module ChunkyPNG

  # A palette describes the set of colors that is being used for an image.
  # A PNG image can contain an explicit palette which defines the colors of
  # that image, but can also use an implicit palette, e.g. all truecolor
  # colors or all grayscale colors.
  # This palette supports decoding colors from a palette if an explicit
  # palette is provided in a PNG datastream, and it supports encoding colors
  # to an explicit palette (stores as PLTE & tRNS chunks in a PNG file).
  # @see ChunkyPNG::Color
  class Palette < SortedSet

    # Builds a new palette given a set (Enumerable instance) of colors.
    # @param [Enumerbale<Integer>] enum The set of colors to include in this palette.
    #   This Enumerbale can contains duplicates.
    # @param [Array] decoding_map An array of colors in the exact order at which
    #   they appeared in the palette chunk, so that this array can be used for decoding.
    def initialize(enum, decoding_map = nil)
      @decoding_map = decoding_map if decoding_map

    # Builds a palette instance from a PLTE chunk and optionally a tRNS chunk
    # from a PNG datastream.
    # This method will cerate a palette that is suitable for decoding an image.
    # @param [ChunkyPNG::Chunk::Palette] The palette chunk to load from
    # @param [ChunkyPNG::Chunk::Transparency, nil] The optional transparency chunk.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Palette] The loaded palette instance.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Palette#can_decode?
    def self.from_chunks(palette_chunk, transparency_chunk = nil)
      return nil if palette_chunk.nil?

      decoding_map = []
      index = 0

      palatte_bytes = palette_chunk.content.unpack('C*')
      if transparency_chunk
        alpha_channel = transparency_chunk.content.unpack('C*')
        alpha_channel = []

      index = 0
      palatte_bytes.each_slice(3) do |bytes|
        bytes << alpha_channel.fetch(index, ChunkyPNG::Color::MAX)
        decoding_map << ChunkyPNG::Color.rgba(*bytes)
        index += 1
      end, decoding_map)

    # Builds a palette instance from a given canvas.
    # @param [ChunkyPNG::Canvas] canvas The canvas to create a palette for.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Palette] The palette instance.
    def self.from_canvas(canvas)

    # Builds a palette instance from a given set of pixels.
    # @param [Enumerable<Integer>] pixels An enumeration of pixels to create a palette for
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Palette] The palette instance.
    def self.from_pixels(pixels)

    # Checks whether the size of this palette is suitable for indexed storage.
    # @return [true, false] True if the number of colors in this palette is less than 256.
    def indexable?
      size < 256

    # Check whether this pelette only contains opaque colors.
    # @return [true, false] True if all colors in this palette are opaque.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Color#opaque?
    def opaque?
      all? { |color| Color.opaque?(color) }

    # Check whether this pelette only contains grayscale colors.
    # @return [true, false] True if all colors in this palette are grayscale teints.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Color#grayscale??
    def grayscale?
      all? { |color| Color.grayscale?(color) }
    # Returns a palette with all the opaque variants of the colors in this palette.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Palette] A new Palette instance with only opaque colors.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Color#opaque!
    def opaque_palette { |c| ChunkyPNG::Color.opaque!(c) })

    # Checks whether this palette is suitable for decoding an image from a datastream.
    # This requires that the positions of the colors in the original palette chunk is known,
    # which is stored as an array in the +@decoding_map+ instance variable.
    # @return [true, false] True if a decoding map was built when this palette was loaded.
    def can_decode?

    # Checks whether this palette is suitable for encoding an image from to datastream.
    # This requires that the position of the color in the future palette chunk is known,
    # which is stored as a hash in the +@encoding_map+ instance variable.
    # @return [true, false] True if a encoding map was built when this palette was loaded.
    def can_encode?

    # Returns a color, given the position in the original palette chunk.
    # @param [Integer] index The 0-based position of the color in the palette.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Color] The color that is stored in the palette under the given index
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Palette#can_decode?
    def [](index)

    # Returns the position of a color in the palette
    # @param [ChunkyPNG::Color] color The color for which to look up the index.
    # @return [Integer] The 0-based position of the color in the palette.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Palette#can_encode?
    def index(color)

    # Creates a tRNS chunk that corresponds with this palette to store the
    # alpha channel of all colors.
    # Note that this chunk can be left out of every color in the palette is
    # opaque, and the image is encoded using indexed colors.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Chunk::Transparency] The tRNS chunk.
    def to_trns_chunk'tRNS', map { |c| ChunkyPNG::Color.a(c) }.pack('C*'))

    # Creates a PLTE chunk that corresponds with this palette to store the
    # r, g and b channels of all colors.
    # Note that a PLTE chunk should only be included if the image is
    # encoded using index colors. After this chunk has been built, the
    # palette becomes suitable for encoding an image.
    # @return [ChunkyPNG::Chunk::Palette] The PLTE chunk.
    # @see ChunkyPNG::Palette#can_encode?
    def to_plte_chunk
      @encoding_map = {}
      colors        = []

      each_with_index do |color, index|
        @encoding_map[color] = index
        colors += ChunkyPNG::Color.to_truecolor_bytes(color)
      end'PLTE', colors.pack('C*'))

    # Determines the most suitable colormode for this palette.
    # @return [Integer] The colormode which would create the smalles possible
    #    file for images that use this exact palette.
    def best_colormode
      if grayscale?
        if opaque?
      elsif indexable?
      elsif opaque?