var page = require('webpage').create(), system = require('system'), address, output, size, selector, margin; function setSize(page, size) { pageWidth = parseInt(size[0], 10); pageHeight = parseInt(size[1], 10); page.viewportSize = { width: pageWidth, height: pageHeight }; page.clipRect = { top: 0, left: 0, width: pageWidth, height: pageHeight }; } function setClipRect(page, rect, margin, ratio) { var h = rect.height + margin*2; var w = rect.width + margin*2; if (w*ratio > h) w = h / ratio; else h = w * ratio; console.log("clipRect", - margin, rect.left - margin, w, h ); page.clipRect = { top: - margin, left: rect.left - margin, width: w, height: h }; } var isFunction = function(o) { return typeof o == 'function'; }; var bind, slice = [].slice, proto = Function.prototype, featureMap; featureMap = { 'function-bind': 'bind' }; function has(feature) { var prop = featureMap[feature]; return isFunction(proto[prop]); } // check for missing features if (!has('function-bind')) { // adapted from Mozilla Developer Network example at // bind = function bind(obj) { var args =, 1), self = this, nop = function() { }, bound = function() { return self.apply(this instanceof nop ? this : (obj || {}), args.concat(; }; nop.prototype = this.prototype || {}; // Firefox cries sometimes if prototype is undefined bound.prototype = new nop(); return bound; }; proto.bind = bind; } if (system.args.length < 5 || system.args.length > 5) { console.log('Usage: thumbnailer.js renderWIDTH outputWIDTH URL destfolder'); phantom.exit(1); } else { address = system.args[3]; destFolder = system.args[4]; size = [ system.args[1], 1000 ]; setSize(page, size); margin = 0; page.onError = function(msg, trace) { var msgStack = ['ERROR: ' + msg]; if (trace && trace.length) { msgStack.push('TRACE:'); trace.forEach(function(t) { msgStack.push(' -> ' + t.file + ': ' + t.line + (t.function ? ' (in function "' + t.function + '")' : '')); }); } console.error(msgStack.join('\n')); };, function (status) { if (status !== 'success') { console.log('Unable to load the address!'); phantom.exit(); } else { /* console.log('content', page.content); */ page.evaluate(function (){ var bbody=document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]; bbody.setAttribute("class",bbody.getAttribute("class")+" preview"); }); window.setTimeout(function () { var blockNames = page.evaluate(function() { var nodelist = document.querySelectorAll('[data-ko-container] [data-ko-block]'); var blockNames = []; for (var i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { blockNames.push(nodelist[i].getAttribute('data-ko-block')); } blockNames.push("_full"); return blockNames; }); console.log(blockNames); var b64s = []; var boundRects = []; var _getBoundingRect = function(selector) { // console.log("X", document.querySelector(selector)); // return { left: 10, top: 10, width: 500, height: 100 }; return document.querySelector(selector).getBoundingClientRect(); }; for (var i = 0; i < blockNames.length; i++) { var sel; var blockName = blockNames[i]; if (blockName == '_full') { sel = 'body'; } else { sel = '[data-ko-block='+blockName+']'; } // console.log("renderding "+i+" "+blockNames[i]); var boundRect2 = page.evaluate(_getBoundingRect, sel); var boundRect = {}; boundRect.width = size[0]; boundRect.left = 0; =; boundRect.height= boundRect2.height; setClipRect(page, boundRect, margin, boundRect.height/boundRect.width); boundRects.push(boundRect); b64s.push(page.renderBase64('PNG')); } i = 0; var process = function(boundRects, arg2) { // console.log("saving", i, blockNames[i]); var blockName = blockNames[i]; page.onLoadFinished = function(status) { var res = page.render(destFolder+"/"+blockName+'.png'); console.log("finished "+i+" "+res); if (i == blockNames.length - 1) { console.log("exiting"); if (res) phantom.exit(); else phantom.exit(1); } else { i++; process(boundRects, arg2); } }; var imgsize = [ arg2, Math.ceil(boundRects[i].height / boundRects[i].width * arg2) ]; // console.log("outsize", imgsize[0], imgsize[1]); var imgcontent = 'N/A'; setSize(page, imgsize); page.content = imgcontent; }; process(boundRects, system.args[2]); }, 2000); } }); }