require 'spec_helper' require 'generators/rspec/scaffold/scaffold_generator' describe Rspec::Generators::ScaffoldGenerator do destination File.expand_path("../../../../../tmp", __FILE__) before { prepare_destination } describe 'standard controller spec' do subject { file('spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb') } describe 'with no options' do before { run_generator %w(posts) } it { should contain /require 'spec_helper'/ } it { should contain /describe PostsController/ } end describe 'with --no-controller_specs' do before { run_generator %w(posts --no-controller_specs) } it { should_not exist } end end describe 'namespaced controller spec' do subject { file('spec/controllers/admin/posts_controller_spec.rb') } before { run_generator %w(admin/posts) } it { should contain /describe Admin::PostsController/ } end describe 'view specs' do describe 'with no options' do before { run_generator %w(posts) } describe 'edit' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/edit.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should exist } it { should contain /require 'spec_helper'/ } it { should contain /describe "(.*)\/edit.html.erb"/ } it { should contain /it "renders the edit (.*) form"/ } end describe 'index' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/index.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should exist } it { should contain /require 'spec_helper'/ } it { should contain /describe "(.*)\/index.html.erb"/ } it { should contain /it "renders a list of (.*)"/ } end describe 'new' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/new.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should exist } it { should contain /require 'spec_helper'/ } it { should contain /describe "(.*)\/new.html.erb"/ } it { should contain /it "renders new (.*) form"/ } end describe 'show' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/show.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should exist } it { should contain /require 'spec_helper'/ } it { should contain /describe "(.*)\/show.html.erb"/ } it { should contain /it "renders attributes in

"/ } end end describe 'with --no-view-specs' do before { run_generator %w(posts --no-view-specs) } describe 'edit' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/edit.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should_not exist } end describe 'index' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/index.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should_not exist } end describe 'new' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/new.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should_not exist } end describe 'show' do subject { file("spec/views/posts/show.html.erb_spec.rb") } it { should_not exist } end end end describe 'routing spec' do subject { file('spec/routing/posts_routing_spec.rb') } describe 'with default options' do before { run_generator %w(posts) } it { should contain /require "spec_helper"/ } it { should contain /describe PostsController/ } it { should contain /describe "routing"/ } end describe 'with --no-routing-specs' do before { run_generator %w(posts --no-routing_specs) } it { should_not exist } end end end