### Knife commands * knife cluster launch should fail differently if you give it a facet that doesn't exist * reify notion of 'homebase'; cluster commands work off it * move away from referring to Chef::Config everywhere; __________________________________________________________________________ Rename completed, New homes: * **http://github.com/infochimps-labs/ironfan** -- the primary destination, and the home of the knife tools (pretty much what's here in `infochimps/cluster_chef`) * **http://github.com/infochimps-labs/ironfan-pantry** -- collection of public cookbooks, roles and demo clusters * **http://github.com/infochimps-labs/ironfan-homebase** -- skeleton homebase (looks a lot like the current cluster_chef-homebase) * **http://github.com/infochimps-labs/ironfan-ci** -- continuous integration stuff (homebase/vagrants) * **http://github.com/infochimps-labs/ironfan-scrubby** -- de-linter/simulator (`cluster_chef/lib/cluster_chef/cookbook_munger*`) * **http://github.com/infochimps-labs/opscode-cookbooks** -- our fork of the opscode cookbooks repo ## Phase 1: Regex Replace 0. DONE warn about the name change. Since the `version_3` branch is left pre-namechange, decision was made to do a pull request when things are pull-able, not spam people before. 1. DONE Make a branch in each repo (`cluster_chef` and `*-homebase`) called `before_rename`, holding the current state of the code. Make another branch `ironfan`, where the renames will occur. That branch will be deleted as soon as the merge lands, hopefully before anyone even notices. 2. DONE Make sure `el_ridiculoso` is up to date and that it fully converges in the vagrant and cloud environments. 3. DONE Ensure all infochimps devs have push-pulled to various repos. make a tarball of the repos (.git and everything) and put them somewhere safe. 4. DONE rename the `vendor/infochimps/metachef` cookbook as vendor/infochimps/silverware. 5. DONE Bump the *minor* version number on all cookbooks (so 3.0.x => 3.1.x). Commit. 6. DONE regex-replace `ClusterChef` => `Ironfan`, `cluster_chef` to `ironfan` and `[Mm]etachef` => `[Ss]ilverware`. Do this in `cluster_chef` and `infochimps-labs/ironfan-homebase` only. Get chef-client to complete on el_ridiculoso using an emptied-and-reloaded local chef server. Run knife cluster sync on all clusters in all homebases against local chef server. 7. ... 12. DONE once the name is updated in the gemspec, release the `ironfan` gem. @temujin9 and I agree that it should be a single combined gem now that we won't have the stupid `_chef` gem name conflict. ## Phase 2: Repo migration 1. DONE back up the repo and put it somewhere safe. 2. DONE Transfer ownership of `infochimps/cluster_chef` to `infochimps-labs/cluster_chef`. Do whatever is necessary/possible to migrate issues over. 3. DONE Change name of `infochimps-labs/cluster_chef` to `infochimps-labs/ironfan`. Created new repo `infochimps-labs/ironfan-homebase`. 4. DONE Create new repo `infochimps/cluster_chef` with helpful link to new repo. I don't think we need a placeholder at `infochimps-labs/cluster_chef-homebase`. 5. DONE Rename master branch of old cluster chef to be `version_2`, and freeze the `version_3`. Both now carry a deprecation warning pointing you to ironfan. 6. IN PROGRESS Update any remaining documentation links, etc to point to new home. 7. IN PROGRESS Have all devs edit their .git/config to point at right place. so here is the dev-level worksforme -- @temujin9 will close once he's given it the sysadmin-level worksforme