicalIdNumber="1" hl.HierarchicalParentIdNumber="" hl.HierarchicalLevelCode="20" hl.HierarchicalChildCode="1" } count += 1 @r.L2100A.NM1 {|nm1| nm1.EntityIdentifierCode1="PR" nm1.EntityTypeQualifier="2" nm1.NameLastOrOrganizationName="BCBSRI" nm1.NameFirst="" nm1.NameMiddle="" nm1.NamePrefix="" nm1.NameSuffix="" nm1.IdentificationCodeQualifier="PI" nm1.IdentificationCode="00870" } count += 1 @r.L2000B.HL {|hl| hl.HierarchicalIdNumber="2" hl.HierarchicalParentIdNumber="1" hl.HierarchicalLevelCode="21" hl.HierarchicalChildCode="1" } count += 1 @r.L2100B.NM1 {|nm1| nm1.EntityIdentifierCode1="1P" nm1.EntityTypeQualifier="1" nm1.NameLastOrOrganizationName="DOE" nm1.NameFirst="JOHN" nm1.IdentificationCodeQualifier="XX" nm1.IdentificationCode="NPI#" } count += 1 @r.L2100B.REF {|ref| ref.ReferenceIdentificationQualifier="N5" ref.ReferenceIdentification="0000099818" } count += 1 @r.L2000C.HL {|hl| hl.HierarchicalIdNumber="3" hl.HierarchicalParentIdNumber="2" hl.HierarchicalLevelCode="22" hl.HierarchicalChildCode="0" } count += 1 @r.L2000C.TRN {|trn| trn.TraceTypeCode="2" trn.ReferenceIdentification1="100-270-001-AK" trn.OriginatingCompanyIdentifier="9050469595" } count += 1 @r.L2100C.NM1 {|nm1| nm1.EntityIdentifierCode1="IL" nm1.EntityTypeQualifier="1" nm1.NameLastOrOrganizationName="DOE" nm1.NameFirst="ROBERT" nm1.IdentificationCodeQualifier="MI" nm1.IdentificationCode="BP10375089330" } count += 1 @r.L2100C.N3 {|n3| n3.AddressInformation1="80 GREEN STREET" } count += 1 @r.L2100C.N4 {|n4| n4.CityName="WOONSOCKET" n4.StateOrProvinceCode="RI" n4.PostalCode="02895" } count += 1 @r.L2100C.DMG {|dmg| dmg.DateTimePeriodFormatQualifier="D8" dmg.DateTimePeriod="19801130" dmg.GenderCode="M" } count += 1 @r.L2110C.EB {|eb| eb.EligibilityOrBenefitInformation="R" eb.ServiceTypeCode="30" } count += 1 count += 1 @r.SE {|se| se.NumberOfIncludedSegments = count se.TransactionSetControlNumber = '0001' } @r.GE.NumberOfTransactionSetsIncluded = "1" @r.GE.GroupControlNumber = "1570001" @r.IEA.NumberOfIncludedFunctionalGroups = '1' @r.IEA.InterchangeControlNumber = '000000157' # compare the built message to the result assert_equal(@result, @r.render) end def test_timing start = Time::now X12::TEST_REPEAT.times do test_all end finish = Time::now puts sprintf("Factories per second, 271: %.2f, elapsed: %.1f", X12::TEST_REPEAT.to_f/(finish-start), finish-start) end # test_timing end