import { addImageSelector } from 'spotlight/admin/add_image_selector' import Core from 'spotlight/core' export default class Crop { constructor(cropArea) { this.cropArea = cropArea;'iiifCropper', this); this.cropSelector = '[data-cropper="' +'cropperKey') + '"]'; this.cropTool = $(this.cropSelector); this.formPrefix ='form-prefix'); this.iiifUrlField = $('#' + this.formPrefix + '_iiif_tilesource'); this.iiifRegionField = $('#' + this.formPrefix + '_iiif_region'); this.iiifManifestField = $('#' + this.formPrefix + '_iiif_manifest_url'); this.iiifCanvasField = $('#' + this.formPrefix + '_iiif_canvas_id'); this.iiifImageField = $('#' + this.formPrefix + '_iiif_image_id'); this.form = cropArea.closest('form'); this.tileSource = null; } // Render the cropper environment and add hooks into the autocomplete and upload forms render() { this.setupAutoCompletes(); this.setupAjaxFileUpload(); this.setupExistingIiifCropper(); } // Setup the cropper on page load if the field // that holds the IIIF url is populated setupExistingIiifCropper() { if(this.iiifUrlField.val() === '') { return; } this.addImageSelectorToExistingCropTool(); this.setTileSource(this.iiifUrlField.val()); } // Display the IIIF Cropper map with the current IIIF Layer (and cropbox, once the layer is available) setupIiifCropper() { this.loaded = false; this.renderCropperMap(); if (this.imageLayer) { // Force a broken layer's container to be an element before removing. // Code in leaflet-iiif land calls delete on the image layer's container when removing, // which errors if there is an issue fetching the info.json and stops further necessary steps to execute. if(!this.imageLayer._container) { this.imageLayer._container = $('
'); } this.cropperMap.removeLayer(this.imageLayer); } this.imageLayer = L.tileLayer.iiif(this.tileSource).addTo(this.cropperMap); var self = this; this.imageLayer.on('load', function() { if (!self.loaded) { var region = self.getCropRegion(); self.positionIiifCropBox(region); self.loaded = true; } });'initiallyVisible',':visible')); } // Get (or initialize) the current crop region from the form data getCropRegion() { var regionFieldValue = this.iiifRegionField.val(); if(!regionFieldValue || regionFieldValue === '') { var region = this.defaultCropRegion(); this.iiifRegionField.val(region); return region; } else { return regionFieldValue.split(','); } } // Calculate a default crop region in the center of the image using the correct aspect ratio defaultCropRegion() { var imageWidth = this.imageLayer.x; var imageHeight = this.imageLayer.y; var boxWidth = Math.floor(imageWidth / 2); var boxHeight = Math.floor(boxWidth / this.aspectRatio()); return [ Math.floor((imageWidth - boxWidth) / 2), Math.floor((imageHeight - boxHeight) / 2), boxWidth, boxHeight ]; } // Calculate the required aspect ratio for the crop area aspectRatio() { var cropWidth = parseInt('crop-width')); var cropHeight = parseInt('crop-height')); return cropWidth / cropHeight; } // Position the IIIF Crop Box at the given IIIF region positionIiifCropBox(region) { var bounds = this.unprojectIIIFRegionToBounds(region); if (!this.cropBox) { this.renderCropBox(bounds); } this.cropBox.setBounds(bounds); this.cropperMap.invalidateSize(); this.cropperMap.fitBounds(bounds); this.cropBox.editor.editLayer.clearLayers(); this.cropBox.editor.refresh(); this.cropBox.editor.initVertexMarkers(); } // Set all of the various input fields to // the appropriate IIIF URL or identifier setIiifFields(iiifObject) { this.setTileSource(iiifObject.tilesource); this.iiifManifestField.val(iiifObject.manifest); this.iiifCanvasField.val(iiifObject.canvasId); this.iiifImageField.val(iiifObject.imageId); } // Set the Crop tileSource and setup the cropper setTileSource(source) { if (source == this.tileSource) { return; } if (source === null || source === undefined) { console.error('No tilesource provided when setting up IIIF Cropper'); return; } if (this.cropBox) { this.iiifRegionField.val(""); } this.tileSource = source; this.iiifUrlField.val(source); this.setupIiifCropper(); } // Render the Leaflet Map into the crop area renderCropperMap() { if (this.cropperMap) { return; } this.cropperMap ='id'), { editable: true, center: [0, 0], crs: L.CRS.Simple, zoom: 0, editOptions: { rectangleEditorClass: this.aspectRatioPreservingRectangleEditor(this.aspectRatio()) } }); this.invalidateMapSizeOnTabToggle(); } // Render the crop box (a Leaflet editable rectangle) onto the canvas renderCropBox(initialBounds) { this.cropBox = L.rectangle(initialBounds); this.cropBox.addTo(this.cropperMap); this.cropBox.enableEdit(); this.cropBox.on('dblclick', L.DomEvent.stop).on('dblclick', this.cropBox.toggleEdit); var self = this; this.cropperMap.on('editable:dragend editable:vertex:dragend', function(e) { var bounds = e.layer.getBounds(); var region = self.projectBoundsToIIIFRegion(bounds); self.iiifRegionField.val(region.join(',')); }); } // Get the maximum zoom level for the IIIF Layer (always 1:1 image pixel to canvas?) maxZoom() { if(this.imageLayer) { return this.imageLayer.maxZoom; } } // Take a Leaflet LatLngBounds object and transform it into a IIIF [x, y, w, h] region projectBoundsToIIIFRegion(bounds) { var min = this.cropperMap.project(bounds.getNorthWest(), this.maxZoom()); var max = this.cropperMap.project(bounds.getSouthEast(), this.maxZoom()); return [ Math.max(Math.floor(min.x), 0), Math.max(Math.floor(min.y), 0), Math.floor(max.x - min.x), Math.floor(max.y - min.y) ]; } // Take a IIIF [x, y, w, h] region and transform it into a Leaflet LatLngBounds unprojectIIIFRegionToBounds(region) { var minPoint = L.point(parseInt(region[0]), parseInt(region[1])); var maxPoint = L.point(parseInt(region[0]) + parseInt(region[2]), parseInt(region[1]) + parseInt(region[3])); var min = this.cropperMap.unproject(minPoint, this.maxZoom()); var max = this.cropperMap.unproject(maxPoint, this.maxZoom()); return L.latLngBounds(min, max); } // TODO: Add accessors to update hidden inputs with IIIF uri/ids? // Setup autocomplete inputs to have the iiif_cropper context setupAutoCompletes() { var input = $('[data-behavior="autocomplete"]', this.cropTool);'iiifCropper', this); } setupAjaxFileUpload() { this.fileInput = $('input[type="file"]', this.cropTool); this.fileInput.change(() => this.uploadFile()); } addImageSelectorToExistingCropTool() { if(this.iiifManifestField.val() === '') { return; } var input = $('[data-behavior="autocomplete"]', this.cropTool); var panel = $('target-panel')); addImageSelector(input, panel, this.iiifManifestField.val(), !this.iiifImageField.val()); } invalidateMapSizeOnTabToggle() { var tabs = $('[role="tablist"]', this.form); var self = this; tabs.on('', function() { if('initiallyVisible') === false &&':visible')) { self.cropperMap.invalidateSize(); // Because the map size is 0,0 when image is loading (not visible) we need to refit the bounds of the layer self.imageLayer._fitBounds();'initiallyVisible', null); } }); } // Get all the form data with the exception of the _method field. getData() { var data = new FormData(this.form[0]); data.append('_method', null); return data; } uploadFile() { var url ='endpoint') // Every post creates a new image/masthead. // Because they create IIIF urls which are heavily cached. $.ajax({ url: url, //Server script to process data type: 'POST', success: (data, stat, xhr) => this.successHandler(data, stat, xhr), // error: errorHandler, // Form data data: this.getData(), headers: { 'X-CSRF-Token': Core.csrfToken() || '' }, //Options to tell jQuery not to process data or worry about content-type. cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false }); } successHandler(data, stat, xhr) { this.setIiifFields({ tilesource: data.tilesource }); this.setUploadId(; } setUploadId(id) { $('#' + this.formPrefix + "_upload_id").val(id); } aspectRatioPreservingRectangleEditor(aspect) { return L.Editable.RectangleEditor.extend({ extendBounds: function (e) { var index = e.vertex.getIndex(), next = e.vertex.getNext(), previous = e.vertex.getPrevious(), oppositeIndex = (index + 2) % 4, opposite = e.vertex.latlngs[oppositeIndex]; if ((index % 2) == 1) { // calculate horiz. displacement e.latlng.update([ + ((1 / aspect) * (opposite.lng - e.latlng.lng)), e.latlng.lng]); } else { // calculate vert. displacement e.latlng.update([, (opposite.lng - (aspect * ( -]); } var bounds = new L.LatLngBounds(e.latlng, opposite); // Update latlngs by hand to preserve order. previous.latlng.update([, opposite.lng]); next.latlng.update([, e.latlng.lng]); this.updateBounds(bounds); this.refreshVertexMarkers(); } }); } }