# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'new_relic/agent/transaction' require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/queue_time' require 'new_relic/agent/instrumentation/ignore_actions' module NewRelic module Agent # @api public module Instrumentation # == NewRelic instrumentation for controller actions and tasks # # This module can also be used to capture performance information for # background tasks and other non-web transactions, including # detailed transaction traces and traced errors. # # For details on how to instrument background tasks see # {ClassMethods#add_transaction_tracer} and # {#perform_action_with_newrelic_trace} # # @api public # module ControllerInstrumentation def self.included(clazz) # :nodoc: clazz.extend(ClassMethods) end # This module is for importing stubs when the agent is disabled module ClassMethodsShim # :nodoc: def newrelic_ignore(*args); end def newrelic_ignore_apdex(*args); end def newrelic_ignore_enduser(*args); end end module Shim # :nodoc: def self.included(clazz) clazz.extend(ClassMethodsShim) end def new_relic_trace_controller_action(*args); yield; end def perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(*args); yield; end end NR_DO_NOT_TRACE_KEY = :'@do_not_trace' NR_IGNORE_APDEX_KEY = :'@ignore_apdex' NR_IGNORE_ENDUSER_KEY = :'@ignore_enduser' NR_DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {}.freeze # @api public module ClassMethods # Have NewRelic ignore actions in this controller. Specify the actions as hash options # using :except and :only. If no actions are specified, all actions are ignored. # # @api public # def newrelic_ignore(specifiers={}) NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:newrelic_ignore) newrelic_ignore_aspect(NR_DO_NOT_TRACE_KEY, specifiers) end # Have NewRelic omit apdex measurements on the given actions. Typically used for # actions that are not user facing or that skew your overall apdex measurement. # Accepts :except and :only options, as with #newrelic_ignore. # # @api public # def newrelic_ignore_apdex(specifiers={}) NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:newrelic_ignore_apdex) newrelic_ignore_aspect(NR_IGNORE_APDEX_KEY, specifiers) end # @api public def newrelic_ignore_enduser(specifiers={}) NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:newrelic_ignore_enduser) newrelic_ignore_aspect(NR_IGNORE_ENDUSER_KEY, specifiers) end def newrelic_ignore_aspect(property, specifiers={}) # :nodoc: if specifiers.empty? self.newrelic_write_attr property, true elsif ! (Hash === specifiers) ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.error "newrelic_#{property} takes an optional hash with :only and :except lists of actions (illegal argument type '#{specifiers.class}')" else # symbolize the incoming values specifiers = specifiers.inject({}) do |memo, (key, values)| if values.is_a?(Array) memo[key] = values.map(&:to_sym) else memo[key] = values.to_sym end memo end self.newrelic_write_attr property, specifiers end end # Should be monkey patched into the controller class implemented # with the inheritable attribute mechanism. def newrelic_write_attr(attr_name, value) # :nodoc: instance_variable_set(attr_name, value) end def newrelic_read_attr(attr_name) # :nodoc: instance_variable_get(attr_name) if instance_variable_defined?(attr_name) end # Add transaction tracing to the given method. This will treat # the given method as a main entrypoint for instrumentation, just # like controller actions are treated by default. Useful especially # for background tasks. # # Example for background job: # class Job # include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation # def run(task) # ... # end # # Instrument run so tasks show up under task.name. Note single # # quoting to defer eval to runtime. # add_transaction_tracer :run, :name => '#{args[0].name}' # end # # Here's an example of a controller that uses a dispatcher # action to invoke operations which you want treated as top # level actions, so they aren't all lumped into the invoker # action. # # MyController < ActionController::Base # include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation # # dispatch the given op to the method given by the service parameter. # def invoke_operation # op = params['operation'] # send op # end # # Ignore the invoker to avoid double counting # newrelic_ignore :only => 'invoke_operation' # # Instrument the operations: # add_transaction_tracer :print # add_transaction_tracer :show # add_transaction_tracer :forward # end # # Here's an example of how to pass contextual information into the transaction # so it will appear in transaction traces: # # class Job # include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation # def process(account) # ... # end # # Include the account name in the transaction details. Note the single # # quotes to defer eval until call time. # add_transaction_tracer :process, :params => '{ :account_name => args[0].name }' # end # # See NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation#perform_action_with_newrelic_trace # for the full list of available options. # # @api public # def add_transaction_tracer(method, options={}) NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:add_transaction_tracer) # The metric path: options[:name] ||= method.to_s argument_list = generate_argument_list(options) traced_method, punctuation = parse_punctuation(method) with_method_name, without_method_name = build_method_names(traced_method, punctuation) if already_added_transaction_tracer?(self, with_method_name) ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.warn("Transaction tracer already in place for class = #{self.name}, method = #{method.to_s}, skipping") return end class_eval <<-EOC def #{with_method_name}(*args, &block) perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(#{argument_list.join(',')}) do #{without_method_name}(*args, &block) end end EOC visibility = NewRelic::Helper.instance_method_visibility self, method alias_method without_method_name, method.to_s alias_method method.to_s, with_method_name send visibility, method send visibility, with_method_name ::NewRelic::Agent.logger.debug("Traced transaction: class = #{self.name}, method = #{method.to_s}, options = #{options.inspect}") end def parse_punctuation(method) [method.to_s.sub(/([?!=])$/, ''), $1] end def generate_argument_list(options) options.map do |key, value| value = if value.is_a?(Symbol) value.inspect elsif key == :params value.to_s else %Q["#{value.to_s}"] end %Q[:#{key} => #{value}] end end def build_method_names(traced_method, punctuation) [ "#{traced_method.to_s}_with_newrelic_transaction_trace#{punctuation}", "#{traced_method.to_s}_without_newrelic_transaction_trace#{punctuation}" ] end def already_added_transaction_tracer?(target, with_method_name) if NewRelic::Helper.instance_methods_include?(target, with_method_name) true else false end end end # @!parse extend ClassMethods class TransactionNamer def self.name_for(txn, traced_obj, category, options={}) "#{prefix_for_category(txn, category)}#{path_name(traced_obj, options)}" end def self.prefix_for_category(txn, category = nil) category ||= (txn && txn.category) case category when :controller then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::CONTROLLER_PREFIX when :task then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::TASK_PREFIX when :rack then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::RACK_PREFIX when :uri then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::CONTROLLER_PREFIX when :sinatra then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::SINATRA_PREFIX when :middleware then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::MIDDLEWARE_PREFIX when :grape then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::GRAPE_PREFIX when :rake then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::RAKE_PREFIX when :action_cable then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::ACTION_CABLE_PREFIX when :message then ::NewRelic::Agent::Transaction::MESSAGE_PREFIX else "#{category.to_s}/" # for internal use only end end def self.path_name(traced_obj, options={}) return options[:path] if options[:path] class_name = class_name(traced_obj, options) if options[:name] if class_name "#{class_name}/#{options[:name]}" else options[:name] end elsif traced_obj.respond_to?(:newrelic_metric_path) traced_obj.newrelic_metric_path else class_name end end def self.class_name(traced_obj, options={}) return options[:class_name] if options[:class_name] if (traced_obj.is_a?(Class) || traced_obj.is_a?(Module)) traced_obj.name else traced_obj.class.name end end end # Yield to the given block with NewRelic tracing. Used by # default instrumentation on controller actions in Rails and Merb. # But it can also be used in custom instrumentation of controller # methods and background tasks. # # This is the method invoked by instrumentation added by the # ClassMethods#add_transaction_tracer. # # Here's a more verbose version of the example shown in # ClassMethods#add_transaction_tracer using this method instead of # #add_transaction_tracer. # # Below is a controller with an +invoke_operation+ action which # dispatches to more specific operation methods based on a # parameter (very dangerous, btw!). With this instrumentation, # the +invoke_operation+ action is ignored but the operation # methods show up in New Relic as if they were first class controller # actions # # MyController < ActionController::Base # include NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::ControllerInstrumentation # # dispatch the given op to the method given by the service parameter. # def invoke_operation # op = params['operation'] # perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(:name => op) do # send op, params['message'] # end # end # # Ignore the invoker to avoid double counting # newrelic_ignore :only => 'invoke_operation' # end # # # When invoking this method explicitly as in the example above, pass in a # block to measure with some combination of options: # # * :category => :controller indicates that this is a # controller action and will appear with all the other actions. This # is the default. # * :category => :task indicates that this is a # background task and will show up in New Relic with other background # tasks instead of in the controllers list # * :category => :middleware if you are instrumenting a rack # middleware call. The :name is optional, useful if you # have more than one potential transaction in the #call. # * :category => :uri indicates that this is a # web transaction whose name is a normalized URI, where 'normalized' # means the URI does not have any elements with data in them such # as in many REST URIs. # * :name => action_name is used to specify the action # name used as part of the metric name # * :params => {...} to provide information about the context # of the call, used in transaction trace display, for example: # :params => { :account => @account.name, :file => file.name } # These are treated similarly to request parameters in web transactions. # # Seldomly used options: # # * :class_name => aClass.name is used to override the name # of the class when used inside the metric name. Default is the # current class. # * :path => metric_path is *deprecated* in the public API. It # allows you to set the entire metric after the category part. Overrides # all the other options. # * :request => Rack::Request#new(env) is used to pass in a # request object that may respond to path and referer. # # @api public # def perform_action_with_newrelic_trace(*args, &block) #THREAD_LOCAL_ACCESS NewRelic::Agent.record_api_supportability_metric(:perform_action_with_newrelic_trace) state = NewRelic::Agent::TransactionState.tl_get state.request = newrelic_request(args) skip_tracing = do_not_trace? || !state.is_execution_traced? if skip_tracing state.current_transaction.ignore! if state.current_transaction NewRelic::Agent.disable_all_tracing { return yield } end # This method has traditionally taken a variable number of arguments, but the # only one that is expected / used is a single options hash. We are preserving # the *args method signature to ensure backwards compatibility. trace_options = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.last : NR_DEFAULT_OPTIONS category = trace_options[:category] || :controller txn_options = create_transaction_options(trace_options, category, state) begin Transaction.start(state, category, txn_options) begin yield rescue => e NewRelic::Agent.notice_error(e) raise end ensure Transaction.stop(state) end end protected def newrelic_request(args) opts = args.first # passed as a parameter to add_transaction_tracer if opts.respond_to?(:keys) && opts.respond_to?(:[]) && opts[:request] opts[:request] # in a Rails app elsif self.respond_to?(:request) self.request rescue nil end end # Should be implemented in the dispatcher class def newrelic_response_code; end def newrelic_request_headers(state) request = state.request if request if request.respond_to?(:headers) request.headers elsif request.respond_to?(:env) request.env end end end # overrideable method to determine whether to trace an action # or not - you may override this in your controller and supply # your own logic for ignoring transactions. def do_not_trace? _is_filtered?(NR_DO_NOT_TRACE_KEY) end # overrideable method to determine whether to trace an action # for purposes of apdex measurement - you can use this to # ignore things like api calls or other fast non-user-facing # actions def ignore_apdex? _is_filtered?(NR_IGNORE_APDEX_KEY) end def ignore_enduser? _is_filtered?(NR_IGNORE_ENDUSER_KEY) end private def create_transaction_options(trace_options, category, state) txn_options = {} txn_options[:request] = trace_options[:request] txn_options[:request] ||= request if respond_to?(:request) rescue nil # params should have been filtered before calling perform_action_with_newrelic_trace txn_options[:filtered_params] = trace_options[:params] txn_options[:transaction_name] = TransactionNamer.name_for(nil, self, category, trace_options) txn_options[:apdex_start_time] = detect_queue_start_time(state) txn_options[:ignore_apdex] = ignore_apdex? txn_options[:ignore_enduser] = ignore_enduser? txn_options end # Filter out a request if it matches one of our parameters for # ignoring it - the key is either NR_DO_NOT_TRACE_KEY or NR_IGNORE_APDEX_KEY def _is_filtered?(key) name = if respond_to?(:action_name) action_name else :'[action_name_missing]' end NewRelic::Agent::Instrumentation::IgnoreActions.is_filtered?( key, self.class, name) end def detect_queue_start_time(state) headers = newrelic_request_headers(state) QueueTime.parse_frontend_timestamp(headers) if headers end end end end end