module ActsAsFilterable #:nodoc: # This flyweight represents all of the filters that we can run on attributes. # Each filter should modify the attribute value in place an not create new strings. # The following filters exist: # * digits - strip any numeric characters out. # * lowercase - make all character values lowercase. # * uppercase - make all character values uppercase. # * whitespace - strip any non-important whitespace out of the value (tabs and newlines). Filters = returning[]) do |f| f[:digits] = lambda { |attr| attr.gsub!(/[^\d]*/, "") } f[:lowercase] = lambda { |attr| attr.downcase! } f[:uppercase] = lambda { |attr| attr.upcase! } f[:whitespace] = lambda { |attr| attr.gsub!(/\s+/, " "); attr.strip! } end.freeze module ActiveRecordExt #:nodoc: # Module that is mixed into the ActiveRecord::Base class # I know, I know, Base is a cop-out but it does serve a purpose for # code organization in RE: to ActiveRecord. Also, fuck your ivory tower bullshit. module Base # Hook that pulls the functionality into ActiveRecord. # Also adds #apply_filters as a before_validation filter def self.included(klazz) klazz.extend ClassMethods klazz.before_validation :apply_filters end module ClassMethods # As the class methods are added in the included hook, the following # macros are created: # # * filter_for_digits - Filter non-numeric values out. # * filter_for_uppercase - Uppercase all alpha values. # * filter_for_lowercase - Lowercase all alpha values. # * filter_for_whitespace - Filter any continuous sequence of whitespace greater than 1 to only 1 space. def self.extended(klazz) ActsAsFilterable::Filters.each_key do |key| klazz.class_eval <<-MACROS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def self.filter_for_#{key}(*args) filtered_attributes[:#{key}] |= args unless args.empty? end MACROS end end # Hash that contains the attributes that are to be filtered according the # filter that should be applied to them. def filtered_attributes @filtered_attributes ||= [] end end protected # Called in the before_validate hook in each model. # Filters are applied in the order that the appear in the class # definition. # # So if the following ruleset is defined: # filter_for_whitespace :message # filter_for_lowercase :message # # The whitespace filter will be invoked followed by the lowercase filter on before_validate def apply_filters self.class.filtered_attributes.each do |key, value| value.each do |attr| apply_filter self, attr, ActsAsFilterable::Filters[key] end end end private # Applies the filter in question to the attribute. # if the value is _not_ a String, then the filter call is ignored. def apply_filter(record, attr, filter)[attr]) if record[attr].is_a?(String) end end end end