class ForgeCLI::ApplicationCreator def self.create!(app, modules = []) new(app, modules).create_application! end def initialize(app, modules = []) @app = app @modules = modules end def create_application! system("/usr/bin/env rails new #{@app} --skip-bundle") app_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, @app) ForgeCLI::ModuleInstaller.install_module!(:base, @app, app_path) @modules.each do |mod| ForgeCLI::ModuleInstaller.install_module!(mod, @app, app_path) end # Remove some base Rails files that we don't want STDOUT.puts "\nRemoving unneccessary base Rails files..." remove_file File.join(@app, 'app', 'views', 'layouts', 'application.html.erb') remove_file File.join(@app, 'app', 'assets', 'stylesheets', 'application.css') remove_file File.join(@app, 'public', 'index.html') remove_file File.join(@app, 'Gemfile.lock') # Copy custom files from ~/.forge if File.exist?(File.join(ENV["HOME"], '.forge')) STDOUT.puts "\nCopying your custom files from ~/.forge" ForgeCLI::CustomFileCopier.copy_files!(@app) end # Rewrite Forge3::Application rewrite_app_name # create some new tokens generate_devise_tokens STDOUT.puts completed_message end def completed_message %{ #{"Your new Forge site is almost ready! Next steps:".foreground(:cyan)} 1. Run 'bundle install' 2. Set up config/database.yml 3. Run 'rake db:create' unless your database already exists 4. Run 'rake db:migrate' 5. Run 'rake forge:create_admin' 6. Run 'rake forge:load_help' 7. Edit the contents of config/sitemap.yml, then run 'rake db:seed' 8. Set up delayed job with 'rails generate delayed_job:active_record' 9. Review the settings in config/initializers/devise.rb and config/settings.yml 10. Run 'rails server' to spin up the application 11. Access Forge by going to /forge in your browser (e.g. http://localhost:3000/forge) } end private def remove_file(file) if File.exist?(file) STDOUT.puts " #{"remove".foreground(93, 255, 85)} #{file.gsub(@app + '/', '')}" FileUtils.rm(file) end end def rewrite_app_name files = [ '/config/environments/production.rb', '/config/application.rb' ] files.each do |file| old_content =, file)) app_name = File.basename(@app).gsub(/\W+/, '_').camelize new_content = old_content.gsub('Forge3', app_name), file), 'w') do |f| f.puts new_content end end end def generate_devise_tokens file = '/config/initializers/devise.rb' old_content =, file)) new_content = old_content.gsub('DEVISE_SECRET_KEY', SecureRandom.hex(64)).gsub('DEVISE_PEPPER', SecureRandom.hex(64)), file), 'w') do |f| f.puts new_content end end end