# coding: utf-8 require "turkish_stemmer/version" require "yaml" require "hash_extension" # Please note that we use only lowercase letters for all methods. One should # normalize input streams before using the `stem` method. module TurkishStemmer extend self VOWELS = "üiıueöao" CONSONANTS = "bcçdfgğhjklmnprsştvyz" ROUNDED_VOWELS = "oöuü" UNROUNDED_VOWELS = "iıea" FOLLOWING_ROUNDED_VOWELS = "aeuü" FRONT_VOWELS = "eiöü" BACK_VOWELS = "ıuao" # Heuristic size for average Turkish stemmed word size AVG_STEMMED_SIZE = 4 # Regular expression that checks if the word contains only turkish characters ALPHABET = Regexp.new("^[abcçdefgğhıijklmnoöprsştuüvyz]+$").freeze # Stems a Turkish word. # # Algorithm consists of 3 parts: pre-process, process and post-process. The # pre-process phase is a quick lookup for words that should not be stemmed # based on length, protected words list and vowel harmony. The process phase # includes a nominal verb suffix and a noun suffix stripper machine. The last # phase includes some additional checks and a simple stem selection decision. # # @param word [String] the word to stem # @return [String] the stemmed word def stem(original_word) # Preprocess return original_word if !proceed_to_stem?(original_word) word = original_word.dup # Process stems = [] stems << nominal_verbs_suffix_machine { word } stems << original_word stems.flatten!.uniq! stems << stems.map { |word| noun_suffix_machine { word }} stems << original_word stems.flatten!.uniq! stems << stems.map { |word| derivational_suffix_machine { word }} # Postprocess stem_post_process(stems, original_word) end # Loads yaml file and symbolizes keys # # @param file [String] path to yaml file # @return [Hash] the hash with symbols as keys def load_states_or_suffixes(file) config_path = File.expand_path("../../#{file}", __FILE__) YAML.load_file(config_path).symbolize_keys rescue => e raise "An error occured loading #{file}, #{e}" end # Helper method for loading settings # # @param key [String] the key def load_settings(key) config_path = File.expand_path("../../config/stemmer.yml", __FILE__) begin YAML.load_file(config_path)[key] rescue => e raise "Please provide a valid config/stemmer.yml file, #{e}" end end NOMINAL_VERB_STATES = load_states_or_suffixes("config/nominal_verb_states.yml") NOMINAL_VERB_SUFFIXES = load_states_or_suffixes("config/nominal_verb_suffixes.yml") NOUN_STATES = load_states_or_suffixes("config/noun_states.yml") NOUN_SUFFIXES = load_states_or_suffixes("config/noun_suffixes.yml") DERIVATIONAL_STATES = load_states_or_suffixes("config/derivational_states.yml") DERIVATIONAL_SUFFIXES = load_states_or_suffixes("config/derivational_suffixes.yml") ## # Load settings # # Protected words PROTECTED_WORDS = load_settings("protected_words") # Last consonant exceptions LAST_CONSONANT_EXCEPTIONS = load_settings("last_consonant_exceptions") # Vower harmony exceptions VOWEL_HARMONY_EXCEPTIONS = load_settings("vowel_harmony_exceptions") # Selection list exceptions SELECTION_LIST_EXCEPTIONS = load_settings("selection_list_exceptions") # Counts syllables of a Turkish word. In Turkish the number of syllables is # equals to the number of vowels. # # @param word [String] the word to count its syllables # @return [Fixnum] the number of syllables def count_syllables(word) vowels(word).size end # Gets the vowels of a word # # @param word [String] the word to get its vowels # @return [Array] array of vowels def vowels(word) word.gsub(/#{CONSONANTS.chars.to_a.join('|')}/,"").chars.to_a end # Checks vowel harmony of a word according to Turkish vowel harmony. # # @param word [String] the word to be checked against Turkish vowel harmony # @return [Boolean] # @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel_harmony#Turkish def has_vowel_harmony?(word) word_vowels = vowels(word) vowel = word_vowels[-2] candidate = word_vowels[-1] vowel_harmony?(vowel, candidate) end # Checks vowel harmony between two vowels # # @param vowel [String] the first vowel # @param candidate [String] the second vowel # @return [Boolean] # @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel_harmony#Turkish def vowel_harmony?(vowel, candidate) has_roundness?(vowel, candidate) && has_frontness?(vowel, candidate) end # Checks roundness vowel harmony of two vowels according to Turkish vowel # harmony. # # @param vowel [String] the first vowel # @param candidate [String] the second vowel # @return [Boolean] # @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel_harmony#Turkish def has_roundness?(vowel, candidate) return true if vowel.nil? || vowel.empty? return true if candidate.nil? || candidate.empty? if (UNROUNDED_VOWELS.include?(vowel) && UNROUNDED_VOWELS.include?(candidate)) || (ROUNDED_VOWELS.include?(vowel) && FOLLOWING_ROUNDED_VOWELS.include?(candidate)) return true end false end # Checks frontness vowel harmony of two vowels according to Turkish vowel # harmony. # # @param vowel [String] the first vowel # @param candidate [String] the second vowel # @return [Boolean] # @see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vowel_harmony#Turkish def has_frontness?(vowel, candidate) return true if vowel.nil? || vowel.empty? return true if candidate.nil? || candidate.empty? if (FRONT_VOWELS.include?(vowel) && FRONT_VOWELS.include?(candidate)) || (BACK_VOWELS.include?(vowel) && BACK_VOWELS.include?(candidate)) return true end false end # Checks whether a word can be stemmed or not. This method checks candidate # word against nil, protected, length and vowel harmory. # # @param word [String] the candidate word for stemming # @return [Boolean] whether should proceed to stem or not def proceed_to_stem?(word) if word.nil? || !turkish?(word) || PROTECTED_WORDS.include?(word) || count_syllables(word) <= 1 return false end true end # Post stemming process # # @param stems [Array] array of candidate stems # @param original_word [String] the original word # @return [String] the stemmed or the original word def stem_post_process(stems, original_word) if ENV['DEBUG'] puts "post process for #{original_word}: #{stems}" end stems = stems.flatten.uniq # Reject original word stems.reject! { |w| w == original_word } # Reject all non-syllable words stems.reject! { |w| count_syllables(w) == 0 } # Transform last consonant stems.map! { |word| last_consonant!(word) } # Sort stems by size stems.sort! do |x,y| if (x.size - AVG_STEMMED_SIZE).abs == (y.size - AVG_STEMMED_SIZE).abs x.size <=> y.size else (x.size - AVG_STEMMED_SIZE).abs <=> (y.size - AVG_STEMMED_SIZE).abs end end # Check selection list exceptions if !(exception = (stems & SELECTION_LIST_EXCEPTIONS)).empty? return exception.first end # Keep first or original word stems.empty? ? original_word : stems.first end # Given a state key and a word, scans through given states and generate valid # pending transitions. # # @param key [String] the key for states hash # @param word [String] the word to check # @param states [Hash] the states hash # @param suffixes [Hash] the suffixes hash # @param options [Hash] options for pendings # @option options [Boolean] :mark Whether this pending is marked for deletion # @return [Array] array of pendings def generate_pendings(key, word, states, suffixes, options = {}) raise ArgumentError, "State #{key} does not exist" if (state = states[key]).nil? mark = options[:mark] || false matched_transitions = state[:transitions].select do |transition| word.match(/(#{suffixes[transition[:suffix]][:regex]})$/) end matched_transitions.map do |transition| { suffix: transition[:suffix], to_state: transition[:state], from_state: key, word: word, mark: mark } end end # Given a suffix it stems a word according to Turkish orthographic rules # # @param word [String] the word to stem # @param suffix [Hash] a suffix record # @return [Hash] a stem answer record def mark_stem(word, suffix) stem = !PROTECTED_WORDS.include?(word) && (suffix[:check_harmony] && (has_vowel_harmony?(word) || VOWEL_HARMONY_EXCEPTIONS.include?(word))) || !suffix[:check_harmony] suffix_applied = suffix[:regex] if stem && (match = word.match(/(#{suffix_applied})$/)) new_word = word.gsub(/(#{match.to_s})$/, '') suffix_applied = match.to_s if suffix[:optional_letter] answer, match = valid_optional_letter?(new_word, suffix[:optional_letter]) if answer && match new_word = new_word.chop suffix_applied = match + suffix_applied elsif !answer new_word = word suffix_applied = nil stem = false end end else stem = false suffix_applied = nil new_word = word end { stem: stem, word: new_word, suffix_applied: suffix_applied } end # Given a word and a letter it checks if the optional letter can be part of # the stem or not. # # @param word [String] the examined word # @param letter [String] a single letter or a string armed with a regular # expression # @return [Array] the answer is returned as an array. First element is a # Boolean value and second element is the mached character. # @example # self.valid_optional_letter?("test", "t") # # => [true, 't'] def valid_optional_letter?(word, letter) match = word.match(/(#{letter})$/) answer = true matched_char = nil if match matched_char = match.to_s previous_char = word[-2] answer = if VOWELS.include?(matched_char) (previous_char && CONSONANTS.include?(previous_char)) else (previous_char && VOWELS.include?(previous_char)) end end [answer, matched_char] end # Transforms a word taken into account last consonant rule. # # @param word [String] the word to check for last consonant change # @return [String] the changed word def last_consonant!(word) return word if LAST_CONSONANT_EXCEPTIONS.include?(word) consonants = { 'b' => 'p', 'c' => 'ç', 'd' => 't', 'ğ' => 'k' } last_char = word[-1] if consonants.keys.include?(last_char) word[-1] = consonants[last_char] end word end # Helper method. This is just a shortcut. def nominal_verbs_suffix_machine affix_morphological_stripper(yield, states: self::NOMINAL_VERB_STATES, suffixes: self::NOMINAL_VERB_SUFFIXES) end # Helper method. This is just a shortcut. def noun_suffix_machine affix_morphological_stripper(yield, states: self::NOUN_STATES, suffixes: self::NOUN_SUFFIXES) end # Helper method def derivational_suffix_machine affix_morphological_stripper(yield, states: self::DERIVATIONAL_STATES, suffixes: self::DERIVATIONAL_SUFFIXES) end # A simple algorithm to strip suffixes from a word based on states and # transitions. # # @param word [String] the word to strip affixes from # @param options [Hash] options for the algorithm # @option options [Hash] :states The states and valid transitions # @option options [Hash] :suffixes The suffixes with their rules # @return [Array] all possible stem versions def affix_morphological_stripper(word, options = {}) states = options[:states] || {} suffixes = options[:suffixes] || {} return [word] if states.nil? || states.empty? return [word] if suffixes.nil? || suffixes.empty? stems = [] # Init first state pending transitions pendings = generate_pendings(:a, word, states, suffixes) while !pendings.empty? do transition = pendings.shift word = transition[:word] suffix = suffixes[transition[:suffix]] to_state = states[transition[:to_state]] answer = mark_stem(word, suffix) if answer[:stem] == true if ENV['DEBUG'] puts "Word: #{word} \nAnswer: #{answer} \nInfo: #{transition} \nSuffix: #{suffix}" end if to_state[:final_state] == true # We have a valid transition here. It is safe to remove any pendings # with the same signature current pending remove_pendings_like!(transition, pendings) remove_mark_pendings!(pendings) stems.push answer[:word] unless to_state[:transitions].empty? pendings.unshift(*generate_pendings(transition[:to_state], answer[:word], states, suffixes)) end else mark_pendings!(transition, pendings) pendings.unshift(*generate_pendings(transition[:to_state], answer[:word], states, suffixes, mark: true)) end end end return [word] if pendings.empty? && stems.empty? stems.uniq end private def remove_pendings_like!(pending, array) array.reject! do |candidate| candidate[:to_state] == pending[:to_state] && candidate[:from_state] == pending[:from_state] end end def mark_pendings!(pending, array) similar_pendings(pending, array).each do |candidate| candidate[:mark] = true end end def remove_mark_pendings!(array) array.reject! { |candidate| candidate[:mark] == true } end def similar_pendings(pending, array) array.select do |candidate| candidate[:to_state] == pending[:to_state] && candidate[:from_state] == pending[:from_state] end end def turkish?(word) !! word.match(ALPHABET) end end