desc "Invokes the test suite in multiple RVM environments" task :'test!' do # Override this by adding RVM_TEST_ENVS=".." in .rvmrc envs = ENV['RVM_TEST_ENVS'] || '1.9.2@sinatra,1.8.7@sinatra' puts "* Testing in the following RVM environments: #{envs.gsub(',', ', ')}" system "rvm #{envs} rake test" or abort end desc "Runs tests" task :test do Dir['test/*_test.rb'].each { |f| load f } end task :default => :test gh = "rstacruz/sinatra-assetpack" namespace :doc do # desc "Builds the documentation into doc/" task :build do system "reacco -a --github #{gh} --css docsrc/style.css" end # desc "Posts documentation to GitHub pages" task :deploy => :build do system "git update-ghpages #{gh} -i doc/" end end task :doc => :'doc:build'