class Lalala::Pages::ChildrenLengthValidator < ActiveModel::Validations::LengthValidator def check_validity! keys = CHECKS.keys & options.keys if keys.empty? raise ArgumentError, 'Range unspecified. Specify the :in, :within, :maximum, :minimum, or :is option.' end keys.each do |key| value = options[key] if value.is_a?(Proc) next end if value.is_a?(Integer) && value >= 0 next end raise ArgumentError, ":#{key} must be a nonnegative Integer" end end def validate_each(record, attribute, value) value = tokenize(value) value_length = value.respond_to?(:length) ? value.length : value.to_s.length CHECKS.each do |key, validity_check| check_value = options[key] check_value = if Proc === check_value next unless check_value next if value_length.send(validity_check, check_value) errors_options = options.except(*RESERVED_OPTIONS) errors_options[:count] = check_value default_message = options[MESSAGES[key]] errors_options[:message] ||= default_message if default_message record.errors.add(attribute, MESSAGES[key], errors_options) end end end