require "active_support/hash_with_indifferent_access" module Fancygrid class QueryGenerator#:nodoc: OPERATOR_NAMES = [ :equal, :not_equal, :less, :less_equal, :greater, :greater_equal, :starts_with, :ends_with, :like, :is_null, :is_not_null, :is_true, :is_not_true, :is_false, :is_not_false, :in, :not_in ] attr_accessor :query def initialize(options=nil) options ||= {} options = self.query = {}[:select]) self.apply_pagination(options[:pagination]) self.apply_search_conditions(options[:operator] || :and, options[:conditions]) self.apply_sort_order(options[:order]) end def parse_options(options=nil)#:nodoc: options ||= {} [:conditions, :order, :group, :having, :limit, :offset, :joins, :include, :select, :from, :readonly, :lock].each do |option| self.send(option, options[option]) unless options[option].nil? end end # Takes a hash like { :page => 2, :per_page => 20 } and translates it into :limit and :offset options which are # then applied to the final query # def apply_pagination(options=nil) options ||= {} options = self.limit(options[:per_page].to_i) self.offset(options[:page].to_i * self.limit()) end # Takes a hash like { :column => "", :order => "asc" } and translates it into the :order option and # then applies it to the final query # def apply_sort_order(options=nil) self.order("#{options[:column]} #{options[:order].to_s.upcase}") if options end # Takes an operator and an conditions hash like { : => { : => [{ :oparator => , :value => }] } } # and converts them into a query joined by the given operator # def apply_search_conditions(operator, search_conditions) return unless search_conditions operator = logical_operator(operator) conditions = [] arguments = [] # backward compatibility search_conditions = do |table, columns| do |column, value| if value.is_a?(Hash) if value.keys.all? { |key| key.to_s.match(/^\d+$/) } # for hashes like this # :
=> { # : => { # "0" => { :oparator => , :value => }, # "1" => { :oparator => , :value => }, # "2" => { :oparator => , :value => } # } # } #{ |key, opts| { :column => "#{table}.#{column}", :operator => opts[:operator], :value => opts[:value] } } else # for hashes like this # :
=> { # : => { # :oparator => , :value => # } # } # { :column => "#{table}.#{column}", :operator => value[:operator], :value => value[:value] } end elsif value.is_a?(Array) # for hashes like this # :
=> { # : => { # [{ :oparator => , :value => }, # { :oparator => , :value => }, # { :oparator => , :value => }] # } # } #{ |opts| { :column => "#{table}.#{column}", :operator => opts[:operator], :value => opts[:value] } } else # for hashes like this # :
=> { # : => # } # unless value.blank? { :column => "#{table}.#{column}", :operator => :like, :value => value } else nil end end end end search_conditions = search_conditions.flatten search_conditions.each do |options| next unless options sql_query, value = comparison_operator(options[:column], options[:operator], options[:value]) conditions << sql_query arguments << value if (value) end conditions = [conditions.join(operator)] + arguments append_conditions(:and, conditions) end # Joins two conditions arrays or strings with the given operator # # === Example # # condition1 = ["first_name = ?", first_name] # condition2 = ["last_name = ?", last_name] # # join_conditions(:and, condition1, condition2) # # => ["(first_name = ?) AND (last_name = ?)", first_name, last_name] # def join_conditions(operator, conditions1, conditions2) conditions1 = Array(conditions1) conditions2 = Array(conditions2) operator = logical_operator(operator).gsub(" ", "") if conditions1.empty? return [] if conditions2.empty? return conditions2 elsif conditions2.empty? return conditions1 end left_sql = conditions1.shift right_sql = conditions2.shift if left_sql.blank? return [] if right_sql.blank? return [right_sql] + conditions2 elsif right_sql.blank? return [left_sql] + conditions1 end conditions = "(#{left_sql}) #{operator} (#{right_sql})" return [conditions] + conditions1 + conditions2 end def append_conditions(operator, conditions) self.query[:conditions] = join_conditions(operator, self.query[:conditions], conditions) end # An SQL fragment like “administrator = 1”, ["user_name = ?", username], or ["user_name = :user_name", { :user_name => user_name }] # def conditions(conditions=nil) if conditions append_conditions(:and, conditions) end self.query[:conditions] end # An SQL fragment like “created_at DESC, name”. # def order(order_by=nil) self.query[:order] = order_by if order_by self.query[:order] end # An SQL fragment like “created_at DESC, name”. # def group(group_by=nil) self.query[:group] = group_by if group_by self.query[:group] end # An attribute name by which the result should be grouped. Uses the GROUP BY SQL-clause. # def having(having_sql=nil) self.query[:having] = having_sql if having_sql self.query[:having] end # An integer determining the limit on the number of rows that should be returned. # def limit(num=nil) self.query[:limit] = num if num self.query[:limit] end # An integer determining the offset from where the rows should be fetched. So at 5, it would skip rows 0 through 4. # def offset(num=nil) self.query[:offset] = num if num self.query[:offset] end # Either an SQL fragment for additional joins like “LEFT JOIN comments ON comments.post_id = id” (rarely needed), # named associations in the same form used for the :include option, which will perform an INNER JOIN on the # associated table(s), or an array containing a mixture of both strings and named associations. If the value is a # string, then the records will be returned read-only since they will have attributes that do not correspond to the # table’s columns. Pass :readonly => false to override. # def joins(to_join_with=nil) self.query[:joins] = to_join_with if to_join_with self.query[:joins] end # Names associations that should be loaded alongside. The symbols named refer to already defined associations. # See eager loading under Associations. # def include(to_include=nil) self.query[:include] = to_include if to_include self.query[:include] end # By default, this is “*” as in “SELECT * FROM”, but can be changed if you, for example, want to do a join but not # include the joined columns. Takes a string with the SELECT SQL fragment (e.g. “id, name”). # def select(select = nil) if select self.query[:select] = Array(self.query[:select]) self.query[:select] |= Array(select) if self.query[:select].include?("*") self.query[:select] = ["*"] end end self.query[:select] end # By default, this is the table name of the class, but can be changed to an alternate table name # (or even the name of a database view). # def from(table_name=nil) self.query[:from] = table_name if table_name self.query[:from] end # Mark the returned records read-only so they cannot be saved or updated. # def readonly(value=nil) self.query[:readonly] = value unless value.nil? self.query[:readonly] end # An SQL fragment like “FOR UPDATE” or “LOCK IN SHARE MODE”. :lock => true gives connection’s default exclusive # lock, usually “FOR UPDATE”. # def lock(value=nil) self.query[:lock] = value unless value.nil? self.query[:lock] end private def comparison_operator(column, operator, value) operator = case operator.to_s when "equal" "=" when "not_equal" "!=" when "less" "<" when "less_equal" "<=" when "greater" ">" when "greater_equal" ">=" when "starts_with" value = "#{value.to_param}%" "LIKE" when "ends_with" value = "%#{value.to_param}" "LIKE" when "like" value = "%#{value.to_param}%" "LIKE" when "is_null" value = nil "IS NULL" when "is_not_null" value = nil "IS NOT NULL" when "is_true" value = nil "IS TRUE" when "is_not_true" value = nil "IS NOT TRUE" when "is_false" value = nil "IS FALSE" when "is_not_false" value = nil "IS NOT FALSE" when "in" value = value.split(",") "IN" when "not_in" value = value.split(",") "NOT IN" else "=" end if value.nil? return "( #{column} #{operator} )", value else return "( #{column} #{operator} (?) )", value end end def logical_operator(name) case name.to_s when "all", "and" " AND " else " OR " end end end end