# Create init script namespace :mongrel_cluster do desc <<-DESC Create monit configuration for mongrel cluster. mongrel_size: Number of mongrels. set :mongrel_size, 3 mongrel_port: Starting port for mongrels. If there are 3 mongrels with port 9000, then instances will be at 9000, 9001, and 9002 set :mongrel_port, 9000 mongrel_config_script: Config script to load with mongrel. set :mongrel_config_script, "config/mongrel_handler.rb" DESC task :setup_monit do # See http://www.igvita.com/2006/11/07/monit-makes-mongrel-play-nice/ # TODO: For depends on memcached setting # See http://blog.labratz.net/articles/2007/5/1/monit-for-your-uptime # Settings fetch(:mongrel_size) fetch(:mongrel_port) fetch_or_default(:mongrel_config_script, nil) processes = [] ports = (0...mongrel_size).collect { |i| mongrel_port + i } ports.each do |port| pid_path = "#{shared_path}/pids/mongrel.#{port}.pid" default_options = [ [ "-d" ], [ "-e", "production" ], [ "-a", "" ], [ "-c", current_path ], [ "--user", user ], [ "--group", user ], [ "-p", port ], [ "-P", pid_path ], [ "-l", "log/mongrel.#{port}.log" ] ] default_options << [ "-S", mongrel_config_script ] if mongrel_config_script start_options = default_options.collect { |a| a.join(" ") }.join(" ") #start_options = "-d -e production -a -c #{current_path} --user #{user} --group #{user} -p #{port} -P #{pid_path} -l log/mongrel.#{port}.log" stop_options = "-p #{port} -P #{pid_path}" processes << { :port => port, :start_options => start_options, :stop_options => stop_options, :name => "/usr/bin/mongrel_rails", :pid_path => pid_path } end set :processes, processes put template.load("mongrel/mongrel_cluster.monitrc.erb"), "/tmp/mongrel_cluster_#{application}.monitrc" sudo "install -o root /tmp/mongrel_cluster_#{application}.monitrc /etc/monit/mongrel_cluster_#{application}.monitrc" end end