module Awestruct module Rack class App def initialize(doc_root) @doc_root = doc_root end def call(env) path = env['PATH_INFO'] fs_path = File.join( @doc_root, path ) if ( fs_path ) ) if ( ! ( path =~ %r(/$) ) ) return [ 301, { 'location'=>File.join(path, '') }, ["Redirecting to: #{path}"] ] elsif ( File.file?( File.join( fs_path, 'index.html' ) ) ) fs_path = File.join( fs_path, 'index.html' ) end end # There must be a Content-Type, except when the Status is 1xx, # 204 or 304, in which case there must be none given. # # The Body must respond to each and must only yield String # values. The Body itself should not be an instance of String, # as this will break in Ruby 1.9. if ( File.file?( fs_path ) ) body = read_content( fs_path ) content_type = ::Rack::Mime.mime_type( File.extname(fs_path) ) length = body.size.to_s [ 200, {"Content-Type" => content_type, "Content-Length" => length}, [body] ] else body, content_type = read_error_document(path) length = body.size.to_s [ 404, {"Content-Type" => content_type || 'text/plain', "Content-Length" => length}, [body] ] end end def read_error_document( path ) doc_path = nil htaccess = File.join( @doc_root, '.htaccess' ) if ( File.file?( htaccess ) ) htaccess ).each_line do |line| if ( line =~ %r(^.*ErrorDocument[ \t]+404[ \t]+(.+)$) ) doc_path = $1 end end end if ( doc_path ) fs_doc_path = File.join( @doc_root, doc_path ) return [read_content( fs_doc_path ), ::Rack::Mime.mime_type( File.extname(fs_doc_path) )] if File.file?( fs_doc_path ) end "404: Not Found: #{path}" end def read_content( path ) input_stream =, "rb"), "rb" ) result = return result ensure input_stream.close end end end end