# feature tests for navigation # revision: $Revision: 1.12 $ $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') if $0 == __FILE__ require 'unittests/setup' class TC_Navigate< Test::Unit::TestCase include Watir def gotoPage( a ) $ie.goto($htmlRoot + a) end def test_navigation $ie.clear_url_list gotoPage( 'buttons1.html') url = $ie.url.downcase.gsub('///' , '//') # no idea why this happens - we get 3 / after file: assert_equal(url.downcase , ( $htmlRoot + 'buttons1.html' ).downcase ) # the downcase is that sometimes we get capital drivee letters assert_equal( 1, $ie.url_list.length ) assert_equal( url , $ie.url_list[0].gsub('\\', '/').downcase ) gotoPage( 'checkboxes1.html') url = $ie.url.downcase.gsub('///' , '//') # no idea why this happens - we get 3 / after file: assert_equal($ie.title , "Test page for Check Boxes") assert_equal( 2, $ie.url_list.length ) assert_equal( url , $ie.url_list[1].gsub('\\', '/').downcase ) $ie.clear_url_list assert_equal( 0, $ie.url_list.length ) $ie.back assert_equal($ie.title , "Test page for buttons") $ie.forward assert_equal($ie.title , "Test page for Check Boxes") $ie.checkBox(:name , "box1").set assert($ie.checkBox(:name, "box1").isSet?) $ie.refresh # Not sure how we test this. Text fields and checkboxes dont get reset if you click the browser refresh button end def test_http_errors # this is commented out as it depends on too many things..... assert_raises(NavigationException) { $ie.goto('http://localhost:3001') } # Cannot find server or DNS Error assert_raises(NavigationException) { $ie.goto('http://www.fxruby.org/dfdf' ) } # HTTP 404 - File not found end end