module Exlibris module Primo # == Overview # Exlibris::Primo::Record is an abstract representation of a Primo record. # An instance of Exlibris::Primo::Record can be created by passing # in a hash with setup parameters. # Valid parameters include: # :base_url, :resolver_base_url, :vid, :institution, :record_id, :record # A URL to the native record ( and an OpenUrl are generated by default. # If no resolver_base_url is provided, an OpenUrl querystring will be returned. # A raw_xml attribute is generated either by the record XML passed in or by fetching it from the record_id. # By default the raw_xml is not included in the hash representation, but can be overridden to. # # == Tips on Extending # When extending the class, a few basics guidelines should be observed. # 1. A Exlibris::Primo::Record is initialized from a Hash of parameters. # These params are used to create instance variables of the record attributes. # # 2. The following methods are available for overriding: # to_h - if a sub class creates more instance variables, these should be added to the hash # raw - cleans up characters and spaces in raw record and wraps in tag, implementations may differ # # == Examples of usage #{ :base_url => @base_url, :vid => @vid, :record =>"//record") }) class Record # Leverage ActiveSupport's Hash#from_xml method to transform PNX to JSON. require 'active_support/core_ext' require 'json' SEAR_NS = {'sear' => ''} attr_reader :record_id, :type, :title, :url, :openurl, :creator, :raw_xml def initialize(parameters={}) # Get base url of Primo application, required base_url = parameters[:base_url] raise_required_setup_parameter_error :base_url if base_url.nil? # Get base url of link resolver, if blank openurl generates just querystring resolver_base_url = parameters[:resolver_base_url] # Get vid from parameters, required vid = parameters.fetch(:vid, "DEFAULT") raise_required_setup_parameter_error :vid if vid.nil? # Get institution from parameters, required institution = parameters.fetch(:institution, "PRIMO") raise_required_setup_parameter_error :institution if institution.nil? # Get record: either fetch record from Web Service based on DocId or use passed in record xml, required record = (parameters[:record].nil?) ? (parameters[:record_id].nil?) ? nil : record_from_id(parameters.delete(:record_id), base_url, {:institution => institution, :vid => vid}) : parameters.delete(:record) raise_required_setup_parameter_error "record or record_id" if record.nil? # Set instance variables for record @record_id ="control/recordid",record.namespaces).inner_text unless"control/recordid",record.namespaces).nil? @type ="display/type",record.namespaces).inner_text unless"display/type",record.namespaces).nil? @title ="display/title",record.namespaces).inner_text unless"display/title",record.namespaces).nil? @url = construct_url(base_url, @record_id, institution, vid) @openurl = construct_openurl(resolver_base_url, record, @record_id) @creator ="display/creator",record.namespaces).inner_text unless"display/creator",record.namespaces).nil? @raw_xml = raw(record) end # Return a hash representation of the primary record attributes def to_h return { "format" => @type.capitalize, "title" => @title, "author" => @creator, "url" => @url, "openurl" => @openurl } end # Return a JSON representation of the PNX record def to_json # Leverage ActiveSupport's Hash#from_xml method to transform PNX to JSON. Hash.from_xml(raw_xml).to_json end # Method for cleaning up raw xml from record def raw(record) record.to_xml(:indent => 0, :encoding => 'UTF-8') end private # Method for consturcting openurl from record def construct_openurl(resolver_base_url, record, record_id) raise_required_setup_parameter_error :record if record.nil? raise_required_setup_parameter_error :record_id if record_id.nil? openurl = (resolver_base_url.nil?) ? "?" : "#{resolver_base_url}?""addata/*",record.namespaces).each do |addata| openurl << "rft.#{}=#{addata.inner_text}&" unless (addata.inner_text.nil? or addata.inner_text.strip.empty?) end openurl << "rft.primo=#{record_id}" return openurl end # Method for constructing deep link url from record def construct_url(base_url, record_id, institution, vid) raise_required_setup_parameter_error :base_url if base_url.nil? raise_required_setup_parameter_error :record_id if record_id.nil? raise_required_setup_parameter_error :institution if institution.nil? raise_required_setup_parameter_error :vid if vid.nil? url = "#{base_url}/primo_library/libweb/action/{record_id}&institution=#{institution}&vid=#{vid}" return url end # Fetch record from Primo Web Service def record_from_id(record_id, base_url, options={}) doc =, base_url, options)"//sear:DOC", SEAR_NS) return"//xmlns:record",doc.namespaces) end # Raise error wrapper def raise_required_setup_parameter_error(parameter) raise"Error in #{self.class}. Missing required setup parameter: #{parameter}.") end end end end