module Cordial # Wraps all interaction with the Contact resource. # @see!/contacts class Contacts include ::HTTParty extend Client # Find a contact. # @example Usage # Cordial::Contacts.find(email: '') # @example Response when the contact was found. # { # "_id" => "111122223334444", # "channels" => { # "email" => { # "address" => "", # "subscribeStatus" => "unsubscribed", # "unsubscribedAt" => "2018-05-02T23:35:38+0000" # } # }, # "lastModified" => "2018-05-16T22:57:16+0000", # "createdAt" => "2018-04-25T19:55:45+0000", # "lists" => ["test-list"], # "lj" => { # "14854" => { # "sec" => 1524897139, # "usec" => 0 # } # }, # "listJoinDate" => { # "test-list" => "2018-04-28T06:32:19+0000" # } # } # # @example Response when the contact was not found. # {"error"=>true, "message"=>"record not found"} def self.find(email:) client.get("/contacts/#{email}") end # Create a new contact. # # If the contact already exists it will be updated. # @example Usage. # Cordial::Contacts.create( # email: '', # attribute_list: { # some_attribute: 'your-custom-value' # }, # subscribe_status: 'subscribed' # ) def self.create(email:, attribute_list: {}, subscribe_status: nil)'/contacts', body: { channels: { email: { address: email, subscribeStatus: subscribe_status }.compact }, forceSubscribe: subscribe_status == 'subscribed' || nil }.compact.merge(attribute_list).to_json) end # Unsubscribe a contact. # # @param channel [String] The channel to unsubscribe, defaults to `email` # @see # @example Usage. Default channel. # Cordial::Contacts.unsubscribe( # email: '' # ) def self.unsubscribe(email:, channel: 'email') client.put("/contacts/#{email}/unsubscribe/#{channel}") end end end