# FOLLOWERS List followers of a user. `ayadn followers @ericd` `ayadn -fwr @ericd` You can see your own list by using *me* instead of *@username*: `ayadn -fwr me` # FOLLOWINGS List the users a user is following. `ayadn followings @ericd` `ayadn -fwg @ericd` You can see your own list by using *me* instead of *@username*: `ayadn -fwg me` # CHANNELS List your active App.net channels. `ayadn channels` `ayadn -ch` # INTERACTIONS Shows a short reminder of your recent App.net activity. `ayadn interactions` `ayadn -int` # WHOREPOSTED List users who reposted a post. `ayadn whoreposted 22790201` `ayadn -wor 22790201` # MUTED List the users you muted. `ayadn muted` `ayadn -mtd` # BLOCKED List the users you blocked. `ayadn blocked` `ayadn -bkd` # SETTINGS List current Ayadn settings. `ayadn settings` `ayadn -sg` # FILES List the files in your App.net storage. `ayadn files` `ayadn -fl` List them all: `ayadn files -a` `ayadn -fl -a`