= ActiveFulfillment CHANGELOG

== Version 1.0.3 (Jan 21, 2010)

* Include "pending" counts in stock levels for Shipwire [wisq]
* Add option to include pending stock in Shipwire inventory calculations [jessehk]

== Version 1.0.2 (Jan 12, 2010)

* Include "pending" counts in stock levels for Shipwire [wisq]

== Version 1.0.1 (Dec 13, 2010)

* Updated common files with changes from activemerchant [Dennis Theisen]
* Updated Webgistix USPS shipping methods (4 added, 1 removed) [Dennis Theisen]
* Changed Webgistix to treat a duplicate response as success instead of failure and to retry failed connection errors. [Dennis Theisen]

== Version 1.0.0 (July 12, 2010)

* Add inventory support to Amazon and Webgistix [wisq]

== Version 0.10.0 (July 6, 2010)

* Remove DHL from Webgistix shipping methods [Dennis Thiesen]
* Update Amazon FBA to use AWS credentials [John Tajima]
* Use new connection code from ActiveMerchant [cody]
* Add #valid_credentials? support to all fulfillment services [cody]
* Return 'Access Denied' message when Webgistix credenentials are invalid [cody]
* Update Shipwire endpoint hostname [cody]
* Add missing ISO countries [Edward Ocampo-Gooding]
* Add support for Guernsey to country.rb [cody]
* Use a Rails 2.3 compatible OrderedHash [cody]
* Use :words_connector instead of connector in RequiresParameters [cody]
* Provide Webgistix with a valid test sku to keep remote tests passing
* Update PostsData to support get requests
* Update Shipwire to latest version of dtd.
* Use real addresses for Shipwire remote fulfillment tests
* Pass Shipwire the ISO country code instead of the previous name and country combo. Always add the country element to the document
* Update Shipwire warehouses and don't send unneeded Content-Type header
* Add configurable timeouts from Active Merchant
* Shipwire: Send the company in address1 if present. Otherwise send address1 in address1.
* Always send address to Shipwire
* Map company to address1 with Shipwire
* Sync posts_data.rb with ActiveMerchant
* Add support for fetching tracking numbers to Shipwire
* Move email to the options hash. Refactor Shipwire commit method.
* Package for initial upload to Google Code
* Fix remote Webgistix test
* Add support for Fulfillment by Amazon Basic Fulfillment