open Core open OUnit2 module L = List_ops let aei exp got _test_ctxt = assert_equal ~printer:Int.to_string exp got let ael exp got _test_ctxt = assert_equal ~printer:(List.to_string ~f:Int.to_string) exp got let is_odd n = n % 2 = 1 let tests = [ "length of empty list">:: aei 0 (L.length []); "length of normal list">:: aei 4 (L.length [1;3;5;7]); "length of huge list">:: aei 1_000_000 (L.length (List.range 0 1_000_000)); "reverse of empty list">:: ael [] (L.reverse []); "reverse of normal list">:: ael [7;5;3;1] (L.reverse [1;3;5;7]); "reverse of huge list">:: ael (List.range ~start:`exclusive ~stop:`inclusive ~stride:(-1) 1_000_000 0) (L.reverse (List.range 0 1_000_000)); "map of empty list">:: ael [] ( ~f:((+) 1) []); "map of normal list">:: ael [2;4;6;8] ( ~f:((+) 1) [1;3;5;7]); "map of huge list">:: ael (List.range 1 1_000_001) ( ~f:((+) 1) (List.range 0 1_000_000)); "filter of empty list">:: ael [] (L.filter ~f:is_odd []); "filter of normal list">:: ael [1;3] (L.filter ~f:is_odd [1;2;3;4]); "filter of huge list">:: ael (List.range ~stride:2 1 1_000_000) (L.filter ~f:is_odd (List.range 0 1_000_000)); "fold of empty list">:: aei 0 (L.fold ~init:0 ~f:(+) []); "fold of normal list">:: aei 7 (L.fold ~init:(-3) ~f:(+) [1;2;3;4]); "fold of huge list">:: aei (List.fold ~init:0 ~f:(+) (List.range 0 1_000_000)) (L.fold ~init:0 ~f:(+) (List.range 0 1_000_000)); "append of empty lists">:: ael [] (L.append [] []); "append of empty and non-empty list">:: ael [1;2;3;4] (L.append [] [1;2;3;4]); "append of non-empty and empty list">:: ael [1;2;3;4] (L.append [1;2;3;4] []); "append of non-empty lists">:: ael [1;2;3;4;5] (L.append [1;2;3] [4;5]); "append of huge lists">:: ael (List.range 0 2_000_000) (L.append (List.range 0 1_000_000) (List.range 1_000_000 2_000_000)); "concat of empty list of lists">:: ael [] (L.concat []); "concat of normal list of lists">:: ael [1;2;3;4;5;6] (L.concat [[1;2];[3];[];[4;5;6]]); "concat of huge list of small lists">:: ael (List.range 0 1_000_000) (L.concat ( ~f:(fun x -> [x]) (List.range 0 1_000_000))); "concat of small list of huge lists">:: ael (List.range 0 1_000_000) (L.concat ( ~f:(fun x -> List.range (x*100_000) ((x+1)*100_000)) (List.range 0 10))) ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("list-ops tests" >::: tests)