require 'mongo' module Pupa class Processor class Connection # A proxy class to save plain old Ruby objects to MongoDB. class MongoDBAdapter attr_reader :raw_connection # @param [String] database_url the database URL def initialize(database_url) uri = URI.parse(database_url) @raw_connection =["#{}:#{uri.port}"], database: uri.path[1..-1]) @raw_connection.login(uri.user, uri.password) if uri.user && uri.password end # Finds a document matching the selection criteria. # # The selection criteria *must* set a `_type` key in order to determine # the collection to query. # # @param [Hash] selector the selection criteria # @return [Hash,nil] the matched document, or nil # @raises [Pupa::Errors::TooManyMatches] if multiple documents are found def find(selector) collection_name = collection_name_from_class_name(selector[:_type].camelize) if selector.except(:_type).empty? raise Errors::EmptySelectorError, "selector is empty during find in collection #{collection_name}" end collection = raw_connection[collection_name] query = collection.find(selector) case query.count when 0 nil when 1 query.first else raise Errors::TooManyMatches, "selector matches multiple documents during find in collection #{collection_name}: #{JSON.dump(selector)}" end end # Inserts or replaces a document in MongoDB. # # @param [Object] object an object # @return [Array] whether the object was inserted and the object's database ID # @raises [Pupa::Errors::TooManyMatches] if multiple documents would be updated def save(object) selector = object.fingerprint collection_name = collection_name_from_class_name(object.class.to_s) if selector.empty? raise Errors::EmptySelectorError, "selector is empty during save in collection #{collection_name} for #{object._id}" end collection = raw_connection[collection_name] query = collection.find(selector) # Run query before callbacks to avoid e.g. timestamps in the selector. case query.count when 0 object.run_callbacks(:save) do object.run_callbacks(:create) do collection.insert_one(object.to_h(persist: true)) [true, object._id.to_s] end end when 1 # Make the document available to the callbacks. # @see object.document = query.first object.run_callbacks(:save) do query.update_one(object.to_h(persist: true).except(:_id)) [false, object.document['_id'].to_s] end else raise Errors::TooManyMatches, "selector matches multiple documents during save in collection #{collection_name} for #{object._id}: #{JSON.dump(selector)}" end end private # Returns the name of the collection in which to save the object. # # @param [String] class_name the name of the object's class # @return [String] the name of the collection in which to save the object def collection_name_from_class_name(class_name) class_name.demodulize.underscore.pluralize.to_sym end end end end end