# ObjectInspector [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/object_inspector.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/object_inspector) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pdobb/object_inspector.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pdobb/object_inspector) [![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/34e821263d9e0c33d536/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/pdobb/object_inspector/test_coverage) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/34e821263d9e0c33d536/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/pdobb/object_inspector/maintainability) ObjectInspector takes Object#inspect to the next level. Specify any combination of identification attributes, flags, info, and/or a name along with an optional self-definable scope option to represent an object in the console, in logging, etc. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem "object_inspector" ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install object_inspector ## Compatibility Tested MRI Ruby Versions: * 2.2.10 * 2.3.7 * 2.4.4 * 2.5.1 * edge ## Configuration Global/default values for ObjectInspector can be configured via the ObjectInspector::Configuration object. _Note: In a Rails app, the following would go in e.g. `config/initializers/object_inspector.rb`_ ```ruby # Default values are shown. ObjectInspector.configure do |config| config.wild_card_scope = "all" config.out_of_scope_placeholder = "*" config.flags_separator = " / " config.info_separator = " | " end ``` ## Usage Given, an object of any type, call ObjectInspector::Inspector.inspect. ```ruby class MyObject def inspect ObjectInspector::Inspector.inspect(self) end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` See also [Helper Usage](#helper-usage) for an even simpler usage option. ### Output Customization Use the `identification`, `flags`, `info`, and `name` options to customize inspect output. ```ruby class MyObject def inspect ObjectInspector::Inspector.inspect(self, identification: "My Object", flags: "FLAG1 / FLAG2", info: "INFO", name: "NAME") end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` Or, define `inspect_identification`, `inspect_flags`, `inspect_info`, and `inspect_name` as either public or private methods on Object. ```ruby class MyObject def inspect ObjectInspector::Inspector.inspect(self) end private def inspect_identification; "My Object" end def inspect_flags; "FLAG1 / FLAG2" end def inspect_info; "INFO" end def inspect_name; "NAME" end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` ## Helper Usage To save some typing, include ObjectInspector::InspectHelper into an object and ObjectInspector::Inspector.inspect will be called on `self` automatically. ```ruby class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` To access the ObjectInspector::Inspector's options via the helper, call into `super`. ```ruby class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper def inspect super(identification: "My Object", flags: "FLAG1", info: "INFO", name: "NAME") end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` Or, define `inspect_identification`, `inspect_flags`, `inspect_info`, and `inspect_name` (or `display_name`) in Object. ```ruby class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper private def inspect_identification; "My Object" end def inspect_flags; "FLAG1 / FLAG2" end def inspect_info; "INFO" end def inspect_name; "NAME" end # Or: def display_name; "NAME" end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` ## Scopes Use the `scope` option to define the scope of the `inspect_*` methods. The supplied value will be wrapped by the ObjectInspector::Scope helper object. The default value is `ObjectInspector::Scope.new(:self)`. ### Scope Names ObjectInspector::Scope acts like [ActiveSupport::StringInquirer](http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/StringInquirer.html). This is a prettier way to test for a given type of "scope" within objects. The ObjectInspector::Scope objects in these examples are the same as specifying `` like this: ```ruby my_object.inspect(scope: ) ``` Options: - `:self` (Default) -- Is meant to confine object interrogation to self (don't interrogate neighboring objects). - `:all` -- Is meant to match on all scopes, regardless of their name. - `` -- Anything else that makes sense for the object to key on. ```ruby scope = ObjectInspector::Scope.new scope.self? # => true scope.verbose? # => false scope.complex? # => false ``` #### Multiple Scope Names It is also possible to pass in multiple scope names to match on. ```ruby scope = ObjectInspector::Scope.new(%i[verbose complex]) scope.self? # => false scope.verbose? # => true scope.complex? # => true ``` #### The "Wild Card" Scope Finally, `:all` is a "wild card" scope name, and will match on all scope names. ```ruby scope = ObjectInspector::Scope.new(:all) scope.self? # => true scope.verbose? # => true scope.complex? # => true ``` ### Scope blocks Passing a block to a scope predicate falls back to the out-of-scope placeholder (`*` by default) if the scope does not match. ```ruby scope = ObjectInspector::Scope.new(:verbose) scope.verbose? { "MATCH" } # => "MATCH" scope.complex? { "MATCH" } # => "*" ``` ### Scope Joiners ObjectInspector::Scope also offers helper methods for uniformly joining inspect elements: - `join_flags` -- Joins flags with ` / ` by default - `join_info` -- Joins info items with ` | ` by default ```ruby scope = ObjectInspector::Scope.new(:verbose) scope.join_flags([1, 2, 3]) # => "1 / 2 / 3" scope.join_info([1, 2, 3]) # => "1 | 2 | 3" ``` ### Conversion to ObjectInspector::Scope ObjectInspector::Conversions.Scope() is available for proper conversion to ObjectInspector::Scope objects. Though this should rarely be necessary as conversion is performed automatically when calling `.inspect(scope: )`. ```ruby ObjectInspector::Conversions.Scope(:self) # => # scope = ObjectInspector::Scope.new(:verbose) result = ObjectInspector::Conversions.Scope(scope) # => # scope.object_id == result.object_id # => true ``` ## Full Example ```ruby class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper attr_reader :name, :a2 def initialize(name, a2 = 2) @name = name @a2 = a2 end def associated_object1 OpenStruct.new(flags: "AO1_FLAG1") end def associated_object2 OpenStruct.new(flags: "AO2_FLAG1") end private def inspect_identification identify(:a2) end def inspect_flags(scope:) flags = ["DEFAULT_FLAG"] flags << scope.verbose? { [ associated_object1.flags, associated_object2.flags, ] } scope.join_flags(flags) end def inspect_info(scope:) info = ["Default Info"] info << "Complex Info" if scope.complex? info << scope.verbose? { "Verbose Info" } scope.join_info(info) end # Or `def inspect_name` def display_name name end end my_object = MyObject.new("Name") my_object.inspect # => "" my_object.inspect(scope: :complex) # => "" my_object.inspect(scope: :verbose) # => "" my_object.inspect(scope: %i[self complex verbose]) # => "" my_object.inspect(scope: :all) # => "" ``` ## Wrapped Objects If the Object being inspected wraps another object -- i.e. defines #to_model and #to_model returns an object other than self -- the inspect output will re-inspect the wrapped object. The wrapper points to the wrapped object with an arrow (⇨). ```ruby class MyWrapperObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper def to_model @to_model ||= MyWrappedObject.new end private def inspect_flags; "WRAPPER_FLAG1" end end class MyWrappedObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper private def inspect_flags; "FLAG1 / FLAG2" end def inspect_info; "INFO" end end MyWrapperObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` This feature is recursive. ## On-the-fly Inspect Methods When passed as an option (as opposed to being called via an Object-defined method) symbols will be called/evaluated on Object on the fly. ```ruby class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper def my_method1; "Result1" end def my_method2; "Result2" end def inspect_info; :my_method2 end end MyObject.new.inspect(info: "my_method1") # => "" MyObject.new.inspect(info: :my_method2) # => "" MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` ## Custom Formatters A custom inspect formatter can be defined by implementing the interface defined by [ObjectInspector::BaseFormatter](https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector/blob/master/lib/object_inspector/formatters/base_formatter.rb) and then passing that into ObjectInspector::Inspector.new. ```ruby class MyCustomFormatter < ObjectInspector::BaseFormatter def call "[#{identification} Flags: #{flags} -- Info: #{info} -- Name: #{name}]" end end class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper def inspect super(formatter: MyCustomFormatter, identification: "IDENTIFICATION", flags: "FLAG1 / FLAG2", info: "INFO", name: "NAME") end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "[IDENTIFICATION Flags: FLAG1 / FLAG2 -- Info: INFO -- Name: NAME]" ``` See examples: - [ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter] - [ObjectInspector::CombiningFormatter] ## Performance ### Benchmarking ObjectInspector ObjectInspetor is ~4x slower than Ruby's default inspect. Performance of ObjectInspect can be tested by playing the [ObjectInspector Benchmarking Scripts] in the pry console for this gem. ```ruby play scripts/benchmarking/object_inspector.rb # Comparison: # Ruby: 30382.2 i/s # ObjectInspector::Inspector: 7712.2 i/s - 3.94x slower ``` ### Benchmarking Formatters [ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter] -- which is the default Formatter -- outperforms [ObjectInspector::CombiningFormatter] by about 30% on average. Performance of Formatters can be tested by playing the [Formatters Benchmarking Scripts] in the pry console for this gem. ```ruby play scripts/benchmarking/formatters.rb # == Averaged ============================================================= # ... # # Comparison: # ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter: 45725.3 i/s # ObjectInspector::CombiningFormatter: 34973.9 i/s - 1.31x slower # # == Done ``` #### Benchmarking Custom Formatters Custom Formatters may be similarly gauged for comparison by adding them to the `custom_formatter_klasses` array before playing the script. ```ruby custom_formatter_klasses = [MyCustomFormatter] play scripts/benchmarking/formatters.rb # == Averaged ============================================================= # ... # # Comparison: # MyCustomFormatter: 52001.2 i/s # ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter: 49854.2 i/s - same-ish: difference falls within error # ObjectInspector::CombiningFormatter: 38963.5 i/s - 1.33x slower # # == Done ``` ## Supporting Gems ObjectInspector works great with the [ObjectIdentifier](https://github.com/pdobb/object_identifier) gem. ```ruby class MyObject include ObjectInspector::InspectorsHelper def my_method1 1 end def my_method2 2 end private def inspect_identification identify(:my_method1, :my_method2) end def inspect_flags; "FLAG1 / FLAG2" end def inspect_info; "INFO" end def inspect_name; "NAME" end end MyObject.new.inspect # => "" ``` ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake test` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT). [ObjectInspector::TemplatingFormatter]: https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector/blob/master/lib/object_inspector/formatters/templating_formatter.rb [ObjectInspector::CombiningFormatter]: https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector/blob/master/lib/object_inspector/formatters/combining_formatter.rb [ObjectInspector Benchmarking Scripts]: https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector/blob/master/scripts/benchmarking/object_inspector.rb [Formatters Benchmarking Scripts]: https://github.com/pdobb/object_inspector/blob/master/scripts/benchmarking/formatters.rb