module ForemanGoogle class GoogleCompute attr_reader :identity, :name, :hostname, :machine_type, :network_interfaces, :associate_external_ip, :image_id, :disks, :metadata # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def initialize(client:, zone:, identity: nil, args: {}) @client = client @zone = zone @identity = identity @name = parameterize_name(args[:name]) @hostname = @name @machine_type = args[:machine_type] @network_interfaces = construct_network(args[:network] || 'default', args[:associate_external_ip] || '0', args[:network_interfaces] || []) @image_id = args[:image_id] @disks = load_disks(args[:image_id], args[:volumes]) @metadata = construct_metadata(args[:user_data]) identity && load end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/AbcSize def persisted? !!identity end def ready? status == 'RUNNING' end def reload return unless identity load self end # @returns [String] one of PROVISIONING, STAGING, RUNNING, STOPPING, SUSPENDING, SUSPENDED, REPAIRING, and TERMINATED # if nil, instance is not persisted as VM on GCE def status persisted? && instance.status end def start raise Foreman::Exception('unable to start machine that is not persisted') unless persisted? @client.start(@zone, identity) end def stop raise Foreman::Exception('unable to stop machine that is not persisted') unless persisted? @client.stop(@zone, identity) end def to_s end def interfaces @network_interfaces end def interfaces_attributes=(attrs) end def volumes @disks end private def instance return unless identity @instance || load end def load @instance = @client.instance(@zone.split('/').last, identity) end def parameterize_name(name) name&.parameterize || "foreman_#{}" end def construct_network(network_name, associate_external_ip, network_interfaces) # handle network_interface for external ip # assign ephemeral external IP address using associate_external_ip if network_interfaces = [{ network: 'global/networks/default' }] if network_interfaces.empty? access_config = { name: 'External NAT', type: 'ONE_TO_ONE_NAT' } # Note - no support for external_ip from foreman # access_config[:nat_ip] = external_ip if external_ip network_interfaces[0][:access_configs] = [access_config] return network_interfaces end network = "{@client.project_id}/global/networks/#{network_name}" [{ network: network }] end def load_image(image_id) return unless image_id image = @client.images.find { |img| == image_id.to_i } raise ::Foreman::Exception, N_('selected image does not exist') if image.nil? image end def load_disks(image_id, volumes = []) return [] if volumes.empty? image = load_image(image_id) volumes.first[:source_image] = if image # TODO: Is OpenStruct enough to replace Fog::Compute::Google::Disk # or do we need our own class? do |vol_attrs, i|**vol_attrs.merge(name: "#{@name}-disk#{i + 1}")) end end # Note - GCE only supports cloud-init for Container Optimized images and # for custom images with cloud-init setup def construct_metadata(user_data) return if user_data.blank? { items: [{ key: 'user-data', value: user_data }] } end end end