# frozen_string_literal: true #-- Bootstrap --------------------------------------------------------------# desc 'Initializes your working copy to run the specs' task :bootstrap do if system('which bundle') title 'Installing gems' sh 'bundle install' title 'Updating submodules' sh 'git submodule update --init --recursive' else warn "\033[0;31m" \ "[!] Please install the bundler gem manually:\n" \ ' $ [sudo] gem install bundler' \ "\e[0m" exit 1 end end begin require 'bundler/gem_tasks' require 'fileutils' task default: :spec #-- Specs ------------------------------------------------------------------# desc 'Run specs' task :spec do title 'Running Tests' Rake::Task['unit_spec'].invoke Rake::Task['objc_spec'].invoke Rake::Task['swift_spec'].invoke Rake::Task['cocoapods_spec'].invoke Rake::Task['rubocop'].invoke end desc 'Run unit specs' task :unit_spec do files = FileList['spec/*_spec.rb'] .exclude('spec/integration_spec.rb').shuffle.join(' ') sh "bundle exec bacon #{files}" end desc 'Run objc integration specs' task :objc_spec do sh 'JAZZY_SPEC_SUBSET=objc bundle exec bacon spec/integration_spec.rb' end desc 'Run swift integration specs' task :swift_spec do sh 'JAZZY_SPEC_SUBSET=swift bundle exec bacon spec/integration_spec.rb' end desc 'Run cocoapods integration specs' task :cocoapods_spec do sh 'JAZZY_SPEC_SUBSET=cocoapods bundle exec bacon spec/integration_spec.rb' end desc 'Rebuilds integration fixtures' task :rebuild_integration_fixtures do title 'Running Integration tests' sh 'rm -rf spec/integration_specs/tmp' puts `bundle exec bacon spec/integration_spec.rb` title 'Storing fixtures' # Copy the files to the files produced by the specs to the after folders FileList['tmp/*'].each do |source| destination = "spec/integration_specs/#{source.gsub('tmp/', '')}/after" if File.exist?(destination) sh "rm -rf #{destination}" sh "mv #{source} #{destination}" end end # Remove files not used for the comparison # To keep the git diff clean specs_root = 'spec/integration_specs/*/after' files_glob = "#{specs_root}/{*,.*}" files_to_delete = FileList[files_glob] .exclude('**/.', '**/..') .exclude("#{specs_root}/*docs", "#{specs_root}/execution_output.txt") .include("#{specs_root}/**/*.dsidx") .include("#{specs_root}/**/*.tgz") files_to_delete.each do |file_to_delete| sh "rm -rf '#{file_to_delete}'" end puts puts 'Integration fixtures updated, see `spec/integration_specs`' end #-- RuboCop ----------------------------------------------------------------# desc 'Runs RuboCop linter on Ruby files' task :rubocop do sh 'bundle exec rubocop' end #-- SourceKitten -----------------------------------------------------------# desc 'Vendors SourceKitten' task :sourcekitten do sk_dir = 'SourceKitten' bin_path = Dir.chdir(sk_dir) do build_cmd = 'swift build -c release --arch arm64 --arch x86_64' `#{build_cmd}` `#{build_cmd} --show-bin-path`.chomp end FileUtils.cp_r "#{bin_path}/sourcekitten", 'bin' end #-- Theme Dependencies -----------------------------------------------------# THEME_FILES = { 'jquery/dist/jquery.min.js' => [ 'themes/apple/assets/js', 'themes/fullwidth/assets/js', 'themes/jony/assets/js', ], 'lunr/lunr.min.js' => [ 'themes/apple/assets/js', 'themes/fullwidth/assets/js', ], 'corejs-typeahead/dist/typeahead.jquery.js' => [ 'themes/apple/assets/js', 'themes/fullwidth/assets/js', ], 'katex/dist/katex.min.css' => ['extensions/katex/css'], 'katex/dist/fonts' => ['extensions/katex/css'], 'katex/dist/katex.min.js' => ['extensions/katex/js'], }.freeze desc 'Copies theme dependencies (`npm update/install` by hand first)' task :theme_deps do THEME_FILES.each_pair do |src, dsts| dsts.each do |dst| FileUtils.cp_r "js/node_modules/#{src}", "lib/jazzy/#{dst}" end end end rescue LoadError, NameError => e warn "\033[0;31m" \ '[!] Some Rake tasks haven been disabled because the environment' \ ' couldn’t be loaded. Be sure to run `rake bootstrap` first.' \ "\e[0m" warn e.message warn e.backtrace warn '' end #-- Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------# def title(title) cyan_title = "\033[0;36m#{title}\033[0m" puts puts '-' * 80 puts cyan_title puts '-' * 80 puts end