require_dependency 'application_controller' class ForumExtension < Radiant::Extension version "2.0.9" description "Nice clean forums and page comments for inclusion in your radiant site. Requires the reader extension and share_layouts." url "" extension_config do |config| config.gem "paperclip", "~> 2.3" end def activate ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, CommentableModel # provides has_comments class method that is used here by topics and pages but can be called from any model Reader.send :include, ForumReader # has topics and posts ReaderNotifier.send :include, ForumReaderNotifier # sets up post-notification email Page.send :include, ForumPage # makes commentable and reads some configuration Page.send :include, ForumTags # defines radius tags for highlighting forum content on other pages ReadersController.send :include, ForumReadersController # adds some partials and helpers to the reader pages ReaderSessionsController.send :include, ForumReaderSessionsController # changes default login destination to the forum front page unless defined? # UI is a singleton Radiant::AdminUI.send :include, ForumAdminUI Radiant::AdminUI.load_forum_extension_regions end admin.pages.edit.add :parts_bottom, "edit_commentability", :after => "edit_layout_and_type" :settings, "forum", :after => "administration" admin.reader_configuration.edit.add :form, "edit_forum", :after => "administration" if defined? RedCloth::DEFAULT_RULES RedCloth.send :include, ForumRedCloth3 RedCloth::DEFAULT_RULES.push(:smilies) else RedCloth::TextileDoc.send :include, ForumRedCloth4 end tab("Forum") do add_item 'Categories', '/admin/forum/forums' add_item 'Topics', '/admin/forum/topics' add_item 'Posts', '/admin/forum/posts' add_item 'Settings', '/admin/reader_configuration' end end end