module Ratchetio module Rails module Middleware module ExceptionCatcher def self.included(base) base.send(:alias_method_chain, :render_exception, :ratchetio) end def render_exception_with_ratchetio(env, exception) exception_data = nil begin controller = env['action_controller.instance'] request_data = controller.try(:ratchetio_request_data) person_data = controller.try(:ratchetio_person_data) exception_data = Ratchetio.report_exception(exception, request_data, person_data) rescue => e # TODO use logger here? puts "[] Exception while reporting exception to #{e}" end # if an exception was reported, save uuid in the env # so it can be displayed to the user on the error page if exception_data begin env['ratchetio.exception_uuid'] = exception_data[:uuid] rescue => e puts "[] Exception saving uuid in env: #{e}" end end # now continue as normal render_exception_without_ratchetio(env, exception) end end end end end