require_relative '../puppet-check' # executes diagnostics on data files class DataParser # checks yaml (.yaml/.yml) def self.yaml(files) require 'yaml' files.each do |file| # check yaml syntax begin parsed = YAML.load_file(file) rescue StandardError => err PuppetCheck.error_files.push("#{file}:\n#{err.to_s.gsub("(#{file}): ", '')}") else warnings = [] # perform some rudimentary hiera checks if data exists and is hieradata warnings = hiera(parsed) unless (parsed.class.to_s == 'NilClass') || (File.basename(file) == 'hiera.yaml') # check that '---' does not show up more than once in the hieradata warnings.push('The string --- appears more than once in this data and Hiera will fail to parse it correctly.') if >= 2 next PuppetCheck.warning_files.push("#{file}:\n#{warnings.join("\n")}") unless warnings.empty? PuppetCheck.clean_files.push(file.to_s) end end end # checks json (.json) def self.json(files) require 'json' files.each do |file| # check json syntax begin parsed = JSON.parse( rescue JSON::ParserError => err PuppetCheck.error_files.push("#{file}:\n#{err.to_s.lines.first.strip}") else warnings = [] # check metadata.json if File.basename(file) == 'metadata.json' # metadata-json-lint has issues and is essentially no longer maintained, so here is an improved and leaner version of it require 'spdx-licenses' # check for errors errors = [] # check for required keys %w(name version author license summary source dependencies).each do |key| errors.push("Required field '#{key}' not found.") unless parsed.key?(key) end # check for duplicate dependencies and requirements, and that both are an array of hashes if they exist %w(requirements dependencies).each do |key| next unless parsed.key?(key) next errors.push("Field '#{key}' is not an array of hashes.") unless (parsed[key].is_a? Array) && (parsed[key].empty? || (parsed[key][0].is_a? Hash)) names = [] parsed[key].each do |req_dep| name = req_dep['name'] errors.push("Duplicate #{key} on #{name}.") if names.include?(name) names << name end end # check for deprecated fields %w(types checksum).each do |key| errors.push("Deprecated field '#{key}' found.") if parsed.key?(key) end # check for summary under 144 character errors.push('Summary exceeds 144 characters.') if parsed.key?('summary') && parsed['summary'].size > 144 next PuppetCheck.error_files.push("#{file}:\n#{errors.join("\n")}") unless errors.empty? # check for warnings # check for operatingsystem_support hash array if parsed.key?('operatingsystem_support') # check if operatingsystem_support array is actually empty if !(parsed['operatingsystem_support'].is_a? Array) || parsed['operatingsystem_support'].empty? || (!parsed['operatingsystem_support'].empty? && !(parsed['operatingsystem_support'][0].is_a? Hash)) warnings.push('Recommended field \'operatingsystem\' not found.') warnings.push('Recommended field \'operatingsystemrelease\' not found.') else # check for operatingsystem string if parsed['operatingsystem_support'][0].key?('operatingsystem') warnings.push('Field \'operatingsystem\' is not a string.') unless parsed['operatingsystem_support'][0]['operatingsystem'].is_a? String else warnings.push('Recommended field \'operatingsystem\' not found.') end # check for operatingsystemrelease string array if parsed['operatingsystem_support'][0].key?('operatingsystemrelease') warnings.push('Field \'operatingsystemrelease\' is not a string array.') unless parsed['operatingsystem_support'][0]['operatingsystemrelease'][0].is_a? String else warnings.push('Recommended field \'operatingsystemrelease\' not found.') end end else warnings.push('Recommended field \'operatingsystem_support\' not found.') end # check for requirement and dependency upper bounds %w(requirements dependencies).each do |key| # skip if key is missing or not an array next if parsed[key].empty? next warnings.push("#{key}'s value is not an array.") unless parsed[key].is_a? Array parsed[key].each do |req_dep| # warn and skip if key is missing next warnings.push("'#{req_dep['name']}' is missing a 'version_requirement' key.") if req_dep['version_requirement'].class.to_s == 'NilClass' # warn and skip if no upper bound next warnings.push("'#{req_dep['name']}' is missing an upper bound.") unless req_dep['version_requirement'].include?('<') # check for semantic versioning if key == 'dependencies' warnings.push("'#{req_dep['name']}' has non-semantic versioning in its 'version_requirement' key.") unless req_dep['version_requirement'] =~ /\d\.\d\.\d.*\d\.\d\.\d/ end end end # check for spdx license (rubygems/util/licenses for rubygems >= 2.5 in the far future) if parsed.key?('license') && !SpdxLicenses.exist?(parsed['license']) && parsed['license'] !~ /[pP]roprietary/ warnings.push("License identifier '#{parsed['license']}' is not in the SPDX list:") end # assume this is hieradata else # perform some rudimentary hiera checks if data exists warnings = hiera(parsed) unless parsed.class.to_s == 'NilClass' end next PuppetCheck.warning_files.push("#{file}:\n#{warnings.join("\n")}") unless warnings.empty? PuppetCheck.clean_files.push(file.to_s) end end end # checks hieradata def self.hiera(data) warnings = [] data.each do |key, value| # check for nil values in the data (nil keys are fine) if (value.is_a?(Hash) && value.values.any?(&:nil?)) || (value.class.to_s == 'NilClass') warnings.push("Value(s) missing in key '#{key}'.") end end warnings end end