u = up.util e = up.element $ = jQuery describe 'up.event', -> describe 'JavaScript functions', -> describe 'up.on', -> it 'registers a delagating event listener to the document, which passes the element as a second argument to the listener', asyncSpec (next) -> fixture('.container .child') observeClass = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'click', '.child', (event, element) -> observeClass(element.className) Trigger.click($('.container')) Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(observeClass).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('container') expect(observeClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('child') it 'calls the event listener if the event was triggered on a child of the requested selector', asyncSpec (next) -> $container = $fixture('.container') $child = $container.affix('.child') listener = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'click', '.container', listener Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(listener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(MouseEvent), $container[0], {} ) it 'passes the event target as the second argument if no selector was passed to up.on()', asyncSpec (next) -> $element = $fixture('.element') listener = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'click', listener Trigger.click($element) next => expect(listener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(MouseEvent), $element[0], {} ) it 'allows to bind the listener to a given element', asyncSpec (next) -> element1 = fixture('.element') element2 = fixture('.element') listener = jasmine.createSpy() up.on(element1, 'click', listener) Trigger.click(element1) next -> expect(listener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(MouseEvent), element1, {} ) expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) it 'allows to bind the listener to a given element while also passing a selector', asyncSpec (next) -> element1 = fixture('.element.one') element2 = fixture('.element.two') element2Child1 = e.affix(element2, '.child.one') element2Child2 = e.affix(element2, '.child.two') listener = jasmine.createSpy('event listener') up.on(element2, 'click', '.one', listener) Trigger.click(element2Child1) next -> expect(listener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(MouseEvent), element2Child1, {} ) expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) it 'allows to bind the listener to an array of elements at once', asyncSpec (next) -> element1 = fixture('.element') element2 = fixture('.element') listener = jasmine.createSpy() unbindAll = up.on([element1, element2], 'click', listener) Trigger.click(element1) next => expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) expect(listener.calls.argsFor(0)[1]).toBe(element1) Trigger.click(element2) next => expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(2) expect(listener.calls.argsFor(1)[1]).toBe(element2) unbindAll() Trigger.click(element1) Trigger.click(element2) next => expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(2) it 'allows to explicitly bind a listener to the document', asyncSpec (next) -> listener = jasmine.createSpy() up.on(document, 'foo', listener) up.emit(document, 'foo') next -> expect(listener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(Event), document, {} ) expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) it 'allows to bind a listener to the window', asyncSpec (next) -> listener = jasmine.createSpy() up.on(window, 'foo', listener) up.emit(window, 'foo') next -> expect(listener).toHaveBeenCalledWith( jasmine.any(Event), window, {} ) expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) it 'registers the listener to multiple, space-separated events', -> listener = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'foo bar', listener up.emit('foo') expect(listener.calls.count()).toEqual(1) up.emit('bar') expect(listener.calls.count()).toEqual(2) # it 'registers the listener to an array of event names', -> # listener = jasmine.createSpy() # # up.on ['foo', 'bar'], listener # # up.emit('foo') # expect(listener.calls.count()).toEqual(1) # # up.emit('bar') # expect(listener.calls.count()).toEqual(2) it 'returns a method that unregisters the event listener when called', asyncSpec (next) -> $child = $fixture('.child') clickSpy = jasmine.createSpy() unsubscribe = up.on 'click', '.child', clickSpy Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(clickSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1) unsubscribe() Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(clickSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1) it 'throws an error when trying to register the same callback multiple times', -> callback = -> register = -> up.on 'foo', callback register() expect(register).toThrowError(/cannot be registered more than once/i) it 'allows to register the same callback for different event names (bugfix)', -> callback = -> register = -> up.on('foo', callback) up.on('bar', callback) expect(register).not.toThrowError() it 'allows to register the same callback for different elements (bugfix)', -> element1 = fixture('.element1') element2 = fixture('.element2') callback = -> register = -> up.on(element1, 'foo', callback) up.on(element2, 'foo', callback) expect(register).not.toThrowError() it 'allows to register the same callback for different selectors (bugfix)', -> callback = -> register = -> up.on('foo', '.one', callback) up.on('foo', '.two', callback) expect(register).not.toThrowError() it 'does not throw an error if a callback is registered, unregistered and registered a second time', -> callback = -> register = -> up.on 'foo', callback unregister = -> up.off 'foo', callback register() unregister() expect(register).not.toThrowError() describe 'passing of [up-data]', -> it 'parses an [up-data] attribute as JSON and passes the parsed object as a third argument to the listener', asyncSpec (next) -> observeArgs = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'click', '.child', (event, element, data) -> observeArgs(element.className, data) $child = $fixture(".child") data = { key1: 'value1', key2: 'value2' } $child.attr('up-data', JSON.stringify(data)) Trigger.click($child) next => expect(observeArgs).toHaveBeenCalledWith('child', data) it 'passes an empty object as a second argument to the listener if there is no [up-data] attribute', asyncSpec (next) -> $child = $fixture('.child') observeArgs = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'click', '.child', (event, element, data) -> observeArgs(element.className, data) Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(observeArgs).toHaveBeenCalledWith('child', {}) it 'does not parse an [up-data] attribute if the listener function only takes one argument', asyncSpec (next) -> parseDataSpy = spyOn(up.syntax, 'data').and.returnValue({}) $child = $fixture('.child') up.on 'click', '.child', (event) -> # no-op Trigger.click($child) next => expect(parseDataSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'does not parse an [up-data] attribute if the listener function only takes two arguments', asyncSpec (next) -> parseDataSpy = spyOn(up.syntax, 'data').and.returnValue({}) $child = $fixture('.child') up.on 'click', '.child', (event, $element) -> # no-op Trigger.click($child) next => expect(parseDataSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled() # it 'allows to bind and unbind events by their old, deprecated name', -> # warnSpy = spyOn(up, 'warn') # listener = jasmine.createSpy('listener') # # # Reister listener for the old event name # up.on('up:proxy:received', listener) # expect(warnSpy).toHaveBeenCalled() # # # Emit event with new name and see that it invokes the legacy listener # up.emit('up:proxy:loaded') # expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) # # # Check that up.off works with the old event name # up.off('up:proxy:received', listener) # # up.emit('up:proxy:loaded') # expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) describe 'up.$on', -> it 'registers a delagating event listener to the document body, which passes a jQuery-wrapped element as a second argument to the listener', asyncSpec (next) -> fixture('.container[data-mark=container] .child[data-mark=child]') observeClass = jasmine.createSpy() up.$on 'click', '.child', (event, $element) -> observeClass($element.attr('data-mark')) Trigger.click($('.container')) Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(observeClass).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('container') expect(observeClass).toHaveBeenCalledWith('child') describe 'up.off', -> it 'unregisters an event listener previously registered through up.on', asyncSpec (next) -> $child = $fixture('.child') clickSpy = jasmine.createSpy() up.on 'click', '.child', clickSpy Trigger.click($('.child')) up.off 'click', '.child', clickSpy Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(clickSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1) it 'allows to unregister a single event from a group of events that were registered in a single up.on call', asyncSpec (next) -> listener = jasmine.createSpy() element = fixture('.element') up.on(element, 'mouseover mouseout', listener) up.off(element, 'mouseover', listener) Trigger.mouseover(element) next -> expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(0) Trigger.mouseout(element) next -> expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) up.off(element, 'mouseout', listener) Trigger.mouseout(element) next => expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) it 'allows to unregister a single element from a group of elements that were registered in a single up.on call', asyncSpec (next) -> listener = jasmine.createSpy() element1 = fixture('.element1') element2 = fixture('.element2') up.on([element1, element2], 'mouseover', listener) up.off(element1, 'mouseover', listener) Trigger.mouseover(element1) next -> expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(0) Trigger.mouseover(element2) next -> expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) up.off(element2, 'mouseover', listener) Trigger.mouseover(element2) next => expect(listener.calls.count()).toBe(1) # it 'throws an error if the given event listener was not registered through up.on', -> # someFunction = -> # offing = -> up.off 'click', '.child', someFunction # expect(offing).toThrowError(/(not|never) registered/i) describe 'up.$off', -> it 'unregisters an event listener previously registered through up.$on', asyncSpec (next) -> $child = $fixture('.child') clickSpy = jasmine.createSpy() up.$on 'click', '.child', clickSpy Trigger.click($('.child')) up.$off 'click', '.child', clickSpy Trigger.click($('.child')) next => expect(clickSpy.calls.count()).toEqual(1) describe 'up.emit', -> it 'triggers an event on the document', -> emittedEvent = undefined emittedTarget = undefined up.on 'foo', (event, target) -> emittedEvent = event emittedTarget = target expect(emittedEvent).toBeUndefined() expect(emittedTarget).toBeUndefined() up.emit('foo') expect(emittedEvent).toBeDefined() expect(emittedEvent.preventDefault).toBeDefined() expect(emittedTarget).toEqual(document) it 'triggers an event that bubbles', -> $parent = $fixture('.parent') $element = $parent.affix('.element') callback = jasmine.createSpy('event handler') $parent[0].addEventListener('custom:name', callback) up.emit($element[0], 'custom:name') expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'triggers an event that can be stopped from propagating', -> $parent = $fixture('.parent') $element = $parent.affix('.element') callback = jasmine.createSpy('event handler') $parent[0].addEventListener('custom:name', callback) $element[0].addEventListener('custom:name', (event) -> event.stopPropagation()) up.emit($element[0], 'custom:name') expect(callback).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'triggers an event that can have its default prevented (IE11 bugfix)', -> element = fixture('.element') element.addEventListener('custom:name', (event) -> event.preventDefault()) event = up.emit(element, 'custom:name') expect(event.defaultPrevented).toBe(true) describe 'custom event properties', -> it 'accepts custom event properties that can be accessed from an up.on() handler', -> emittedEvent = undefined up.on 'foo', (event) -> emittedEvent = event up.emit('foo', { customField: 'custom-value' }) expect(emittedEvent.customField).toEqual('custom-value') it 'accepts custom event properties that can be accessed from an jQuery.on() handler', -> emittedEvent = undefined $(document).on 'foo', (event) -> emittedEvent = event.originalEvent up.emit('foo', { customField: 'custom-value' }) expect(emittedEvent.customField).toEqual('custom-value') it 'accepts custom event properties that can be accessed from an addEventListener() handler', -> emittedEvent = undefined document.addEventListener 'foo', (event) -> emittedEvent = event up.emit('foo', { customField: 'custom-value' }) expect(emittedEvent.customField).toEqual('custom-value') it 'triggers an event on an element passed as { target } option', -> emittedEvent = undefined emittedElement = undefined element = fixture('.element') up.on 'foo', (event, element) -> emittedEvent = event emittedElement = element up.emit('foo', target: element) expect(emittedEvent).toBeDefined() expect(emittedElement).toEqual(element) expect(emittedEvent.target).toEqual(element) it 'triggers an event on an element passed as the first argument', -> emittedEvent = undefined emittedElement = undefined element = fixture('.element') up.on 'foo', (event, element) -> emittedEvent = event emittedElement = element up.emit(element, 'foo') expect(emittedEvent).toBeDefined() expect(emittedElement).toEqual(element) expect(emittedEvent.target).toEqual(element) describe 'up.event.whenEmitted', -> it 'emits the event and fulfills the returned promise when no listener calls event.preventDefault()', (done) -> eventListener = jasmine.createSpy('event listener') up.on('my:event', eventListener) promise = up.event.whenEmitted('my:event', key: 'value') promiseState(promise).then (result) -> expect(eventListener).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.objectContaining(key: 'value'), jasmine.anything(), jasmine.anything()) expect(result.state).toEqual('fulfilled') done() it 'emits the event and rejects the returned promise when any listener calls event.preventDefault()', (done) -> eventListener = (event) -> event.preventDefault() up.on('my:event', eventListener) promise = up.event.whenEmitted('my:event', key: 'value') promiseState(promise).then (result) -> expect(result.state).toEqual('rejected') done() describe 'up.event.halt', -> it 'stops propagation of the given event to other event listeners on the same element', -> otherListenerBefore = jasmine.createSpy() otherListenerAfter = jasmine.createSpy() element = fixture('div') element.addEventListener('foo', otherListenerBefore) element.addEventListener('foo', up.event.halt) element.addEventListener('foo', otherListenerAfter) up.emit(element, 'foo') expect(otherListenerBefore).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(otherListenerAfter).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'stops the event from bubbling up the document tree', -> parent = fixture('div') element = e.affix(parent, 'div') parentListener = jasmine.createSpy() parent.addEventListener('foo', parentListener) element.addEventListener('foo', up.event.halt) up.emit(element, 'foo') expect(parentListener).not.toHaveBeenCalled() it 'prevents default on the event', -> element = fixture('div') element.addEventListener('foo', up.event.halt) event = up.emit(element, 'foo') expect(event.defaultPrevented).toBe(true)