module Mobility module Backend =begin Dirty tracking for models which include the +ActiveModel::Dirty+ module. Assuming we have an attribute +title+, this module will add support for the following methods: - +title_changed?+ - +title_change+ - +title_was+ - +title_will_change!+ - +title_previously_changed?+ - +title_previous_change+ - +restore_title!+ In addition, the private method +restore_attribute!+ will also restore the value of the translated attribute if passed to it. @see Rails documentation for Active Model Dirty module =end module ActiveModel::Dirty # @!group Backend Accessors # @!macro backend_writer def write(locale, value, **options) locale_accessor = "#{attribute}_#{locale}" if model.changed_attributes.has_key?(locale_accessor) && model.changed_attributes[locale_accessor] == value model.attributes_changed_by_setter.except!(locale_accessor) else model.send(:attribute_will_change!, "#{attribute}_#{locale}") end super end # @!endgroup # @param [Class] backend_class Class of backend def self.included(backend_class) backend_class.extend(ClassMethods) end # Adds hook after {Backend::Setup#setup_model} to add dirty-tracking # methods for translated attributes onto model class. module ClassMethods # (see Mobility::Backend::Setup#setup_model) def setup_model(model_class, attributes, **options) super model_class.class_eval do %w[changed? change was will_change! previously_changed? previous_change].each do |suffix| attributes.each do |attribute| class_eval <<-EOM, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{attribute}_#{suffix} attribute_#{suffix}("#{attribute}_#\{Mobility.locale\}") end EOM end end end restore_methods = do attributes.each do |attribute| locale_accessor = "#{attribute}_#{Mobility.locale}" define_method "restore_#{attribute}!" do if attribute_changed?(locale_accessor) __send__("#{attribute}=", changed_attributes[locale_accessor]) end end end define_method :restore_attribute! do |attr| if attributes.include?(attr.to_s) send("restore_#{attr}!") else super(attr) end end private :restore_attribute! end model_class.include restore_methods end end end end end