### Backbone Handlebars Author: Radoslav Stankov Project site: https://github.com/RStankov/backbone-handlebars Licensed under the MIT License. ### BH = VERSION: '1.0.0' postponed: {} rendered: {} postponeRender: (name, options, parentView) -> viewClass = _.inject (name || '').split('.'), ((memo, fragment) -> memo[fragment] || false), window throw "Invalid view name - #{name}" unless viewClass view = new viewClass options.hash view.template = options.fn if options.fn? cid = (parentView || options.data.view).cid @postponed[cid] ?= [] @postponed[cid].push view '<div id="_' + view.cid + '"></div>' renderPostponed: (parentView) -> cid = parentView.cid @rendered[cid] = _.map @postponed[parentView.cid], (view) -> view.render() parentView.$("#_#{view.cid}").replaceWith view.el view delete @postponed[cid] clearRendered: (parentView) -> cid = parentView.cid if @rendered[cid] _.invoke @rendered[cid], 'remove' delete @rendered[cid] Handlebars.registerHelper 'view', (name, options) -> new Handlebars.SafeString BH.postponeRender(name, options, @_parentView) Handlebars.registerHelper 'views', (name, models, options) -> callback = (model) => options.hash.model = model BH.postponeRender name, options, @_parentView markers = if 'map' of models models.map callback else _.map callback new Handlebars.SafeString markers.join('') _compile = Handlebars.compile Handlebars.compile = (template, options = {}) -> options.data = true _compile.call this, template, options Backbone.View::renderTemplate = (context = {}) -> BH.clearRendered this context = _.clone context context._parentView = this @$el.html @template context, data: {view: this} BH.renderPostponed this this Backbone.View::renderedSubViews = -> BH.rendered[@cid] _remove = Backbone.View::remove Backbone.View::remove = -> BH.clearRendered this _remove.apply this, arguments Backbone.View::render = -> if @template @renderTemplate if typeof @templateData is 'function' then @templateData() else @templateData this Backbone.View::templateData = -> {} Backbone.Handlebars = BH