= Stored Procedures in MSSQL This guide documents the workaround implemented to allow executing stored procedures in MSSQL, as well as getting the value of output variables. == Simple Execution The following stored procedure is used as an example: CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.SequelTest( @Input varchar(25), @Output int OUTPUT ) AS SET @Output = LEN(@Input) RETURN 0 Execute it as follows: DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {args: ['Input String', :output]}) Use the +:output+ symbol to denote an output variable. The result will contain a hash of the output variables, as well as the result code and number of affected rows: {:result => 0, :numrows => 1, :var1 => "1"} Output variables will be strings by default. To specify their type, include the SQL type: DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {args: ['Input String', [:output, 'int']]}) Result: {:result => 0, :numrows => 1, :var1 => 1} Output variables will be named +var#{n}+ where n is their zero indexed position in the parameter list. To name the output variable, include their name: DB.call_mssql_sproc(:SequelTest, {args: ['Input String', [:output, nil, 'Output']]}) Result: {:result => 0, :numrows => 1, :output => "1"}