module FreeImage #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertTo4Bits(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertTo4Bits', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertTo8Bits(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertTo8Bits', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits555(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits555', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits565(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits565', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertTo32Bits(FIBITMAP *dib); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertTo32Bits', [:pointer], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_Dither(FIBITMAP *dib, FREE_IMAGE_DITHER algorithm); attach_function('FreeImage_Dither', [:pointer, :dither], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_Threshold(FIBITMAP *dib, BYTE T); attach_function('FreeImage_Threshold', [:pointer, :byte], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertToStandardType(FIBITMAP *src, BOOL scale_linear FI_DEFAULT(TRUE)); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertToStandardType', [:pointer, FreeImage::Boolean], :pointer) #DLL_API FIBITMAP *DLL_CALLCONV FreeImage_ConvertToType(FIBITMAP *src, FREE_IMAGE_TYPE dst_type, BOOL scale_linear FI_DEFAULT(TRUE)); attach_function('FreeImage_ConvertToType', [:pointer, :image_type, FreeImage::Boolean], :pointer) module Conversions # Converts a bitmap to 4 bits. If the bitmap is a high-color (16, 24 or 32-bit), # monochrome or greyscale bitmap (1 or 8-bit) the end result will be a greyscale bitmap. # A 1-bit bitmap will become a palletized bitmap. # # Note that "greyscale" means that the resulting bitmap will have grey colors, # but the palette won't be a linear greyscale palette. Thus, FreeImage::Bitmap.color_type # will return a :palette. def convert_to_4bits ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertTo4Bits(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 8 bits. If the bitmap is a high-color (16, 24 or 32-bit), # monochrome or greyscale bitmap (1 or 4-bit) the end result will be a greyscale bitmap. # A 1-bit or 4-bit bitmap will become a palletized bitmap. # # For 16-bit greyscale images (images whose type is :uint16), conversion is done by # dividing the 16-bit channel by 256 (see also FreeImage::Bitmap.ConvertToStandardType). # A nil value is returned for other non-standard bitmap types. def convert_to_8bits ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertTo8Bits(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to a 8-bit greyscale image with a linear ramp. Contrary to # the FreeImage::Conversions#convert_to_8bits function, 1-, 4- and 8-bit palletized # bitmaps are correctly converted, as well as images with a :minis_white color type. def convert_to_greyscale ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 16 bits, where each pixel has a color pattern of # 5 bits red, 5 bits green and 5 bits blue. One bit in each pixel is # unused. def convert_to_16bits_555 ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits555(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 16 bits, where each pixel has a color pattern of # 5 bits red, 6 bits green and 5 bits blue. One bit in each pixel is # unused. def convert_to_16bits_565 ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertTo16Bits565(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 24 bits. For 48-bit RGB images, conversion is done # by dividing each 16-bit channel by 256. A nil value is returned for # other non-standard bitmap types. def convert_to_24bits ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 32 bits. For 48-bit RGB images, conversion is done # by dividing each 16-bit channel by 256 and by setting the alpha channel # to an opaque value (0xFF). For 64-bit RGBA images, conversion is done # by dividing each 16-bit channel by 256. A nil value is returned for # other non-standard bitmap types. def convert_to_32bits ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertTo32Bits(self) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a non standard image whose color type is :minis_black to a # standard 8-bit greyscale image. When the scale_linear parameter is # true, conversion is done by scaling linearly each pixel value from [min, max] # to an integer value between [0..255], where min and max are the minimum # and maximum pixel values in the image. When scale_linear is false, conversion # is done by rounding each pixel value to an integer between [0..255]. Rounding # is done using the following formula: # # dst_pixel = (BYTE) MIN(255, MAX(0, q)) where int q = int(src_pixel + 0.5) # # For standard bitmaps, a clone of the original bitmap is returned. # For complex images, the magnitude is extracted as a double image and then converted # according to the scale parameter. def convert_to_standard_type(scale_linear = true) ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertToStandardType(self, scale_linear) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to the specified destination image type. When the image_type # is equal to :bitmap, the function calls FreeImage::Converstions#convert_to_standard_type. # Otherwise, conversion is done using standard C language casting conventions. When # a conversion is not allowed, a nil value is returned and an error is thrown. # Please refer to the FreeImage documentation for allowed conversions. def convert_to_type(dst_image_type, scale_linear = true) ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_ConvertToType(self, dst_image_type, scale_linear) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 1-bit monochrome bitmap using the specified # {dithering}[rdoc-ref:FreeImage.dithers] algorithm. For 1-bit input # bitmaps, the function clones the input bitmap and builds a # monochrome palette. Otherwise the function first converts the # bitmap to a 8-bit greyscale bitmap. def dither(algorithm) ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_Dither(self, algorithm) FreeImage.check_last_error end # Converts a bitmap to 1-bit monochrome bitmap using a threshold value # between 0 and 255. The function first converts the bitmap to a 8-bit # greyscale bitmap. Then any brightness level that is less than the # threshold is set to zero and any value above is set to 1. # For 1-bit input bitmaps, the function clones the input bitmap and # builds a monochrome palette. def threshold(value) value = Integer(value) unless (0..255).include?(value) raise(RangeError, "Value is out of range 0..255. Value: #{value}") end ptr = FreeImage.FreeImage_Threshold(self, value) FreeImage.check_last_error end end end