# frozen_string_literal: true
module Primer
# Use `Blankslate` when there is a lack of content within a page or section. Use as placeholder to tell users why something isn't there.
# @accessibility
# `Blankslate` renders an `
` element for the title by default. Update the heading level based on what is appropriate for your page hierarchy by setting `title_tag`.
# <%= link_to_heading_practices %>
class BlankslateComponent < Primer::Component
status :deprecated
# Optional Spinner.
# @param kwargs [Hash] The same arguments as <%= link_to_component(Primer::Beta::Spinner) %>.
renders_one :spinner, lambda { |**system_arguments|
system_arguments[:mb] ||= 3
# @example Basic
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# title: "Title",
# description: "Description",
# ) %>
# @example Icon
# @description
# Add an `icon` to give additional context. Refer to the [Octicons](https://primer.style/octicons/) documentation to choose an icon.
# @code
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# icon: :globe,
# title: "Title",
# description: "Description",
# ) %>
# @example Loading
# @description
# Add a [SpinnerComponent](https://primer.style/view-components/components/spinner) to the blankslate in place of an icon.
# @code
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# title: "Title",
# description: "Description",
# ) do |component| %>
# <% component.with_spinner(size: :large) %>
# <% end %>
# @example Custom content
# @description
# Pass custom content as a block in place of `description`.
# @code
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# title: "Title",
# ) do %>
# Your custom content here
# <% end %>
# @example Action button
# @description
# Provide a button to guide users to take action from the blankslate. The button appears below the description and custom content.
# @code
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# icon: :book,
# title: "Welcome to the mona wiki!",
# description: "Wikis provide a place in your repository to lay out the roadmap of your project, show the current status, and document software better, together.",
# button_text: "Create the first page",
# button_url: "https://github.com/monalisa/mona/wiki/_new",
# ) %>
# @example Link
# @description
# Add an additional link to help users learn more about a feature. The link will be shown at the very bottom:
# @code
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# icon: :book,
# title: "Welcome to the mona wiki!",
# description: "Wikis provide a place in your repository to lay out the roadmap of your project, show the current status, and document software better, together.",
# link_text: "Learn more about wikis",
# link_url: "https://docs.github.com/en/github/building-a-strong-community/about-wikis",
# ) %>
# @example Variations
# @description
# There are a few variations of how the Blankslate appears: `narrow` adds a maximum width, `large` increases the font size, and `spacious` adds extra padding.
# @code
# <%= render Primer::BlankslateComponent.new(
# icon: :book,
# title: "Welcome to the mona wiki!",
# description: "Wikis provide a place in your repository to lay out the roadmap of your project, show the current status, and document software better, together.",
# narrow: true,
# large: true,
# spacious: true,
# ) %>
# @param title [String] Text that appears in a larger bold font.
# @param title_tag [Symbol] HTML tag to use for title.
# @param icon [Symbol] Octicon icon to use at top of component.
# @param icon_size [Symbol] <%= one_of(Primer::Beta::Octicon::SIZE_MAPPINGS, sort: false) %>
# @param image_src [String] Image to display.
# @param image_alt [String] Alt text for image.
# @param description [String] Text that appears below the title. Typically a whole sentence.
# @param button_text [String] The text of the button.
# @param button_url [String] The URL where the user will be taken after clicking the button.
# @param button_classes [String] Classes to apply to action button
# @param link_text [String] The text of the link.
# @param link_url [String] The URL where the user will be taken after clicking the link.
# @param narrow [Boolean] Adds a maximum width.
# @param large [Boolean] Increases the font size.
# @param spacious [Boolean] Adds extra padding.
# @param system_arguments [Hash] <%= link_to_system_arguments_docs %>
def initialize(
title: "",
title_tag: :h3,
icon: "",
icon_size: :medium,
image_src: "",
image_alt: " ",
description: "",
button_text: "",
button_url: "",
button_classes: "btn-primary my-3",
link_text: "",
link_url: "",
# variations
narrow: false,
large: false,
spacious: false,
@system_arguments = system_arguments
@system_arguments[:tag] = :div
@system_arguments[:classes] = class_names(
"blankslate-narrow": narrow,
"blankslate-large": large,
"blankslate-spacious": spacious
@title_tag = title_tag
@icon = icon
@icon_size = icon_size
@image_src = image_src
@image_alt = image_alt
@title = title
@description = description
@button_text = button_text
@button_url = button_url
@button_classes = button_classes
@link_text = link_text
@link_url = link_url