#! /usr/bin/env node /* eslint-disable no-use-before-define */ /* eslint-disable no-await-in-loop */ /* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */ /* eslint-disable prefer-arrow-callback */ /* eslint-disable func-names */ /* eslint-disable max-classes-per-file */ const yargs = require('yargs'); const { diffLines } = require('diff'); const yaml = require('js-yaml'); const { promises: fsp, readFileSync } = require('fs'); const { queue } = require('async'); const process = require('process'); const readline = require('readline'); const { join } = require('path'); const cliProgress = require('cli-progress'); const { algorithms, canonicalize } = require('./fingerprint'); const { verbose, loadAppMap } = require('./utils'); const appMapCatalog = require('./appMapCatalog'); const FingerprintDirectoryCommand = require('./fingerprint/fingerprintDirectoryCommand'); const FingerprintWatchCommand = require('./fingerprint/fingerprintWatchCommand'); const Depends = require('./depends'); const FindCodeObjects = require('./search/findCodeObjects'); const FindEvents = require('./search/findEvents'); const FunctionStats = require('./functionStats'); const Inspect = require('./inspect'); const SwaggerCommand = require('./swagger/command'); const InventoryCommand = require('./inventoryCommand'); class DiffCommand { baseDir(dir) { this.baseDir = dir; return this; } workingDir(dir) { this.workingDir = dir; return this; } /** * Limits the diff computation to a specific AppMaps. * * @param {string[]} names */ setAppMapNames(names) { this.appMapNames = new Set(names); return this; } /** * Gets the names of all AppMaps which are added in the working set. */ async added() { await this._loadCatalogs(); return [...this.workingAppMapNames].filter( (x) => !this.baseAppMapNames.has(x) ); } /** * Gets the names of all AppMaps which are present in the base set but not present * in the working set. */ async removed() { await this._loadCatalogs(); return [...this.baseAppMapNames].filter( (x) => !this.workingAppMapNames.has(x) ); } /** * Gets the names of all AppMaps which have present in both sets, but whose fingerprints * have changed. * * @param {string} algorithmName Name of the canonicalization algorithm to use for the * comparison. */ async changed(algorithmName) { await this._loadCatalogs(); const result = []; Object.keys(this.workingCatalog) .filter((name) => this.baseCatalog[name]) .filter(this._includesAppMap.bind(this)) .forEach((name) => { const base = this.baseCatalog[name]; const working = this.workingCatalog[name]; if (!base.metadata.fingerprints || !working.metadata.fingerprints) { console.warn(`No metadata.fingerprints found on AppMap ${name}`); return; } const baseFingerprint = base.metadata.fingerprints.find( (fingerprint) => fingerprint.canonicalization_algorithm === algorithmName ); const workingFingerprint = working.metadata.fingerprints.find( (fingerprint) => fingerprint.canonicalization_algorithm === algorithmName ); if (!baseFingerprint || !workingFingerprint) { console.warn( `No ${algorithmName} fingerprint found on AppMap ${name}` ); return; } if (baseFingerprint.digest !== workingFingerprint.digest) { result.push(name); } }); return result; } _includesAppMap(name) { return !this.appMapNames || this.appMapNames.has(name); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-underscore-dangle async _loadCatalogs() { if (!this.workingDir) { throw new Error('Working directory must be specified'); } // TODO: Other modes of loading the base data, such as from a remote server, can be supported // in the future. if (!this.baseDir) { throw new Error('Base directory must be specified'); } this.workingCatalog = await appMapCatalog(this.workingDir); this.baseCatalog = await appMapCatalog(this.baseDir); this.workingAppMapNames = new Set( Object.keys(this.workingCatalog).filter(this._includesAppMap.bind(this)) ); this.baseAppMapNames = new Set( Object.keys(this.baseCatalog).filter(this._includesAppMap.bind(this)) ); } } class DetailedDiff { constructor(algorithm, baseAppMap, workingAppMap) { this.algorithm = algorithm; this.baseAppMap = baseAppMap; this.workingAppMap = workingAppMap; } async diff() { const canonicalizeAppMap = (appmap) => { const canonicalForm = canonicalize(this.algorithm, appmap); return yaml.dump(canonicalForm); }; const baseDoc = canonicalizeAppMap(this.baseAppMap); const workingDoc = canonicalizeAppMap(this.workingAppMap); return diffLines(baseDoc, workingDoc); } } // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions yargs(process.argv.slice(2)) .command( 'diff', 'Compute the difference between two mapsets', (args) => { args.option('name', { describe: 'indicate a specific AppMap to of compare', }); args.option('show-diff', { describe: 'compute the diff of the canonicalized forms of each changed AppMap', boolean: true, }); args.option('base-dir', { describe: 'directory containing base version AppMaps', }); args.option('working-dir', { describe: 'directory containing work-in-progress AppMaps', }); }, async function (argv) { verbose(argv.verbose); let baseDir; let workingDir; const { showDiff } = argv; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const baseDir = argv.baseDir; // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const workingDir = argv.workingDir; if (!baseDir) { throw new Error('Location of base version AppMaps is required'); } if (!workingDir) { throw new Error('Location of work-in-progress AppMaps is required'); } const diff = new DiffCommand().baseDir(baseDir).workingDir(workingDir); if (argv.name) { diff.setAppMapNames([argv.name]); } const diffObject = { added: [...(await diff.added())].sort(), changed: [], }; const cumulativeChangedAppMaps = new Set(); const changed = await Promise.all( Object.keys(algorithms) .map(function (algorithm) { return async function () { const rawList = await diff.changed(algorithm); const changedAppMaps = rawList.filter( (name) => !cumulativeChangedAppMaps.has(name) ); changedAppMaps.forEach((name) => cumulativeChangedAppMaps.add(name) ); const changeResult = { algorithm, changed: [], }; if (changedAppMaps.length > 0) { if (showDiff) { changeResult.changed = await Promise.all( changedAppMaps.map( // eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier async function (name) { return { name, diff: await new DetailedDiff( algorithm, await loadAppMap(diff.baseCatalog[name].fileName), await loadAppMap(diff.workingCatalog[name].fileName) ).diff(), }; } ) ); } else { changeResult.changed = changedAppMaps.map((name) => ({ name, })); } } return changeResult; }; }) .map((func) => func()) ); diffObject.changed = changed; diffObject.removed = [...(await diff.removed())].sort(); console.log(yaml.dump(diffObject)); } ) .command( 'depends [files]', 'Compute a list of AppMaps that are out of date', (args) => { args.positional('files', { describe: 'provide an explicit list of dependency files', }); args.option('appmap-dir', { describe: 'directory to recursively inspect for AppMaps', default: 'tmp/appmap', }); args.option('base-dir', { describe: 'directory to prepend to each dependency source file', default: '.', }); args.option('field', { describe: 'print a field from each matching AppMap', }); args.option('stdin-files', { describe: 'read the list of changed files from stdin, one file per line', boolean: true, }); return args.strict(); }, async (argv) => { verbose(argv.verbose); let { files } = argv; if (argv.stdinFiles) { const stdinFileStr = readFileSync(0).toString(); const stdinFiles = stdinFileStr.split('\n'); files = (files || []).concat(stdinFiles); if (verbose()) { console.warn(`Computing depends on ${files.join(', ')}`); } } if (verbose()) { console.warn(`Testing AppMaps in ${argv.appmapDir}`); } const depends = new Depends(argv.appmapDir); if (argv.baseDir) { depends.baseDir = argv.baseDir; } if (files) { depends.files = files; } const appMapNames = await depends.depends(); const values = []; if (argv.field) { const { field } = argv; // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations async function printField(appMapBaseName) { const data = await fsp.readFile( join(appMapBaseName, 'metadata.json') ); const metadata = JSON.parse(data); const value = metadata[field]; if (value) { const tokens = value.split(':'); values.push(tokens[0]); } else { console.warn(`No ${field} in ${appMapBaseName}`); } } const q = queue(printField, 5); appMapNames.forEach((name) => q.push(name)); await q.drain(); } else { appMapNames.forEach((name) => values.push(name)); } console.log([...new Set(values)].sort().join('\n')); } ) .command( 'inspect ', 'Search AppMaps for references to a code object (package, function, class, query, route, etc) and print available event info', (args) => { args.positional('code-object', { describe: 'identifies the code-object to inspect', }); args.option('appmap-dir', { describe: 'directory to recursively inspect for AppMaps', default: 'tmp/appmap', }); args.option('interactive', { describe: 'interact with the output via CLI', alias: 'i', boolean: true, }); return args.strict(); }, async (argv) => { verbose(argv.verbose); const newProgress = () => { if (argv.interactive) { return new cliProgress.SingleBar( {}, cliProgress.Presets.shades_classic ); } return { increment: () => {}, start: () => {}, stop: () => {}, }; }; console.warn('Indexing the AppMap database'); await new FingerprintDirectoryCommand(argv.appmapDir).execute(); console.warn('Finding matching AppMaps'); let progress = newProgress(); const codeObjectId = argv.codeObject; const finder = new FindCodeObjects(argv.appmapDir, codeObjectId); const codeObjectMatches = await finder.find( (count) => progress.start(count, 0), progress.increment.bind(progress) ); progress.stop(); if (!codeObjectMatches) { return; } const filters = []; let stats = null; const buildStats = async () => { const result = []; console.warn('Finding matching Events'); progress = newProgress(); progress.start(codeObjectMatches.length, 0); await Promise.all( codeObjectMatches.map(async (codeObjectMatch) => { const findEvents = new FindEvents( codeObjectMatch.appmap, codeObjectMatch.codeObject ); findEvents.filter(filters); const events = await findEvents.matches(); result.push(...events); progress.increment(); }) ); progress.stop(); console.warn('Collating results...'); stats = new FunctionStats(result); }; await buildStats(); const interactive = () => { const rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout, }); rl.on('close', function () { process.exit(0); }); const home = () => { Inspect.home(codeObjectId, filters, stats, getCommand); }; const filter = () => { Inspect.filter(rl, filters, stats, buildStats, home); }; const undoFilter = async () => { await Inspect.undoFilter(filters, buildStats, home); }; const reset = async () => { await Inspect.reset(filters, buildStats, home); }; const print = () => { Inspect.print(stats, rl, getCommand, home); }; const getCommand = () => { console.log(); rl.question( 'Command (h)ome, (p)rint, (f)ilter, (u)ndo filter, (r)eset filters, (q)uit: ', function (command) { // eslint-disable-next-line default-case switch (command) { case 'h': home(); break; case 'p': print(); break; case 'f': filter(); break; case 'u': undoFilter(); break; case 'r': reset(); break; case 'q': rl.close(); break; default: getCommand(); } } ); }; home(); }; if (argv.interactive) { interactive(); } else { console.log(JSON.stringify(stats, null, 2)); } } ) .command( 'index', 'Compute fingerprints and update index files for all appmaps in a directory', (args) => { args.option('watch', { describe: 'watch the directory for changes to appmaps', boolean: true, }); args.option('appmap-dir', { describe: 'directory to recursively inspect for AppMaps', default: 'tmp/appmap', }); return args.strict(); }, (argv) => { verbose(argv.verbose); if (argv.watch) { const cmd = new FingerprintWatchCommand(argv.appmapDir); cmd.execute(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-inner-declarations function printStatus() { process.stdout.write('\x1B[?25l'); const consoleLabel = 'AppMaps processed: 0'; process.stdout.write(consoleLabel); setInterval(() => { readline.cursorTo(process.stdout, consoleLabel.length - 1); process.stdout.write(`${cmd.numProcessed}`); }, 200); process.on('beforeExit', (/* _code */) => { process.stdout.write(`\x1B[?25h`); }); } if (!argv.verbose) { printStatus(); } } else { new FingerprintDirectoryCommand(argv.appmapDir).execute(); } } ) .command( 'inventory', 'Generate canonical lists of the application code object inventory', (args) => { args.option('appmap-dir', { describe: 'directory to recursively inspect for AppMaps', default: 'tmp/appmap', }); }, async (argv) => { verbose(argv.verbose); await new FingerprintDirectoryCommand(argv.appmapDir).execute(); const inventory = await new InventoryCommand(argv.appmapDir).execute(); console.log(yaml.dump(inventory)); } ) .command( 'swagger', 'Generate Swagger from AppMaps in a directory', (args) => { args.option('appmap-dir', { describe: 'directory to recursively inspect for AppMaps', default: 'tmp/appmap', }); }, async (argv) => { verbose(argv.verbose); const swagger = await new SwaggerCommand(argv.appmapDir).execute(); console.log(yaml.dump(swagger)); } ) .option('verbose', { alias: 'v', type: 'boolean', description: 'Run with verbose logging', }) .strict() .demandCommand() .help().argv;