# encoding: utf-8 require 'minitest/autorun' require 'net/http' require 'webrick' require 'testutil' require 'util' require 'openid/fetchers' require 'stringio' begin require 'net/https' rescue LoadError # We need these names for testing. module OpenSSL module SSL class SSLError < StandardError; end end end end module HttpResultAssertions def assert_http_result_is(expected, result) assert_equal expected.code, result.code assert_equal expected.body, result.body assert_equal expected.final_url, result.final_url end end class BogusFetcher RESPONSE = "bogus" def fetch(url, body=nil, headers=nil, redirect_limit=5) return BogusFetcher::RESPONSE end end class FetcherTestCase < Minitest::Test include HttpResultAssertions include OpenID::TestUtil @@test_header_name = 'X-test-header' @@test_header_value = 'marmoset' class ExpectedResponse < Net::HTTPResponse attr_reader :final_url def initialize(code, final_url, body="the expected body", httpv="1.1", msg=nil) super(httpv, code, msg) @code = code @body = body @final_url = final_url end def body @body end end @@cases = [ # path, status code, expected url (nil = default to path) ['/success', 200, nil], ['/notfound', 404, nil], ['/badreq', 400, nil], ['/forbidden', 403, nil], ['/error', 500, nil], ['/server_error', 503, nil], ['/301redirect', 200, '/success'], ['/302redirect', 200, '/success'], ['/303redirect', 200, '/success'], ['/307redirect', 200, '/success'], ] def _redirect_with_code(code) lambda { |req, resp| resp.status = code resp['Location'] = _uri_build('/success') } end def _respond_with_code(code) lambda { |req, resp| resp.status = code resp.body = "the expected body" } end def _require_header lambda { |req, resp| assert_equal @@test_header_value, req[@@test_header_name] assert_match 'ruby-openid', req['User-agent'] } end def _require_post lambda { |req, resp| assert_equal 'POST', req.request_method assert_equal "postbody\n", req.body } end def _redirect_loop lambda { |req, resp| @_redirect_counter += 1 resp.status = 302 resp['Location'] = _uri_build('/redirect_loop') resp.body = "Fetched #{@_redirect_counter} times." assert @_redirect_counter < 10, "Fetched too many times." } end UTF8_PAGE_CONTENT = <<-EOHTML UTF-8 こんにちは EOHTML def _utf8_page lambda { |req, resp| resp['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=utf-8" body = UTF8_PAGE_CONTENT.dup resp.body = body } end def _unencoded_page lambda { |req, resp| resp['Content-Type'] = "text/html" body = "unencoded-body" resp.body = body } end def _badly_encoded_page lambda { |req, resp| resp['Content-Type'] = "text/html; charset=wtf" body = "badly-encoded-body" resp.body = body } end def setup if defined?(Encoding.default_external) @encoding_was = Encoding.default_external end @fetcher = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new @logfile = StringIO.new @weblog = WEBrick::Log.new(@logfile) @server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new(:Port => 0, :Logger => @weblog, :AccessLog => []) @server_thread = Thread.new { @server.mount_proc('/success', _respond_with_code(200)) @server.mount_proc('/301redirect', _redirect_with_code(301)) @server.mount_proc('/302redirect', _redirect_with_code(302)) @server.mount_proc('/303redirect', _redirect_with_code(303)) @server.mount_proc('/307redirect', _redirect_with_code(307)) @server.mount_proc('/badreq', _respond_with_code(400)) @server.mount_proc('/forbidden', _respond_with_code(403)) @server.mount_proc('/notfound', _respond_with_code(404)) @server.mount_proc('/error', _respond_with_code(500)) @server.mount_proc('/server_error', _respond_with_code(503)) @server.mount_proc('/require_header', _require_header) @server.mount_proc('/redirect_to_reqheader') { |req, resp| resp.status = 302 resp['Location'] = _uri_build('/require_header') } @server.mount_proc('/post', _require_post) @server.mount_proc('/redirect_loop', _redirect_loop) @server.mount_proc('/utf8_page', _utf8_page) @server.mount_proc('/unencoded_page', _unencoded_page) @server.mount_proc('/badly_encoded_page', _badly_encoded_page) @server.start } @uri = _uri_build sleep 0.2 end def _uri_build(path='/') u = URI::HTTP.build({ :host => "localhost", :port => @server.config[:Port], :path => path, }) return u.to_s end def teardown if defined?(Encoding.default_external) Encoding.default_external = @encoding_was end @server.shutdown # Sleep a little because sometimes this blocks forever. @server_thread.join end =begin # XXX This test no longer works since we're not dealing with URI # objects internally. def test_final_url_tainted uri = _uri_build('/301redirect') result = @fetcher.fetch(uri) final_url = URI::parse(result.final_url) assert final_url.host.tainted? assert final_url.path.tainted? end =end def test_headers headers = { @@test_header_name => @@test_header_value } uri = _uri_build('/require_header') result = @fetcher.fetch(uri, nil, headers) # The real test runs under the WEBrick handler _require_header, # this just checks the return code from that. assert_equal '200', result.code, @logfile.string end def test_headers_after_redirect headers = { @@test_header_name => @@test_header_value } uri = _uri_build('/redirect_to_reqheader') result = @fetcher.fetch(uri, nil, headers) # The real test runs under the WEBrick handler _require_header, # this just checks the return code from that. assert_equal '200', result.code, @logfile.string end def test_post uri = _uri_build('/post') result = @fetcher.fetch(uri, "postbody\n") # The real test runs under the WEBrick handler _require_header, # this just checks the return code from that. assert_equal '200', result.code, @logfile.string end def test_redirect_limit @_redirect_counter = 0 uri = _uri_build('/redirect_loop') assert_raises(OpenID::HTTPRedirectLimitReached) { @fetcher.fetch(uri, body=nil, headers=nil, redirect_limit=0) } end def test_utf8_page uri = _uri_build('/utf8_page') response = @fetcher.fetch(uri) assert_equal(UTF8_PAGE_CONTENT, response.body) if response.body.respond_to?(:encoding) assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, response.body.encoding) end end def test_unencoded_page uri = _uri_build('/unencoded_page') response = @fetcher.fetch(uri) assert_equal("unencoded-body", response.body) # The actual encoding seems to depend on the server # setting in case it is not defined explicitely # if defined?(Encoding.default_external) # assert_equal(Encoding::UTF_8, response.body.encoding) # end end def test_badly_encoded_page if defined?(Encoding.default_external) Encoding.default_external = Encoding::SHIFT_JIS end uri = _uri_build('/badly_encoded_page') response = @fetcher.fetch(uri) assert_equal("badly-encoded-body", response.body) if defined?(Encoding.default_external) assert_equal(Encoding::SHIFT_JIS, response.body.encoding) end end def test_cases for path, expected_code, expected_url in @@cases uri = _uri_build(path) if expected_url.nil? expected_url = uri else expected_url = _uri_build(expected_url) end expected = ExpectedResponse.new(expected_code.to_s, expected_url) result = @fetcher.fetch(uri) begin assert_http_result_is expected, result rescue Minitest::Assertion => err if result.code == '500' && expected_code != 500 # Looks like our WEBrick harness broke. msg = < why assert_equal(why.to_s, "SSL support not found; cannot fetch https://someurl.com/") end end class FakeConnection < Net::HTTP attr_reader :use_ssl, :ca_file def initialize *args super @ca_file = nil end def use_ssl=(v) @use_ssl = v end def ca_file=(ca_file) @ca_file = ca_file end end def test_ssl_with_ca_file f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new ca_file = "BOGUS" f.ca_file = ca_file f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_http) do |uri| FakeConnection.new(uri.host, uri.port) end testcase = self f.instance_def(:set_verified) do |conn, verified| testcase.assert(verified) end conn = f.make_connection(URI::parse("https://someurl.com")) assert_equal(conn.ca_file, ca_file) end def test_ssl_without_ca_file f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_http) do |uri| FakeConnection.new(uri.host, uri.port) end testcase = self f.instance_def(:set_verified) do |conn, verified| testcase.assert(!verified) end conn = nil assert_log_matches(/making https request to https:\/\/someurl.com without verifying/) { conn = f.make_connection(URI::parse("https://someurl.com")) } assert(conn.ca_file.nil?) end def test_make_http_nil f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_http) do |uri| nil end assert_raises(RuntimeError) { f.make_connection(URI::parse("http://example.com/")) } end def test_make_http_invalid f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_http) do |uri| "not a Net::HTTP object" end assert_raises(RuntimeError) { f.make_connection(URI::parse("http://example.com/")) } end class BrokenSSLConnection def start(&block) raise OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError end end def test_sslfetchingerror f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_connection) do |uri| BrokenSSLConnection.new end assert_raises(OpenID::SSLFetchingError) { f.fetch("https://bogus.com/") } end class TimeoutConnection def start(&block) raise Timeout::Error end end def test_fetchingerror f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_connection) do |uri| TimeoutConnection.new end assert_raises(OpenID::FetchingError) { f.fetch("https://bogus.com/") } end class TestingException < OpenID::FetchingError; end class NoSSLSupportConnection def supports_ssl? false end def start yield end def request_get(*args) raise TestingException end def post_connection_check(hostname) raise RuntimeError end def use_ssl? true end end class NoUseSSLConnection < NoSSLSupportConnection def use_ssl? false end end def test_post_connection_check_no_support_ssl f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_connection) do |uri| NoSSLSupportConnection.new end # post_connection_check should not be called. assert_raises(TestingException) { f.fetch("https://bogus.com/") } end def test_post_connection_check_no_use_ssl f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_connection) do |uri| NoUseSSLConnection.new end # post_connection_check should not be called. assert_raises(TestingException) { f.fetch("https://bogus.com/") } end class PostConnectionCheckException < OpenID::FetchingError; end class UseSSLConnection < NoSSLSupportConnection def use_ssl? true end def post_connection_check(hostname) raise PostConnectionCheckException end end def test_post_connection_check f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new f.extend(OpenID::InstanceDefExtension) f.instance_def(:make_connection) do |uri| UseSSLConnection.new end f.instance_def(:supports_ssl?) do |conn| true end # post_connection_check should be called. assert_raises(PostConnectionCheckException) { f.fetch("https://bogus.com/") } end end class DefaultFetcherTest < Minitest::Test def setup OpenID.fetcher = nil end def test_default_fetcher assert(OpenID.fetcher.is_a?(OpenID::StandardFetcher)) # A custom fetcher can be set OpenID.fetcher = BogusFetcher.new # A test fetch should call the new fetcher assert(OpenID.fetch('not-a-url') == BogusFetcher::RESPONSE) # Set the fetcher to nil again OpenID.fetcher = nil assert(OpenID.fetcher.is_a?(OpenID::StandardFetcher)) end end class ProxyTest < Minitest::Test def test_proxy_unreachable begin f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new('', 1) # If this tries to connect to the proxy (on port 1), I expect # a 'connection refused' error. If it tries to contact the below # URI first, it will get some other sort of error. f.fetch("http://unittest.invalid") rescue OpenID::FetchingError => why # XXX: Is this a translatable string that is going to break? if why.message =~ /Connection refused/ return end raise why end flunk "expected Connection Refused, but it passed." end def test_proxy_env ENV['http_proxy'] = '' OpenID.fetcher_use_env_http_proxy # make_http just to give us something with readable attributes to inspect. conn = OpenID.fetcher.make_http(URI.parse('')) assert_equal('', conn.proxy_address) assert_equal(3128, conn.proxy_port) end # These aren't fully automated tests, but if you start a proxy # on port 8888 (tinyproxy's default) and check its logs... # def test_proxy # f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new('', 8888) # result = f.fetch("http://www.example.com/") # assert_match(/RFC.*2606/, result.body) # end # def test_proxy_https # f = OpenID::StandardFetcher.new('', 8888) # result = f.fetch("https://www.myopenid.com/") # assert_match(/myOpenID/, result.body) # end end