# ~*~ encoding: utf-8 ~*~ require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "helper")) context "Wiki" do setup do @wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(testpath("examples/lotr.git")) end test "repo path" do assert_equal testpath("examples/lotr.git"), @wiki.path end test "git repo" do assert_equal Grit::Repo, @wiki.repo.class assert @wiki.exist? end test "shows paginated log with no page" do Gollum::Wiki.per_page = 3 commits = @wiki.repo.commits[0..2].map { |x| x.id } assert_equal commits, @wiki.log.map { |c| c.id } end test "shows paginated log with 1st page" do Gollum::Wiki.per_page = 3 commits = @wiki.repo.commits[0..2].map { |x| x.id } assert_equal commits, @wiki.log(:page => 1).map { |c| c.id } end test "shows paginated log with next page" do Gollum::Wiki.per_page = 3 commits = @wiki.repo.commits[3..5].map { |x| x.id } assert_equal commits, @wiki.log(:page => 2).map { |c| c.id } end test "list pages" do pages = @wiki.pages assert_equal \ %w(Bilbo-Baggins.md Eye-Of-Sauron.md Home.textile My-Precious.md), pages.map { |p| p.filename }.sort end test "counts pages" do assert_equal 4, @wiki.size end test "text_data" do wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(testpath("examples/yubiwa.git")) if String.instance_methods.include?(:encoding) utf8 = wiki.page("strider").text_data assert_equal Encoding::UTF_8, utf8.encoding sjis = wiki.page("sjis").text_data(Encoding::SHIFT_JIS) assert_equal Encoding::SHIFT_JIS, sjis.encoding else page = wiki.page("strider") assert_equal page.raw_data, page.text_data end end test "gets reverse diff" do diff = @wiki.full_reverse_diff('a8ad3c09dd842a3517085bfadd37718856dee813') assert_match "b/Mordor/_Sidebar.md", diff assert_match "b/_Sidebar.md", diff end test "gets reverse diff for a page" do diff = @wiki.full_reverse_diff_for('_Sidebar.md', 'a8ad3c09dd842a3517085bfadd37718856dee813') regex = /b\/Mordor\/\_Sidebar\.md/ assert_match "b/_Sidebar.md", diff assert_no_match regex, diff end end context "Wiki page previewing" do setup do @path = testpath("examples/lotr.git") @wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(@path) end test "preview_page" do page = @wiki.preview_page("Test", "# Bilbo", :markdown) assert_equal "# Bilbo", page.raw_data assert_equal "


", page.formatted_data assert_equal "Test.md", page.filename assert_equal "Test", page.name end end context "Wiki page writing" do setup do @path = testpath("examples/test.git") FileUtils.rm_rf(@path) Grit::Repo.init_bare(@path) @wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(@path) end test "write_page" do cd = commit_details @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", cd) assert_equal 1, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_equal cd[:message], @wiki.repo.commits.first.message assert_equal cd[:name], @wiki.repo.commits.first.author.name assert_equal cd[:email], @wiki.repo.commits.first.author.email assert @wiki.page("Gollum") @wiki.write_page("Bilbo", :markdown, "# Bilbo", commit_details) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert @wiki.page("Bilbo") assert @wiki.page("Gollum") end test "is not allowed to overwrite file" do @wiki.write_page("Abc-Def", :markdown, "# Gollum", commit_details) assert_raises Gollum::DuplicatePageError do @wiki.write_page("ABC DEF", :textile, "# Gollum", commit_details) end end test "update_page" do @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("Gollum") cd = commit_details @wiki.update_page(page, page.name, :markdown, "# Gollum2", cd) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_equal "# Gollum2", @wiki.page("Gollum").raw_data assert_equal cd[:message], @wiki.repo.commits.first.message assert_equal cd[:name], @wiki.repo.commits.first.author.name assert_equal cd[:email], @wiki.repo.commits.first.author.email end test "update page with format change" do @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", commit_details) assert_equal :markdown, @wiki.page("Gollum").format page = @wiki.page("Gollum") @wiki.update_page(page, page.name, :textile, "h1. Gollum", commit_details) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_equal :textile, @wiki.page("Gollum").format assert_equal "h1. Gollum", @wiki.page("Gollum").raw_data end test "update page with name change" do @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", commit_details) assert_equal :markdown, @wiki.page("Gollum").format page = @wiki.page("Gollum") @wiki.update_page(page, 'Smeagol', :markdown, "h1. Gollum", commit_details) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_equal "h1. Gollum", @wiki.page("Smeagol").raw_data end test "update page with name and format change" do @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", commit_details) assert_equal :markdown, @wiki.page("Gollum").format page = @wiki.page("Gollum") @wiki.update_page(page, 'Smeagol', :textile, "h1. Gollum", commit_details) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_equal :textile, @wiki.page("Smeagol").format assert_equal "h1. Gollum", @wiki.page("Smeagol").raw_data end test "update nested page with format change" do index = @wiki.repo.index index.add("lotr/Gollum.md", "# Gollum") index.commit("Add nested page") page = @wiki.page("Gollum") assert_equal :markdown, @wiki.page("Gollum").format @wiki.update_page(page, page.name, :textile, "h1. Gollum", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("Gollum") assert_equal "lotr/Gollum.textile", page.path assert_equal :textile, page.format assert_equal "h1. Gollum", page.raw_data end test "delete root page" do @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("Gollum") @wiki.delete_page(page, commit_details) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_nil @wiki.page("Gollum") end test "delete nested page" do index = @wiki.repo.index index.add("greek/Bilbo-Baggins.md", "hi") index.add("Gollum.md", "hi") index.commit("Add alpha.jpg") page = @wiki.page("Bilbo-Baggins") assert page @wiki.delete_page(page, commit_details) assert_equal 2, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_nil @wiki.page("Bilbo-Baggins") assert @wiki.page("Gollum") end teardown do FileUtils.rm_r(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), *%w[examples test.git])) end end context "Wiki sync with working directory" do setup do @path = testpath('examples/wdtest') Grit::Repo.init(@path) @wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(@path) end test "write a page" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) assert_equal "Hi", File.read(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end test "update a page with same name and format" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("New Page") @wiki.update_page(page, page.name, page.format, "Bye", commit_details) assert_equal "Bye", File.read(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end test "update a page with different name and same format" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("New Page") @wiki.update_page(page, "New Page 2", page.format, "Bye", commit_details) assert_equal "Bye", File.read(File.join(@path, "New-Page-2.md")) assert !File.exist?(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end test "update a page with same name and different format" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("New Page") @wiki.update_page(page, page.name, :textile, "Bye", commit_details) assert_equal "Bye", File.read(File.join(@path, "New-Page.textile")) assert !File.exist?(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end test "update a page with different name and different format" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("New Page") @wiki.update_page(page, "New Page 2", :textile, "Bye", commit_details) assert_equal "Bye", File.read(File.join(@path, "New-Page-2.textile")) assert !File.exist?(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end test "delete a page" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) page = @wiki.page("New Page") @wiki.delete_page(page, commit_details) assert !File.exist?(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end teardown do FileUtils.rm_r(@path) end end context "page_file_dir option" do setup do @path = cloned_testpath('examples/page_file_dir') @repo = Grit::Repo.init(@path) @page_file_dir = 'docs' @wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(@path, :page_file_dir => @page_file_dir) end test "write a page in sub directory" do @wiki.write_page("New Page", :markdown, "Hi", commit_details) assert_equal "Hi", File.read(File.join(@path, @page_file_dir, "New-Page.md")) assert !File.exist?(File.join(@path, "New-Page.md")) end test "edit a page in a sub directory" do page = @wiki.page('foo') @wiki.update_page(page, page.name, page.format, 'new contents', commit_details) end test "a file in page file dir should be found" do assert @wiki.page("foo") end test "a file out of page file dir should not be found" do assert !@wiki.page("bar") end test "search results should be restricted in page filer dir" do results = @wiki.search("foo") assert_equal 1, results.size assert_equal "foo", results[0][:name] end teardown do FileUtils.rm_r(@path) end end context "Wiki page writing with different branch" do setup do @path = testpath("examples/test.git") FileUtils.rm_rf(@path) @repo = Grit::Repo.init_bare(@path) @wiki = Gollum::Wiki.new(@path) # We need an initial commit to create the master branch # before we can create new branches cd = commit_details @wiki.write_page("Gollum", :markdown, "# Gollum", cd) # Create our test branch and check it out @repo.update_ref("test", @repo.commits.first.id) @branch = Gollum::Wiki.new(@path, :ref => "test") end teardown do FileUtils.rm_rf(@path) end test "write_page" do cd = commit_details @branch.write_page("Bilbo", :markdown, "# Bilbo", commit_details) assert @branch.page("Bilbo") assert @wiki.page("Gollum") assert_equal 1, @wiki.repo.commits.size assert_equal 1, @branch.repo.commits.size assert_equal nil, @wiki.page("Bilbo") end end