### VERSION 0.7.1 Add `ActiveModel::Callbacks` to play around next, basically tracking progress ### VERSION 0.7.0 * Change the design of `AggregateDir` to make it composable ### VERSION 0.6.2 * Removing escaping from the code, so now `foreign_key` should be escaped on the caller, basically user `Regexp.quote` : ``` class ParentImportDirModel < BasicImportDirModel has_one :dependency, ChildImportDirModel, foreign_key: :sector_name def sector_name "sector_#{Regexp.quote(sector_id)}" end end ``` ### VERSION 0.6.1 * escape special characters on foreign key values. Due of this relations weren't be found. ### VERSION 0.6.0 * Fix relations ### VERSION 0.5.1 * Add relation has_many to a dir_model ### VERSION 0.5.0 * Add relation has_one to a dir_model * `file:` must be unique, you can't defined several file in the same dir_model * Simplification of `lib/dir_model/import.rb` ### VERSION 0.4.0 ### VERSION 0.3.4 ### VERSION 0.3.3 ### VERSION 0.3.2 ### VERSION 0.3.1 * Technical changes, Simplication of Path, use Array skill to give previous, current and next Path instead of using Enumerator ### VERSION 0.3.0 * Add Import feature ### VERSION 0.2.0 * Apply [CsvRowModel](https://github.com/FinalCAD/csv_row_model) pattern for export. ### VERSION 0.1.0 * First extraction