"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils"); var _default = exports.default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, options) => { api.assertVersion("^7.0.0-0 || >8.0.0-alpha <8.0.0-beta"); let { version } = options; { const { legacy } = options; if (legacy !== undefined) { if (typeof legacy !== "boolean") { throw new Error(".legacy must be a boolean."); } if (version !== undefined) { throw new Error("You can either use the .legacy or the .version option, not both."); } } if (version === undefined) { version = legacy ? "legacy" : "2018-09"; } else if (version !== "2023-11" && version !== "2023-05" && version !== "2023-01" && version !== "2022-03" && version !== "2021-12" && version !== "2018-09" && version !== "legacy") { throw new Error("Unsupported decorators version: " + version); } var { decoratorsBeforeExport } = options; if (decoratorsBeforeExport === undefined) { if (version === "2021-12" || version === "2022-03") { decoratorsBeforeExport = false; } else if (version === "2018-09") { throw new Error("The decorators plugin, when .version is '2018-09' or not specified," + " requires a 'decoratorsBeforeExport' option, whose value must be a boolean."); } } else { if (version === "legacy" || version === "2022-03" || version === "2023-01") { throw new Error(`'decoratorsBeforeExport' can't be used with ${version} decorators.`); } if (typeof decoratorsBeforeExport !== "boolean") { throw new Error("'decoratorsBeforeExport' must be a boolean."); } } } return { name: "syntax-decorators", manipulateOptions({ generatorOpts }, parserOpts) { if (version === "legacy") { parserOpts.plugins.push("decorators-legacy"); } else { if (version === "2023-01" || version === "2023-05" || version === "2023-11") { parserOpts.plugins.push(["decorators", { allowCallParenthesized: false }], "decoratorAutoAccessors"); } else if (version === "2022-03") { parserOpts.plugins.push(["decorators", { decoratorsBeforeExport: false, allowCallParenthesized: false }], "decoratorAutoAccessors"); } else if (version === "2021-12") { parserOpts.plugins.push(["decorators", { decoratorsBeforeExport }], "decoratorAutoAccessors"); generatorOpts.decoratorsBeforeExport = decoratorsBeforeExport; } else if (version === "2018-09") { parserOpts.plugins.push(["decorators", { decoratorsBeforeExport }]); generatorOpts.decoratorsBeforeExport = decoratorsBeforeExport; } } } }; }); //# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map