AllCops: # Suppress complaints about post-2.0 syntax TargetRubyVersion: 2.4 # Exclude IDEA coverage output Exclude: - 'out/**/*' # Allow one line around block body (Layout/EmptyLines will still disallow two or more) Layout/EmptyLinesAroundBlockBody: Enabled: false # Allow one line around class body (Layout/EmptyLines will still disallow two or more) Layout/EmptyLinesAroundClassBody: Enabled: false # Allow one line around module body (Layout/EmptyLines will still disallow two or more) Layout/EmptyLinesAroundModuleBody: Enabled: false # Make indents consistent regardless of the lengths of variables and method names and whatnot Layout/MultilineMethodCallIndentation: EnforcedStyle: indented # Produces monsters Layout/MultilineOperationIndentation: Enabled: false # Reasonable line-length check; it's too easy for the cure to be worse than the disease Layout/LineLength: Max: 150 # Confusing and weird Naming/VariableNumber: Enabled: False # We meant to do that Naming/MemoizedInstanceVariableName: Enabled: False # It works in context, trust us Naming/MethodParameterName: Enabled: False # Do what's readable in the context you're in Style/AccessModifierDeclarations: Enabled: false # 👎 to cultural imperialism Style/AsciiComments: Enabled: false # Seriously? Style/CommentedKeyword: Enabled: False # Disable problematic module documentation check (see Style/Documentation: Enabled: false # Adding more line noise to format strings will not improve them Style/FormatStringToken: Enabled: false # Putting '# frozen_string_literal: true' everywhere does not make the world a better place Style/FrozenStringLiteralComment: Enabled: false # `foo.positive?` is cute, but it's not actually more readable than `foo > 0` Style/NumericPredicate: Enabled: false # The semantics of `foo&.bar` are a lot less interchangeable with `foo &&` than RuboCop thinks Style/SafeNavigation: Enabled: false # Requiring the lambda() method just makes wordy calls wordier Style/Lambda: EnforcedStyle: literal # Unclear why it's a good idea to give parameters semantically meaningless names Style/SingleLineBlockParams: Enabled: false