"`csfle` is a small utility for testing the state machine with real data.\n" "\n" "To build `csfle`, ensure libmongoc is installed (in addition to libbson) and set the option -DENABLE_ONLINE_TESTS=ON when configuring with `cmake`.\n" "\n" "Options can also be provided through a config flag.\n" "\n" "```\n" "Global options\n" " --options_file \n" " Alternative way to pass all options.\n" " --kms_providers_file \n" " Defaults to ~/.csfle/kms_providers.json\n" " --mongocryptd_uri \n" " Defaults to 'mongodb://localhost:27020'.\n" " --mongodb_uri \n" " Defaults to 'mongodb://localhost:27017'.\n" " --mongodb_keyvault_uri \n" " Defaults to 'mongodb://localhost:27017'.\n" " --keyvault_namespace \n" " Defaults to 'keyvault.datakeys'.\n" " --schema_map_file (optional)\n" " Defaults to using remote schemas.\n" " --trace \n" " Defaults to false.\n" " --tls_ca_file \n" " Set a custom CA to verify server certificates in TLS connections. If not set, uses system defaults. Useful for KMIP.\n" " --tls_certificate_key_file \n" " The client certificate and private key. If not set, a client certificate is not sent in TLS connections. Useful for KMIP.\n" "\n" "csfle create_datakey\n" " --kms_provider \n" " --key_alt_names \n" " --key_material \n" "\n" " AWS options.\n" " --aws_kek_region \n" " --aws_kek_key \n" " --aws_kek_endpoint \n" "\n" " Azure options.\n" " --azure_kek_keyvaultendpoint \n" " --azure_kek_keyname \n" " --azure_kek_keyversion (optional)\n" "\n" " GCP options.\n" " --gcp_kek_endpoint \n" " --gcp_kek_projectid \n" " --gcp_kek_location \n" " --gcp_kek_keyring \n" " --gcp_kek_keyname \n" " --gcp_kek_keyversion (optional)\n" "\n" " KMIP options.\n" " --kmip_kek_endpoint \n" " --kmip_kek_keyid \n" " --kmip_kek_delegated \n" "\n" "csfle auto_encrypt\n" " --command or --command_file \n" " --db \n" "\n" "csfle auto_decrypt\n" " --document or --document_file \n" "\n" "csfle explicit_encrypt\n" " --value Document must have form { 'v': ... }\n" " --key_id \n" " --key_alt_name \n" " --algorithm \n" "\n" "csfle explicit_decrypt\n" " --value Document must have form { 'v': ... }\n" "```\n" "\n" "\n" "The KMS providers file must be extended canonical JSON of the following form.\n" "\n" "```\n" "{\n" " 'aws': {\n" " 'accessKeyId': ,\n" " 'secretAccessKey': \n" " }\n" "\n" " 'local': {\n" " 'key': \n" " }\n" "}\n" "```\n" "\n" "No KMS providers are required.\n" "\n" "\n" "## Examples\n" "\n" "```\n" "csfle create_datakey --kms_provider aws --aws_kek_region us-east-1 --aws_kek_key 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:579766882180:key/89fcc2c4-08b0-4bd9-9f25-e30687b580d0'\n" "\n" "csfle auto_encrypt --command '{'insert': 'coll', 'documents': [{'ssn': '123'}]}' --db 'db' --schema_map_file ./.csfle/schema_map.json\n" "\n" "csfle auto_decrypt --document '{ 'insert' : 'coll', 'documents' : [ { 'ssn' : { '$binary' : { 'base64': 'ARG+PK8ud0RZlDIzKwQmFoMCOuSIPyrfYleSqMZRXgaPCQOAurv0LTLNL6Tn/G7TuVOyf/Qv3j6VxSxCQEeu/yO7vv/UDE5niDE0itjOqjmf5Q==', 'subType' : '06' } } } ] }'\n" "\n" "csfle explicit_encrypt --key_id 'Eb48ry53RFmUMjMrBCYWgw==' --value '{'v': 'test'}' --algorithm 'AEAD_AES_256_CBC_HMAC_SHA_512-Deterministic'\n" "```\n"