# Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. autoload :Net, 'net/ssh' require 'fileutils' require 'json' require 'stringio' require 'securerandom' require 'timeout' require 'mu/mommacat/storage' require 'mu/mommacat/daemon' require 'mu/mommacat/naming' module MU # MommaCat is in charge of managing metadata about resources we've created, # as well as orchestrating amongst them and bootstrapping nodes outside of # the normal synchronous deploy sequence invoked by *mu-deploy*. class MommaCat # An exception denoting a failure in MommaCat#fetchSecret and related methods class SecretError < MuError; end # Failure to load or create a deploy class DeployInitializeError < MuError; end # Failure to groom a node class GroomError < MuError; end @@litters = {} @@litters_loadtime = {} @@litter_semaphore = Mutex.new # Update the in-memory cache of a given deploy. This is intended for use by # {#save!}, primarily. # @param deploy_id [String] # @param litter [MU::MommaCat] def self.updateLitter(deploy_id, litter) return if litter.nil? @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { @@litters[deploy_id] = litter @@litters_loadtime[deploy_id] = Time.now } end attr_reader :initializing attr_reader :public_key attr_reader :deploy_secret attr_reader :deployment attr_reader :original_config attr_reader :environment attr_reader :ssh_key_name attr_reader :ssh_public_key attr_reader :nocleanup attr_reader :deploy_id attr_reader :timestamp attr_reader :appname attr_reader :handle attr_reader :seed attr_reader :mu_user attr_reader :clouds attr_reader :chef_user attr_reader :no_artifacts attr_accessor :kittens # really want a method only available to :Deploy @nocleanup = false @@deploy_struct_semaphore = Mutex.new # Don't let things that modify the deploy struct Hash step on each other. # @return [Mutex] def self.deploy_struct_semaphore; @@deploy_struct_semaphore end # Set the current threads' context (some knucklehead global variables) to # values pertinent to the given deployment object. # @param deploy [MU::MommaCat]: A deployment object def self.setThreadContext(deploy) raise MuError, "Didn't get a MU::MommaCat object in setThreadContext" if !deploy.is_a?(MU::MommaCat) if !deploy.mu_user.nil? MU.setVar("chef_user", deploy.chef_user) if deploy.mu_user != "mu" and deploy.mu_user != "root" MU.setVar("dataDir", Etc.getpwnam(deploy.mu_user).dir+"/.mu/var") MU.setVar("mu_user", deploy.mu_user) else MU.setVar("dataDir", MU.mainDataDir) MU.setVar("mu_user", "root") end end MU.setVar("mommacat", deploy) MU.setVar("deploy_id", deploy.deploy_id) MU.setVar("appname", deploy.appname) MU.setVar("environment", deploy.environment) MU.setVar("timestamp", deploy.timestamp) MU.setVar("seed", deploy.seed) MU.setVar("handle", deploy.handle) end # @param deploy_id [String]: The MU identifier of the deployment to load or create. # @param create [Boolean]: Create a new deployment instead of searching for an existing one. # @param deploy_secret [String]: A secret encrypted by the private key of a deployment we're loading. Used to validate remote requests to bootstrap into this deployment. # @param config [Hash]: The full configuration, parsed by {MU::Config}, of this deployment. Required when creating a new deployment. # @param environment [String]: The environment of a deployment to create. # @param ssh_key_name [String]: Required when creating a new deployment. # @param ssh_private_key [String]: Required when creating a new deployment. # @param ssh_public_key [String]: SSH public key for authorized_hosts on clients. # @param skip_resource_objects [Boolean]: Whether preload the cloud resource objects from this deploy. Can save load time for simple MommaCat tasks. # @param nocleanup [Boolean]: Skip automatic cleanup of failed resources # @param no_artifacts [Boolean]: Do not save deploy metadata # @param deployment_data [Hash]: Known deployment data. # @return [void] def initialize(deploy_id, create: false, deploy_secret: nil, config: nil, environment: "dev", ssh_key_name: nil, ssh_private_key: nil, ssh_public_key: nil, nocleanup: false, appname: nil, timestamp: nil, set_context_to_me: true, skip_resource_objects: false, no_artifacts: false, deployment_data: {}, delay_descriptor_load: false, mu_user: Etc.getpwuid(Process.uid).name ) if deploy_id.nil? or deploy_id.empty? raise DeployInitializeError, "MommaCat objects must specify a deploy_id" end set_context_to_me = true if create @initializing = true @deploy_id = deploy_id @mu_user = mu_user.dup @no_artifacts = no_artifacts # Make sure mu_user and chef_user are sane. if @mu_user == "root" @chef_user = "mu" else @chef_user = @mu_user.dup.gsub(/\./, "") @mu_user = "root" if @mu_user == "mu" end @kitten_semaphore = Mutex.new @kittens = {} @original_config = MU::Config.manxify(config) @nocleanup = nocleanup @secret_semaphore = Mutex.new @notify_semaphore = Mutex.new @need_deploy_flush = false @node_cert_semaphore = Mutex.new @deployment = deployment_data @deployment['mu_public_ip'] = MU.mu_public_ip @private_key = nil @public_key = nil @secrets = Hash.new @secrets['instance_secret'] = Hash.new @ssh_key_name = ssh_key_name @ssh_private_key = ssh_private_key @ssh_public_key = ssh_public_key @clouds = {} @seed = MU.seed # pass this in @handle = MU.handle # pass this in @appname = appname @appname ||= @original_config['name'] if @original_config @timestamp = timestamp @environment = environment if set_context_to_me MU::MommaCat.setThreadContext(self) end if create and !@no_artifacts if !Dir.exist?(MU.dataDir+"/deployments") MU.log "Creating #{MU.dataDir}/deployments", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(MU.dataDir+"/deployments", 0700) end path = File.expand_path(MU.dataDir+"/deployments")+"/"+@deploy_id if !Dir.exist?(path) MU.log "Creating #{path}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(path, 0700) end if @original_config.nil? or !@original_config.is_a?(Hash) raise DeployInitializeError, "New MommaCat repository requires config hash" end credsets = {} MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| if !@original_config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].nil? and @original_config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].size > 0 @original_config[attrs[:cfg_plural]].each { |resource| credsets[resource['cloud']] ||= [] credsets[resource['cloud']] << resource['credentials'] @clouds[resource['cloud']] = 0 if !@clouds.has_key?(resource['cloud']) @clouds[resource['cloud']] = @clouds[resource['cloud']] + 1 } end } @ssh_key_name, @ssh_private_key, @ssh_public_key = self.SSHKey if !File.exist?(deploy_dir+"/private_key") @private_key, @public_key = createDeployKey end MU.log "Creating deploy secret for #{MU.deploy_id}" @deploy_secret = Password.random(256) if !@original_config['scrub_mu_isms'] and !@no_artifacts credsets.each_pair { |cloud, creds| creds.uniq! cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(cloud) creds.each { |credentials| cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, @deploy_secret, credentials: credentials) } } end if set_context_to_me MU::MommaCat.setThreadContext(self) end save! end @appname ||= MU.appname @timestamp ||= MU.timestamp @environment ||= MU.environment loadDeploy(set_context_to_me: set_context_to_me) if !deploy_secret.nil? if !authKey(deploy_secret) raise DeployInitializeError, "Client request did not include a valid deploy authorization secret. Verify that userdata runs correctly?" end end @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { @@litters[@deploy_id] ||= self } # Initialize a MU::Cloud object for each resource belonging to this # deploy, IF it already exists, which is to say if we're loading an # existing deploy instead of creating a new one. if !create and @deployment and @original_config and !skip_resource_objects MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |res_type, attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @deployment.has_key?(type) @deployment[type].each_pair { |res_name, data| orig_cfg = nil if @original_config.has_key?(type) @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource["name"] == res_name orig_cfg = resource break end } end # Some Server objects originated from ServerPools, get their # configs from there if type == "servers" and orig_cfg.nil? and @original_config.has_key?("server_pools") @original_config["server_pools"].each { |resource| if resource["name"] == res_name orig_cfg = resource break end } end if orig_cfg.nil? MU.log "Failed to locate original config for #{attrs[:cfg_name]} #{res_name} in #{@deploy_id}", MU::WARN if !["firewall_rules", "databases", "storage_pools", "cache_clusters", "alarms"].include?(type) # XXX shaddap next end if orig_cfg['vpc'] and orig_cfg['vpc'].is_a?(Hash) ref = if orig_cfg['vpc']['id'] and orig_cfg['vpc']['id'].is_a?(Hash) orig_cfg['vpc']['id']['mommacat'] = self MU::Config::Ref.get(orig_cfg['vpc']['id']) else orig_cfg['vpc']['mommacat'] = self MU::Config::Ref.get(orig_cfg['vpc']) end orig_cfg['vpc'].delete('mommacat') orig_cfg['vpc'] = ref if ref.kitten(shallow: true) end begin # Load up MU::Cloud objects for all our kittens in this deploy orig_cfg['environment'] = @environment # not always set in old deploys if attrs[:has_multiples] data.keys.each { |mu_name| attrs[:interface].new(mommacat: self, kitten_cfg: orig_cfg, mu_name: mu_name, delay_descriptor_load: delay_descriptor_load) } else # XXX hack for old deployments, this can go away some day if data['mu_name'].nil? or data['mu_name'].empty? if res_type.to_s == "LoadBalancer" and !data['awsname'].nil? data['mu_name'] = data['awsname'].dup elsif res_type.to_s == "FirewallRule" and !data['group_name'].nil? data['mu_name'] = data['group_name'].dup elsif res_type.to_s == "Database" and !data['identifier'].nil? data['mu_name'] = data['identifier'].dup.upcase elsif res_type.to_s == "VPC" # VPC names are deterministic, just generate the things data['mu_name'] = getResourceName(data['name']) end end if data['mu_name'].nil? raise MuError, "Unable to find or guess a Mu name for #{res_type}: #{res_name} in #{@deploy_id}" end attrs[:interface].new(mommacat: self, kitten_cfg: orig_cfg, mu_name: data['mu_name'], cloud_id: data['cloud_id']) end rescue StandardError => e if e.class != MU::Cloud::MuCloudResourceNotImplemented MU.log "Failed to load an existing resource of type '#{type}' in #{@deploy_id}: #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN, details: e.backtrace end end } end } end @initializing = false # XXX this .owned? method may get changed by the Ruby maintainers # if !@@litter_semaphore.owned? end # end of initialize() # List all the cloud providers declared by resources in our deploy. def cloudsUsed seen = [] seen << @original_config['cloud'] if @original_config['cloud'] MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config[type] @original_config[type].each { |resource| seen << resource['cloud'] if resource['cloud'] } end } seen.uniq end # Assay this deployment for a list of credentials (from mu.yaml) which are # used. Our Cleanup module can leverage this to skip unnecessary checks. # @return [Array] def credsUsed return [] if !@original_config seen = [] # clouds = [] seen << @original_config['credentials'] if @original_config['credentials'] # defaultcloud = @original_config['cloud'] MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config[type] @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource['credentials'] seen << resource['credentials'] else cloudclass = if @original_config['cloud'] Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(@original_config['cloud']) else Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(MU::Config.defaultCloud) end seen << cloudclass.credConfig(name_only: true) end } end } # XXX insert default for each cloud provider if not explicitly seen seen.uniq end # List the accounts/projects/subscriptions used by each resource in our # deploy. # @return [Array] def habitatsUsed return [] if !@original_config habitats = [] habitats << @original_config['project'] if @original_config['project'] if @original_config['habitat'] hab_ref = MU::Config::Ref.get(@original_config['habitat']) if hab_ref and hab_ref.id habitats << hab_ref.id end end MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config[type] @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource['project'] habitats << resource['project'] elsif resource['habitat'] hab_ref = MU::Config::Ref.get(resource['habitat']) if hab_ref and hab_ref.id habitats << hab_ref.id end elsif resource['cloud'] cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource['cloud']) # XXX this should be a general method implemented by each cloud # provider if resource['cloud'] == "Google" habitats << cloudclass.defaultProject(resource['credentials']) end end } end } habitats.uniq! end # List the regions used by each resource in our deploy. This will just be # a flat list of strings with no regard to which region belongs with what # cloud provider- things mostly use this as a lookup table so they can # safely skip unnecessary regions when creating/cleaning deploy artifacts. # @return [Array] def regionsUsed return [] if !@original_config regions = [] regions << @original_config['region'] if @original_config['region'] MU::Cloud.resource_types.each_pair { |res_type, attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] if @original_config[type] @original_config[type].each { |resource| if resource['cloud'] cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource['cloud']) resclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource['cloud']).const_get(res_type.to_s) if resclass.isGlobal? # XXX why was I doing this, urgh next elsif !resource['region'] regions << cloudclass.myRegion end end if resource['region'] regions << resource['region'] if resource['region'] else end } end } regions.uniq end # Tell us the number of first-class resources we've configured, optionally # filtering results to only include a given type and/or in a given cloud # environment. # @param clouds [Array]: The cloud environment(s) to check for. If unspecified, will match all environments in this deployment. # @param types [Array]: The type of resource(s) to check for. If unspecified, will match all resources in this deployment. # @param negate [Boolean]: Invert logic of the other filters if they are specified, e.g. search for all cloud resources that are *not* AWS. def numKittens(clouds: [], types: [], negate: false) realtypes = [] return 0 if @original_config.nil? if !types.nil? and types.size > 0 types.each { |type| cfg_plural = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type)[2] realtypes << cfg_plural } end count = 0 MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |data| next if @original_config[data[:cfg_plural]].nil? next if realtypes.size > 0 and (!negate and !realtypes.include?(data[:cfg_plural])) @original_config[data[:cfg_plural]].each { |resource| if clouds.nil? or clouds.size == 0 or (!negate and clouds.include?(resource["cloud"])) or (negate and !clouds.include?(resource["cloud"])) count = count + 1 end } } count end # @param object [MU::Cloud]: def removeKitten(object) if !object raise MuError, "Nil arguments to removeKitten are not allowed" end @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { MU::Cloud.resource_types.values.each { |attrs| type = attrs[:cfg_plural] next if !@kittens.has_key?(type) tmplitter = @kittens[type].values.dup tmplitter.each { |nodeclass, data| if data.is_a?(Hash) data.keys.each { |mu_name| if data == object @kittens[type][nodeclass].delete(mu_name) return end } else if data == object @kittens[type].delete(nodeclass) return end end } } } @kittens end # Keep tabs on a {MU::Cloud} object so that it can be found easily by # #findLitterMate. # @param type [String]: # @param name [String]: # @param object [MU::Cloud]: def addKitten(type, name, object) if !type or !name or !object or !object.mu_name raise MuError, "Nil arguments to addKitten are not allowed (got type: #{type}, name: #{name}, and '#{object}' to add)" end _shortclass, _cfg_name, type, _classname, attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) has_multiples = attrs[:has_multiples] object.intoDeploy(self) @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { @kittens[type] ||= {} @kittens[type][object.habitat] ||= {} if has_multiples @kittens[type][object.habitat][name] ||= {} @kittens[type][object.habitat][name][object.mu_name] = object else @kittens[type][object.habitat][name] = object end } end # Encrypt a string with the deployment's public key. # @param ciphertext [String]: The string to encrypt def encryptWithDeployKey(ciphertext) my_public_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@public_key) return my_public_key.public_encrypt(ciphertext) end # Decrypt a string with the deployment's private key. # @param ciphertext [String]: The string to decrypt def decryptWithDeployKey(ciphertext) my_private_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(@private_key) return my_private_key.private_decrypt(ciphertext) end # Save a string into deployment metadata for the current deployment, # encrypting it with our deploy key. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud instance identifier with which this secret is associated. # @param raw_secret [String]: The unencrypted string to store. # @param type [String]: The type of secret, used to identify for retrieval. def saveNodeSecret(instance_id, raw_secret, type) return if @no_artifacts if instance_id.nil? or instance_id.empty? or raw_secret.nil? or raw_secret.empty? or type.nil? or type.empty? raise SecretError, "saveNodeSecret requires instance_id (#{instance_id}), raw_secret (#{raw_secret}), and type (#{type}) args" end MU::MommaCat.lock("deployment-notification") loadDeploy(true) # make sure we're not trampling deployment data @secret_semaphore.synchronize { if @secrets[type].nil? raise SecretError, "'#{type}' is not a valid secret type (valid types: #{@secrets.keys.to_s})" end @secrets[type][instance_id] = encryptWithDeployKey(raw_secret) } save! MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") end # Retrieve an encrypted secret from metadata for the current deployment. # @param instance_id [String]: The cloud instance identifier with which this secret is associated. # @param type [String]: The type of secret, used to identify for retrieval. # @param quiet [Boolean]: Do not log errors for non-existent secrets def fetchSecret(instance_id, type, quiet: false) @secret_semaphore.synchronize { if @secrets[type].nil? return nil if quiet raise SecretError, "'#{type}' is not a valid secret type (valid types: #{@secrets.keys.to_s})" end if @secrets[type][instance_id].nil? return nil if quiet raise SecretError, "No '#{type}' secret known for instance #{instance_id}" end } return decryptWithDeployKey(@secrets[type][instance_id]) end # Return the parts and pieces of this deploy's node ssh key set. Generate # or load if that hasn't been done already. def SSHKey return [@ssh_key_name, @ssh_private_key, @ssh_public_key] if !@ssh_key_name.nil? if numKittens(types: ["Server", "ServerPool", "ContainerCluster"]) == 0 return [] end @ssh_key_name="deploy-#{MU.deploy_id}" ssh_dir = Etc.getpwnam(@mu_user).dir+"/.ssh" if !File.directory?(ssh_dir) then MU.log "Creating #{ssh_dir}", MU::DEBUG Dir.mkdir(ssh_dir, 0700) if Process.uid == 0 and @mu_user != "mu" FileUtils.chown Etc.getpwnam(@mu_user).uid, Etc.getpwnam(@mu_user).gid, ssh_dir end end if !File.exist?("#{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}") MU.log "Generating SSH key #{@ssh_key_name}" %x{/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -N "" -f #{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}} end @ssh_public_key = File.read("#{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}.pub") @ssh_public_key.chomp! @ssh_private_key = File.read("#{ssh_dir}/#{@ssh_key_name}") @ssh_private_key.chomp! if numKittens(clouds: ["AWS"], types: ["Server", "ServerPool", "ContainerCluster"]) > 0 creds_used = [] ["servers", "server_pools", "container_clusters"].each { |type| next if @original_config[type].nil? @original_config[type].each { |descriptor| next if descriptor['cloud'] != "AWS" if descriptor['credentials'] creds_used << descriptor['credentials'] else creds_used << MU::Cloud::AWS.credConfig(name_only: true) end } } creds_used << nil if creds_used.empty? creds_used.uniq.each { |credset| MU::Cloud::AWS.createEc2SSHKey(@ssh_key_name, @ssh_public_key, credentials: credset) } end return [@ssh_key_name, @ssh_private_key, @ssh_public_key] end @@dummy_cache = {} # Locate a resource that's either a member of another deployment, or of no # deployment at all, and return a {MU::Cloud} object for it. # @param cloud [String]: The Cloud provider to use. # @param type [String]: The resource type. Can be the full class name, symbolic name, or Basket of Kittens configuration shorthand for the resource type. # @param deploy_id [String]: The identifier of an outside deploy to search. # @param name [String]: The name of the resource as defined in its 'name' Basket of Kittens field, typically used in conjunction with deploy_id. # @param mu_name [String]: The fully-resolved and deployed name of the resource, typically used in conjunction with deploy_id. # @param cloud_id [String]: A cloud provider identifier for this resource. # @param region [String]: The cloud provider region # @param tag_key [String]: A cloud provider tag to help identify the resource, used in conjunction with tag_value. # @param tag_value [String]: A cloud provider tag to help identify the resource, used in conjunction with tag_key. # @param allow_multi [Boolean]: Permit an array of matching resources to be returned (if applicable) instead of just one. # @param dummy_ok [Boolean]: Permit return of a faked {MU::Cloud} object if we don't have enough information to identify a real live one. # @param flags [Hash]: Other cloud or resource type specific options to pass to that resource's find() method # @return [Array] def self.findStray( cloud, type, deploy_id: nil, name: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil, credentials: nil, region: nil, tag_key: nil, tag_value: nil, allow_multi: false, calling_deploy: MU.mommacat, flags: {}, habitats: [], dummy_ok: false, debug: false, no_deploy_search: false ) start = Time.now callstr = "findStray(cloud: #{cloud}, type: #{type}, deploy_id: #{deploy_id}, calling_deploy: #{calling_deploy.deploy_id if !calling_deploy.nil?}, name: #{name}, cloud_id: #{cloud_id}, tag_key: #{tag_key}, tag_value: #{tag_value}, credentials: #{credentials}, habitats: #{habitats ? habitats.to_s : "[]"}, dummy_ok: #{dummy_ok.to_s}, flags: #{flags.to_s}) from #{caller[0]}" # callstack = caller.dup return nil if cloud == "CloudFormation" and !cloud_id.nil? shortclass, _cfg_name, cfg_plural, classname, _attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) if !MU::Cloud.supportedClouds.include?(cloud) or shortclass.nil? MU.log "findStray was called with bogus cloud argument '#{cloud}'", MU::WARN, details: callstr return nil end begin # TODO this is dumb as hell, clean this up.. and while we're at it # .dup everything so we don't mangle referenced values from the caller deploy_id = deploy_id.to_s if deploy_id.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" name = name.to_s if name.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" cloud_id = cloud_id.to_s if !cloud_id.nil? mu_name = mu_name.to_s if mu_name.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" tag_key = tag_key.to_s if tag_key.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" tag_value = tag_value.to_s if tag_value.class.to_s == "MU::Config::Tail" type = cfg_plural resourceclass = MU::Cloud.loadCloudType(cloud, shortclass) cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(cloud) credlist = if credentials [credentials] else cloudclass.listCredentials end if (tag_key and !tag_value) or (!tag_key and tag_value) raise MuError, "Can't call findStray with only one of tag_key and tag_value set, must be both or neither" end # Help ourselves by making more refined parameters out of mu_name, if # they weren't passed explicitly if mu_name if !tag_key and !tag_value # XXX "Name" is an AWS-ism, perhaps those plugins should do this bit? tag_key="Name" tag_value=mu_name end # We can extract a deploy_id from mu_name if we don't have one already if !deploy_id and mu_name deploy_id = mu_name.sub(/^(\w+-\w+-\d{10}-[A-Z]{2})-/, '\1') end end loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG MU.log callstr, loglevel, details: caller # See if the thing we're looking for is a member of the deploy that's # asking after it. if !deploy_id.nil? and !calling_deploy.nil? and calling_deploy.deploy_id == deploy_id and (!name.nil? or !mu_name.nil?) handle = calling_deploy.findLitterMate(type: type, name: name, mu_name: mu_name, cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials) return [handle] if !handle.nil? end kittens = {} # Search our other deploys for matching resources if !no_deploy_search and (deploy_id or name or mu_name or cloud_id) MU.log "findStray: searching my deployments (#{cfg_plural}, name: #{name}, deploy_id: #{deploy_id}, mu_name: #{mu_name}) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel # Check our in-memory cache of live deploys before resorting to # metadata littercache = nil # Sometimes we're called inside a locked thread, sometimes not. Deal # with locking gracefully. begin @@litter_semaphore.synchronize { littercache = @@litters.dup } rescue ThreadError => e raise e if !e.message.match(/recursive locking/) littercache = @@litters.dup end littercache.each_pair { |cur_deploy, momma| next if deploy_id and deploy_id != cur_deploy straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, cloud_id: cloud_id, name: name, mu_name: mu_name, credentials: credentials, created_only: true) if straykitten MU.log "Found matching kitten #{straykitten.mu_name} in-memory - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel # Peace out if we found the exact resource we want if cloud_id and straykitten.cloud_id.to_s == cloud_id.to_s return [straykitten] elsif mu_name and straykitten.mu_name == mu_name return [straykitten] else kittens[straykitten.cloud_id] ||= straykitten end end } mu_descs = MU::MommaCat.getResourceMetadata(cfg_plural, name: name, deploy_id: deploy_id, mu_name: mu_name) MU.log "findStray: #{mu_descs.size.to_s} deploys had matches - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel mu_descs.each_pair { |cur_deploy_id, matches| MU.log "findStray: #{cur_deploy_id} had #{matches.size.to_s} initial matches - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel next if matches.nil? or matches.size == 0 momma = MU::MommaCat.getLitter(cur_deploy_id) straykitten = nil # If we found exactly one match in this deploy, use its metadata to # guess at resource names we weren't told. if matches.size > 1 and cloud_id MU.log "findStray: attempting to narrow down multiple matches with cloud_id #{cloud_id} - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials, created_only: true) elsif matches.size == 1 and name.nil? and mu_name.nil? if cloud_id.nil? straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: matches.first["name"], cloud_id: matches.first["cloud_id"], credentials: credentials) else MU.log "findStray: fetching single match with cloud_id #{cloud_id} - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: matches.first["name"], cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials) end # elsif !flags.nil? and !flags.empty? # XXX eh, maybe later # # see if we can narrow it down further with some flags # filtered = [] # matches.each { |m| # f = resourceclass.find(cloud_id: m['mu_name'], flags: flags) # filtered << m if !f.nil? and f.size > 0 # MU.log "RESULT FROM find(cloud_id: #{m['mu_name']}, flags: #{flags})", MU::WARN, details: f # } # if filtered.size == 1 # straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: matches.first["name"], cloud_id: filtered.first['cloud_id']) # end else # There's more than one of this type of resource in the target # deploy, so see if findLitterMate can narrow it down for us straykitten = momma.findLitterMate(type: type, name: name, mu_name: mu_name, cloud_id: cloud_id, credentials: credentials) end next if straykitten.nil? straykitten.intoDeploy(momma) if straykitten.cloud_id.nil? MU.log "findStray: kitten #{straykitten.mu_name} came back with nil cloud_id", MU::WARN next end kittens[straykitten.cloud_id] ||= straykitten # Peace out if we found the exact resource we want if cloud_id and straykitten.cloud_id.to_s == cloud_id.to_s return [straykitten] # ...or if we've validated our one possible match elsif !cloud_id and mu_descs.size == 1 and matches.size == 1 return [straykitten] elsif credentials and credlist.size == 1 and straykitten.credentials == credentials return [straykitten] end } # if !mu_descs.nil? and mu_descs.size > 0 and !deploy_id.nil? and !deploy_id.empty? and !mu_descs.first.empty? # MU.log "I found descriptions that might match #{resourceclass.cfg_plural} name: #{name}, deploy_id: #{deploy_id}, mu_name: #{mu_name}, but couldn't isolate my target kitten", MU::WARN, details: caller # puts File.read(deploy_dir(deploy_id)+"/deployment.json") # end # We can't refine any further by asking the cloud provider... if !cloud_id and !tag_key and !tag_value and kittens.size > 1 if !allow_multi raise MuError, "Multiple matches in MU::MommaCat.findStray where none allowed from deploy_id: '#{deploy_id}', name: '#{name}', mu_name: '#{mu_name}' (#{caller[0]})" else return kittens.values end end end matches = [] found_the_thing = false credlist.each { |creds| break if found_the_thing if cloud_id or (tag_key and tag_value) or !flags.empty? or allow_multi regions = begin region ? [region] : cloudclass.listRegions(credentials: creds) rescue NoMethodError # Not all cloud providers have regions [nil] end # ..not all resource types care about regions either if resourceclass.isGlobal? regions = [nil] end # Decide what habitats (accounts/projects/subscriptions) we'll # search, if applicable for this resource type. habitats ||= [] begin if flags["project"] # backwards-compat habitats << flags["project"] end if habitats.empty? if resourceclass.canLiveIn.include?(nil) habitats << nil end if resourceclass.canLiveIn.include?(:Habitat) habitats.concat(cloudclass.listProjects(creds)) end end rescue NoMethodError # we only expect this to work on Google atm end if habitats.empty? habitats << nil end habitats.uniq! habitat_threads = [] desc_semaphore = Mutex.new cloud_descs = {} habitats.each { |hab| begin habitat_threads.each { |t| t.join(0.1) } habitat_threads.reject! { |t| t.nil? or !t.status } sleep 1 if habitat_threads.size > 5 end while habitat_threads.size > 5 habitat_threads << Thread.new(hab) { |p| MU.log "findStray: Searching #{p} (#{habitat_threads.size.to_s} habitat threads running) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel cloud_descs[p] = {} region_threads = [] regions.each { |reg| region_threads << Thread.new(reg) { |r| MU.log "findStray: Searching #{r} in #{p} (#{region_threads.size.to_s} region threads running) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel MU.log "findStray: calling #{classname}.find(cloud_id: #{cloud_id}, region: #{r}, tag_key: #{tag_key}, tag_value: #{tag_value}, flags: #{flags}, credentials: #{creds}, project: #{p}) - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel found = resourceclass.find(cloud_id: cloud_id, region: r, tag_key: tag_key, tag_value: tag_value, flags: flags, credentials: creds, habitat: p) MU.log "findStray: #{found ? found.size.to_s : "nil"} results - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel if found desc_semaphore.synchronize { cloud_descs[p][r] = found } end # Stop if you found the thing by a specific cloud_id if cloud_id and found and !found.empty? found_the_thing = true Thread.exit end } } begin region_threads.each { |t| t.join(0.1) } region_threads.reject! { |t| t.nil? or !t.status } if region_threads.size > 0 MU.log "#{region_threads.size.to_s} regions still running in #{p}", loglevel sleep 3 end end while region_threads.size > 0 } } begin habitat_threads.each { |t| t.join(0.1) } habitat_threads.reject! { |t| t.nil? or !t.status } if habitat_threads.size > 0 MU.log "#{habitat_threads.size.to_s} habitats still running", loglevel sleep 3 end end while habitat_threads.size > 0 habitat_threads = [] habitats.each { |hab| habitat_threads << Thread.new(hab) { |p| region_threads = [] regions.each { |reg| region_threads << Thread.new(reg) { |r| next if cloud_descs[p][r].nil? cloud_descs[p][r].each_pair { |kitten_cloud_id, descriptor| # We already have a MU::Cloud object for this guy, use it if kittens.has_key?(kitten_cloud_id) desc_semaphore.synchronize { matches << kittens[kitten_cloud_id] } elsif kittens.size == 0 if !dummy_ok next end # If we don't have a MU::Cloud object, manufacture a dummy # one. Give it a fake name if we have to and have decided # that's ok. Wild inferences from the cloud descriptor are # ok to try here. use_name = if (name.nil? or name.empty?) if !dummy_ok nil elsif !mu_name.nil? mu_name else try = nil [:display_name, :name, (resourceclass.cfg_name+"_name").to_sym].each { |field| if descriptor.respond_to?(field) and descriptor.send(field).is_a?(String) try = descriptor.send(field) break end } try ||= if !tag_value.nil? tag_value else kitten_cloud_id end try end else name end if use_name.nil? MU.log "Found cloud provider data for #{cloud} #{type} #{kitten_cloud_id}, but without a name I can't manufacture a proper #{type} object to return - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel, details: caller next end cfg = { "name" => use_name, "cloud" => cloud, "credentials" => creds } if !r.nil? and !resourceclass.isGlobal? cfg["region"] = r end if !p.nil? and resourceclass.canLiveIn.include?(:Habitat) cfg["project"] = p end # If we can at least find the config from the deploy this will # belong with, use that, even if it's an ungroomed resource. if !calling_deploy.nil? and !calling_deploy.original_config.nil? and !calling_deploy.original_config[type+"s"].nil? calling_deploy.original_config[type+"s"].each { |s| if s["name"] == use_name cfg = s.dup break end } newkitten = resourceclass.new(mommacat: calling_deploy, kitten_cfg: cfg, cloud_id: kitten_cloud_id) desc_semaphore.synchronize { matches << newkitten } else if !@@dummy_cache[cfg_plural] or !@@dummy_cache[cfg_plural][cfg.to_s] MU.log "findStray: Generating dummy '#{resourceclass.to_s}' cloudobj with name: #{use_name}, cloud_id: #{kitten_cloud_id.to_s} - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel, details: cfg resourceclass.new(mu_name: use_name, kitten_cfg: cfg, cloud_id: kitten_cloud_id.to_s, from_cloud_desc: descriptor) desc_semaphore.synchronize { @@dummy_cache[cfg_plural] ||= {} @@dummy_cache[cfg_plural][cfg.to_s] = resourceclass.new(mu_name: use_name, kitten_cfg: cfg, cloud_id: kitten_cloud_id.to_s, from_cloud_desc: descriptor) MU.log "findStray: Finished generating dummy '#{resourceclass.to_s}' cloudobj - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel } end desc_semaphore.synchronize { matches << @@dummy_cache[cfg_plural][cfg.to_s] } end end } } } MU.log "findStray: tying up #{region_threads.size.to_s} region threads - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel region_threads.each { |t| t.join } } } MU.log "findStray: tying up #{habitat_threads.size.to_s} habitat threads - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel habitat_threads.each { |t| t.join } end } rescue StandardError => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::ERR, details: e.backtrace end MU.log "findStray: returning #{matches ? matches.size.to_s : "0"} matches - #{sprintf("%.2fs", (Time.now-start))}", loglevel matches end # Return the resource object of another member of this deployment # @param type [String,Symbol]: The type of resource # @param name [String]: The name of the resource as defined in its 'name' Basket of Kittens field # @param mu_name [String]: The fully-resolved and deployed name of the resource # @param cloud_id [String]: The cloud provider's unique identifier for this resource # @param created_only [Boolean]: Only return the littermate if its cloud_id method returns a value # @param return_all [Boolean]: Return a Hash of matching objects indexed by their mu_name, instead of a single match. Only valid for resource types where has_multiples is true. # @return [MU::Cloud] def findLitterMate(type: nil, name: nil, mu_name: nil, cloud_id: nil, created_only: false, return_all: false, credentials: nil, habitat: nil, debug: false, indent: "") shortclass, cfg_name, cfg_plural, classname, attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) type = cfg_plural has_multiples = attrs[:has_multiples] loglevel = debug ? MU::NOTICE : MU::DEBUG argstring = [:type, :name, :mu_name, :cloud_id, :created_only, :credentials, :habitat, :has_multiples].reject { |a| binding.local_variable_get(a).nil? }.map { |v| v.to_s+": "+binding.local_variable_get(v).to_s }.join(", ") # Fun times: if we specified a habitat, which we may also have done by # its shorthand sibling name, let's... call ourselves first to make sure # we're fishing for the right thing. if habitat if habitat.is_a?(MU::Config::Ref) and habitat.id habitat = habitat.id else MU.log indent+"findLitterMate(#{argstring}): Attempting to resolve habitat name #{habitat}", loglevel realhabitat = findLitterMate(type: "habitat", name: habitat, debug: debug, credentials: credentials, indent: indent+" ") if realhabitat and realhabitat.mu_name MU.log indent+"findLitterMate: Resolved habitat name #{habitat} to #{realhabitat.mu_name}", loglevel, details: [realhabitat.mu_name, realhabitat.cloud_id, realhabitat.config.keys] habitat = realhabitat.cloud_id elsif debug MU.log indent+"findLitterMate(#{argstring}): Failed to resolve habitat name #{habitat}", MU::WARN end end end @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { if !@kittens.has_key?(type) if debug MU.log indent+"NO SUCH KEY #{type} findLitterMate(#{argstring})", MU::WARN, details: @kittens.keys end return nil end MU.log indent+"START findLitterMate(#{argstring}), caller: #{caller[2]}", loglevel, details: @kittens[type].keys.map { |hab| hab.to_s+": "+@kittens[type][hab].keys.join(", ") } matches = [] @kittens[type].each { |habitat_group, sib_classes| next if habitat and habitat_group != habitat and !habitat_group.nil? sib_classes.each_pair { |sib_class, data| virtual_name = nil if !has_multiples and data and !data.is_a?(Hash) and data.config and data.config.is_a?(Hash) and data.config['virtual_name'] and name == data.config['virtual_name'] virtual_name = data.config['virtual_name'] elsif !name.nil? and name != sib_class next end if has_multiples if !name.nil? if return_all MU.log indent+"MULTI-MATCH RETURN_ALL findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: data.keys return data.dup end if data.size == 1 and (cloud_id.nil? or data.values.first.cloud_id == cloud_id) return data.values.first elsif mu_name.nil? and cloud_id.nil? MU.log indent+"#{@deploy_id}: Found multiple matches in findLitterMate based on #{type}: #{name}, and not enough info to narrow down further. Returning an arbitrary result. Caller: #{caller[2]}", MU::WARN, details: data.keys return data.values.first end end data.each_pair { |sib_mu_name, obj| if (!mu_name.nil? and mu_name == sib_mu_name) or (!cloud_id.nil? and cloud_id == obj.cloud_id) or (!credentials.nil? and credentials == obj.credentials) if !created_only or !obj.cloud_id.nil? if return_all MU.log indent+"MULTI-MATCH RETURN_ALL findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: data.keys return data.dup else MU.log indent+"MULTI-MATCH findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: data.keys return obj end end end } else MU.log indent+"CHECKING AGAINST findLitterMate #{habitat_group}/#{type}/#{sib_class} data.cloud_id: #{data.cloud_id}, data.credentials: #{data.credentials}, sib_class: #{sib_class}, virtual_name: #{virtual_name}", loglevel, details: argstring data_cloud_id = data.cloud_id.nil? ? nil : data.cloud_id.to_s MU.log indent+"(name.nil? or sib_class == name or virtual_name == name)", loglevel, details: (name.nil? or sib_class == name or virtual_name == name).to_s MU.log indent+"(cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id[#{cloud_id.class.name}:#{cloud_id.to_s}] == data_cloud_id[#{data_cloud_id.class.name}:#{data_cloud_id}])", loglevel, details: (cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id == data_cloud_id).to_s MU.log indent+"(credentials.nil? or data.credentials.nil? or credentials[#{credentials.class.name}:#{credentials}] == data.credentials[#{data.credentials.class.name}:#{data.credentials}])", loglevel, details: (credentials.nil? or data.credentials.nil? or credentials == data.credentials).to_s if (name.nil? or sib_class == name.to_s or virtual_name == name.to_s) and (cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id.to_s == data_cloud_id) and (credentials.nil? or data.credentials.nil? or credentials.to_s == data.credentials.to_s) MU.log indent+"OUTER MATCH PASSED, NEED !created_only (#{created_only.to_s}) or !data_cloud_id.nil? (#{data_cloud_id})", loglevel, details: (cloud_id.nil? or cloud_id == data_cloud_id).to_s if !created_only or !data_cloud_id.nil? MU.log indent+"SINGLE MATCH findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel, details: [data.mu_name, data_cloud_id, data.config.keys] matches << data end end end } } return matches.first if matches.size == 1 if return_all and matches.size > 1 return matches end } MU.log indent+"NO MATCH findLitterMate(#{argstring})", loglevel return nil end # Add or remove a resource's metadata to this deployment's structure and # flush it to disk. # @param type [String]: The type of resource (e.g. *server*, *database*). # @param key [String]: The name field of this resource. # @param data [Hash]: The resource's metadata. # @param remove [Boolean]: Remove this resource from the deploy structure, instead of adding it. # @return [void] def notify(type, key, data, mu_name: nil, remove: false, triggering_node: nil, delayed_save: false) return if @no_artifacts MU::MommaCat.lock("deployment-notification") if !@need_deploy_flush or @deployment.nil? or @deployment.empty? loadDeploy(true) # make sure we're saving the latest and greatest end _shortclass, _cfg_name, cfg_plural, _classname, attrs = MU::Cloud.getResourceNames(type) has_multiples = false # it's not always the case that we're logging data for a legal resource # type, though that's what we're usually for if cfg_plural type = cfg_plural has_multiples = attrs[:has_multiples] end if mu_name.nil? if !data.nil? and !data["mu_name"].nil? mu_name = data["mu_name"] elsif !triggering_node.nil? and !triggering_node.mu_name.nil? mu_name = triggering_node.mu_name end if mu_name.nil? and has_multiples MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to modify deployment struct for a type (#{type}) with :has_multiples, but no mu_name available to look under #{key}. Call was #{caller[0]}", MU::WARN, details: data MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") return end end @need_deploy_flush = true if !remove if data.nil? MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to modify deployment struct, but no data provided", MU::WARN MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") return end @notify_semaphore.synchronize { @deployment[type] ||= {} } if has_multiples @notify_semaphore.synchronize { @deployment[type][key] ||= {} } # fix has_multiples classes that weren't tiered correctly if @deployment[type][key].is_a?(Hash) and @deployment[type][key].has_key?("mu_name") olddata = @deployment[type][key].dup @deployment[type][key][olddata["mu_name"]] = olddata end @deployment[type][key][mu_name] = data MU.log "Adding to @deployment[#{type}][#{key}][#{mu_name}]", MU::DEBUG, details: data else @deployment[type][key] = data MU.log "Adding to @deployment[#{type}][#{key}]", MU::DEBUG, details: data end save!(key) if !delayed_save else have_deploy = true if @deployment[type].nil? or @deployment[type][key].nil? if has_multiples MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to remove #{type} #{key} #{mu_name} deployment struct, but no such data exist", MU::DEBUG else MU.log "MU::MommaCat.notify called to remove #{type} #{key} deployment struct, but no such data exist", MU::DEBUG end MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") return end if have_deploy @notify_semaphore.synchronize { if has_multiples MU.log "Removing @deployment[#{type}][#{key}][#{mu_name}]", MU::DEBUG, details: @deployment[type][key][mu_name] @deployment[type][key].delete(mu_name) if @deployment[type][key].size == 0 @deployment[type].delete(key) end else MU.log "Removing @deployment[#{type}][#{key}]", MU::DEBUG, details: @deployment[type][key] @deployment[type].delete(key) end if @deployment[type].size == 0 @deployment.delete(type) end } end save! if !delayed_save end MU::MommaCat.unlock("deployment-notification") end # Send a Slack notification to a deployment's administrators. # @param subject [String]: The subject line of the message. # @param msg [String]: The message body. # @return [void] def sendAdminSlack(subject, msg: "") if $MU_CFG['slack'] and $MU_CFG['slack']['webhook'] and (!$MU_CFG['slack']['skip_environments'] or !$MU_CFG['slack']['skip_environments'].any?{ |s| s.casecmp(MU.environment)==0 }) require 'slack-notifier' slack = Slack::Notifier.new $MU_CFG['slack']['webhook'] if msg and !msg.empty? slack.ping "#{MU.appname} \*\"#{MU.handle}\"\* (`#{MU.deploy_id}`) - #{subject}:\n\n```#{msg}\n```", channel: $MU_CFG['slack']['channel'] else slack.ping "#{MU.appname} \*\"#{MU.handle}\"\* (`#{MU.deploy_id}`) - #{subject}", channel: $MU_CFG['slack']['channel'] end end end # Send an email notification to a deployment's administrators. # @param subject [String]: The subject line of the message. # @param msg [String]: The message body. # @param data [Array]: Supplemental data to add to the message body. # @param debug [Boolean]: If set, will include the full deployment structure and original {MU::Config}-parsed configuration. # @return [void] def sendAdminMail(subject, msg: "", kitten: nil, data: nil, debug: false) require 'net/smtp' if @deployment.nil? MU.log "Can't send admin mail without a loaded deployment", MU::ERR return end to = Array.new if !@original_config.nil? @original_config['admins'].each { |admin| to << "#{admin['name']} <#{admin['email']}>" } end message = < To: #{to.join(",")} Subject: #{subject} #{msg} MESSAGE_END if !kitten.nil? and kitten.kind_of?(MU::Cloud) message = message + "\n\n**** #{kitten}:\n" if !kitten.report.nil? kitten.report.each { |line| message = message + line } end end if !data.nil? message = message + "\n\n" + PP.pp(data, "") end if debug message = message + "\n\n**** Stack configuration:\n" + PP.pp(@original_config, "") message = message + "\n\n**** Deployment structure:\n" + PP.pp(@deployment, "") end begin Net::SMTP.start('localhost') do |smtp| smtp.send_message message, "root@localhost", to end rescue Net::SMTPFatalError, Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e MU.log e.inspect, MU::WARN end end # Return a list of all nodes associated with the current deployment. # @return [Hash] def listNodes nodes = Hash.new if !@deployment['servers'].nil? @deployment['servers'].each_pair { |nodetype, node| node.each_pair { |name, metadata| if name.nil? or metadata.nil? or !metadata.is_a?(Hash) MU.log "Original config of deploy #{MU.deploy_id} looks funny. It's probably very old.", MU::WARN next end metadata['deploy_id'] = MU.deploy_id nodes[name] = metadata ['servers', 'server_pools'].each { |res_type| if !@original_config[res_type].nil? @original_config[res_type].each { |srv_conf| if srv_conf['name'] == nodetype nodes[name]['conf'] = srv_conf.dup end } end } } } end return nodes end # For a given (Windows) server, return it's administrator user and password. # This is generally for requests made to MommaCat from said server, which # we can assume have been authenticated with the deploy secret. # @param server [MU::Cloud::Server]: The Server object whose credentials we're fetching. def retrieveWindowsAdminCreds(server) if server.nil? raise MuError, "retrieveWindowsAdminCreds must be called with a Server object" elsif !server.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) raise MuError, "retrieveWindowsAdminCreds must be called with a Server object (got #{server.class.name})" end if server.config['use_cloud_provider_windows_password'] return [server.config["windows_admin_username"], server.getWindowsAdminPassword] elsif server.config['windows_auth_vault'] && !server.config['windows_auth_vault'].empty? if server.config["windows_auth_vault"].has_key?("password_field") return [server.config["windows_admin_username"], server.groomer.getSecret( vault: server.config['windows_auth_vault']['vault'], item: server.config['windows_auth_vault']['item'], field: server.config["windows_auth_vault"]["password_field"] )] else return [server.config["windows_admin_username"], server.getWindowsAdminPassword] end end [] end # Given a Certificate Signing Request, sign it with our internal CA and # write the resulting signed certificate. Only works on local files. # @param csr_path [String]: The CSR to sign, as a file. def signSSLCert(csr_path, sans = []) MU::Master::SSL.sign(csr_path, sans, for_user: MU.mu_user) end # Make sure deployment data is synchronized to/from each node in the # currently-loaded deployment. def syncLitter(nodeclasses = [], triggering_node: nil, save_only: false) # XXX take some config logic to decide what nodeclasses to hit? like, make # inferences from dependencies or something? return if MU.syncLitterThread return if !Dir.exist?(deploy_dir) svrs = MU::Cloud.resource_types[:Server][:cfg_plural] # legibility shorthand if !triggering_node.nil? and nodeclasses.size > 0 nodeclasses.reject! { |n| n == triggering_node.to_s } return if nodeclasses.size == 0 end @kitten_semaphore.synchronize { if @kittens.nil? or @kittens[svrs].nil? MU.log "No #{svrs} as yet available in #{@deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: @kittens return end MU.log "Updating these node classes in #{@deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: nodeclasses } update_servers = [] if nodeclasses.nil? or nodeclasses.size == 0 litter = findLitterMate(type: "server", return_all: true) return if litter.nil? litter.each_pair { |mu_name, node| if !triggering_node.nil? and ( (triggering_node.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) and mu_name == triggering_node.mu_name) or (triggering_node.is_a?(String) and mu_name == triggering_node) ) next end if !node.groomer.nil? update_servers << node end } else litter = {} nodeclasses.each { |nodeclass| mates = findLitterMate(type: "server", name: nodeclass, return_all: true) litter.merge!(mates) if mates } litter.each_pair { |mu_name, node| if !triggering_node.nil? and ( (triggering_node.is_a?(MU::Cloud::Server) and mu_name == triggering_node.mu_name) or (triggering_node.is_a?(String) and mu_name == triggering_node) ) next end if !node.deploydata or !node.deploydata.keys.include?('nodename') details = node.deploydata ? node.deploydata.keys : nil MU.log "#{mu_name} deploy data is missing (possibly retired or mid-bootstrap), so not syncing it", MU::WARN, details: details else update_servers << node end } end return if update_servers.size == 0 MU.log "Updating these nodes in #{@deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: update_servers.map { |n| n.mu_name } update_servers.each { |node| # Not clear where this pollution comes from, but let's stick a temp # fix in here. if node.deploydata['nodename'] != node.mu_name and !node.deploydata['nodename'].nil? and !node.deploydata['nodename'].emty? MU.log "Node #{node.mu_name} had wrong or missing nodename (#{node.deploydata['nodename']}), correcting", MU::WARN node.deploydata['nodename'] = node.mu_name if @deployment[svrs] and @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']] and @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name] @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name]['nodename'] = node.mu_name end save! end } # Merge everyone's deploydata together if !save_only skip = [] update_servers.each { |node| if node.mu_name.nil? or node.deploydata.nil? or node.config.nil? MU.log "Missing mu_name #{node.mu_name}, deploydata, or config from #{node} in syncLitter", MU::ERR, details: node.deploydata next end if !@deployment[svrs][node.config['name']].has_key?(node.mu_name) or @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name] != node.deploydata @deployment[svrs][node.config['name']][node.mu_name] = node.deploydata else skip << node end } update_servers = update_servers - skip end return if MU.inGem? || update_servers.size < 1 threads = [] parent_thread_id = Thread.current.object_id update_servers.each { |sibling| threads << Thread.new { Thread.abort_on_exception = true MU.dupGlobals(parent_thread_id) Thread.current.thread_variable_set("name", "sync-"+sibling.mu_name.downcase) MU.setVar("syncLitterThread", true) begin if sibling.config['groom'].nil? or sibling.config['groom'] sibling.groomer.saveDeployData sibling.groomer.run(purpose: "Synchronizing sibling kittens") if !save_only end rescue MU::Groomer::RunError => e MU.log "Sync of #{sibling.mu_name} failed: #{e.inspect}", MU::WARN end MU.purgeGlobals } } threads.each { |t| t.join } MU.log "Synchronization of #{@deploy_id} complete", MU::DEBUG, details: update_servers end @node_cert_semaphore = nil # Given a MU::Cloud object, return the generic self-signed SSL # certficate we made for it. If one doesn't exist yet, generate it first. # If it's a Windows node, also generate a certificate for WinRM client auth. # @param resource [MU::Cloud]: The server or other MU::Cloud resource object for which to generate or return the cert # @param poolname [Boolean]: If true, generate certificates for the base name of the server pool of which this node is a member, rather than for the individual node # @param keysize [Integer]: The size of the private key to use when generating this certificate def nodeSSLCerts(resource, poolname = false, keysize = 4096) _nat_ssh_key, _nat_ssh_user, _nat_ssh_host, canonical_ip, _ssh_user, _ssh_key_name = resource.getSSHConfig if resource.respond_to?(:getSSHConfig) deploy_id = resource.deploy_id || @deploy_id || resource.deploy.deploy_id cert_cn = poolname ? deploy_id + "-" + resource.config['name'].upcase : resource.mu_name results = {} is_windows = (resource.respond_to?(:windows?) and resource.windows?) @node_cert_semaphore.synchronize { MU::Master::SSL.bootstrap sans = [] sans << canonical_ip if canonical_ip # XXX were there other names we wanted to include? key = MU::Master::SSL.getKey(cert_cn, keysize: keysize) cert, pfx_cert = MU::Master::SSL.getCert(cert_cn, "/CN=#{cert_cn}/O=Mu/C=US", sans: sans, pfx: is_windows) results[cert_cn] = [key, cert] winrm_cert = nil if is_windows winrm_key = MU::Master::SSL.getKey(cert_cn+"-winrm", keysize: keysize) winrm_cert = MU::Master::SSL.getCert(cert_cn+"-winrm", "/CN=#{resource.config['windows_admin_username']}/O=Mu/C=US", sans: ["otherName:;UTF8:#{resource.config['windows_admin_username']}@localhost"], pfx: true)[0] results[cert_cn+"-winrm"] = [winrm_key, winrm_cert] end if resource and resource.config and resource.config['cloud'] cloudclass = Object.const_get("MU").const_get("Cloud").const_get(resource.config['cloud']) cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, cert.to_pem, cert_cn+".crt", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, key.to_pem, cert_cn+".key", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) if pfx_cert cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, pfx_cert.to_der, cert_cn+".pfx", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) end if winrm_cert cloudclass.writeDeploySecret(@deploy_id, winrm_cert.to_pem, cert_cn+"-winrm.crt", credentials: resource.config['credentials']) end end } results[cert_cn] end private def createDeployKey key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.generate(4096) MU.log "Generated deploy key for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::DEBUG, details: key.public_key.export return [key.export, key.public_key.export] end ########################################################################### ########################################################################### def setThreadContextToMe ["appname", "environment", "timestamp", "seed", "handle"].each { |var| @deployment[var] ||= instance_variable_get("@#{var}".to_sym) if @deployment[var] if var != "handle" MU.setVar(var, @deployment[var].upcase) else MU.setVar(var, @deployment[var]) end else MU.log "Missing global variable #{var} for #{MU.deploy_id}", MU::ERR end } end end #class end #module