#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2013 National ICT Australia Limited (NICTA). # This software may be used and distributed solely under the terms of the MIT license (License). # You should find a copy of the License in LICENSE.TXT or at http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT. # By downloading or using this software you accept the terms and the liability disclaimer in the License. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- require 'csv' require 'omf_oml' require 'omf_oml/table' module OMF::OML # This class represents a table whose content is initially stored in a # CSV file. # class OmlCsvTable < OmlTable # @param opts # def self.create(tname, file_name, opts = {}, &on_before_row_added) self.new(tname, file_name, opts, &on_before_row_added) end # # tname - Name of table # schema - OmlSchema or Array containing [name, type*] for every column in table # Table adds a '__id__' column at the beginning which keeps track of the rows unique id # @params opts # @opts :max_size - keep table to that size by dropping older rows # @opts :index - only keep the latest inserted row for a unique col value - messes with row order # @opts :has_csv_header If true use first row in file as schema descriptor # @opts :schema Schema associated with this table # def initialize(tname, file_name, opts = {}, &on_before_row_added) unless File.readable?(file_name) raise "Can't read CSV file '#{file_name}'" end csv_opts = {} csv_opts[:headers] = (opts.delete(:has_csv_header) == true) unless csv_opts[:headers] raise "Current implementation only works with CSV files which inlcude a schema description in the first line" end encoding = opts.delete(:encoding) mode = "rb" mode << ":#{encoding}" if encoding csv = CSV.open(file_name, mode, csv_opts) unless schema = opts.delete(:schema) unless csv_opts[:headers] raise "No schema given and ':has_csv_header' not set to capture schema from file header" end first_row = csv.shift.fields # force reading the first row to have the header parsed #csv.shift.each do |h, v| puts "#{h} => #{v.class}" end schema = csv.headers.map do |c| c = c.encode('UTF-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?') name, type = c.split(':') [name, type || 'string'] end end super tname, schema, opts if first_row # from getting the CSV header first_row.insert(0, @row_id += 1) if @add_index @rows = [@schema.cast_row(first_row)] end # This assumes that CSV reader is setup with proper schema converters csv.each do |r| # Convert any strange strings into a clean ruby string row = r.fields.map do |e| e ? e.encode('UTF-8', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?') : nil end row.insert(0, @row_id += 1) if @add_index @rows << @schema.cast_row(row) end end end # class end # module