import { ENV } from '@ember/-internals/environment'; import Controller from '@ember/controller'; import { moduleFor, ApplicationTest } from '../../utils/test-case'; import { strip } from '../../utils/abstract-test-case'; import { Route } from '@ember/-internals/routing'; import { Component } from '@ember/-internals/glimmer'; moduleFor( 'Application test: rendering', class extends ApplicationTest { constructor() { super(...arguments); this._APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_WRAPPER = ENV._APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_WRAPPER; } teardown() { super.teardown(); ENV._APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_WRAPPER = this._APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_WRAPPER; } ['@test it can render the application template with a wrapper']() { ENV._APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_WRAPPER = true; this.addTemplate('application', 'Hello world!'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.assertComponentElement(this.element, { content: 'Hello world!' }); }); } ['@test it can render the application template without a wrapper']() { ENV._APPLICATION_TEMPLATE_WRAPPER = false; this.addTemplate('application', 'Hello world!'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('Hello world!'); }); } ['@test it can access the model provided by the route']() { this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ model() { return ['red', 'yellow', 'blue']; }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'application', strip` <ul> {{#each model as |item|}} <li>{{item}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> ` ); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML(strip` <ul> <li>red</li> <li>yellow</li> <li>blue</li> </ul> `); }); } ['@test it can render a nested route']() { { this.route('lists', function() { this.route('colors', function() { this.route('favorite'); }); }); }); // The "favorite" route will inherit the model this.add( 'route:lists.colors', Route.extend({ model() { return ['red', 'yellow', 'blue']; }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'lists.colors.favorite', strip` <ul> {{#each model as |item|}} <li>{{item}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> ` ); return this.visit('/lists/colors/favorite').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML(strip` <ul> <li>red</li> <li>yellow</li> <li>blue</li> </ul> `); }); } ['@test it can render into named outlets']() { { this.route('colors'); }); this.addTemplate( 'application', strip` <nav>{{outlet "nav"}}</nav> <main>{{outlet}}</main> ` ); this.addTemplate( 'nav', strip` <a href="">Ember</a> ` ); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render(); this.render('nav', { into: 'application', outlet: 'nav', }); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:colors', Route.extend({ model() { return ['red', 'yellow', 'blue']; }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'colors', strip` <ul> {{#each model as |item|}} <li>{{item}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> ` ); return this.visit('/colors').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML(strip` <nav> <a href="">Ember</a> </nav> <main> <ul> <li>red</li> <li>yellow</li> <li>blue</li> </ul> </main> `); }); } ['@test it can render into named outlets']() { { this.route('colors'); }); this.addTemplate( 'application', strip` <nav>{{outlet "nav"}}</nav> <main>{{outlet}}</main> ` ); this.addTemplate( 'nav', strip` <a href="">Ember</a> ` ); this.add( 'route:application', Route.extend({ renderTemplate() { this.render(); this.render('nav', { into: 'application', outlet: 'nav', }); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:colors', Route.extend({ model() { return ['red', 'yellow', 'blue']; }, }) ); this.addTemplate( 'colors', strip` <ul> {{#each model as |item|}} <li>{{item}}</li> {{/each}} </ul> ` ); return this.visit('/colors').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML(strip` <nav> <a href="">Ember</a> </nav> <main> <ul> <li>red</li> <li>yellow</li> <li>blue</li> </ul> </main> `); }); } ['@test it should update the outlets when switching between routes']() { { this.route('a'); this.route('b', function() { this.route('c'); this.route('d'); }); }); this.addTemplate('a', 'A{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('b', 'B{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('b.c', 'C'); this.addTemplate('b.d', 'D'); return this.visit('/b/c') .then(() => { // this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { content: 'BC' }); this.assertText('BC'); return this.visit('/a'); }) .then(() => { // this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { content: 'A' }); this.assertText('A'); return this.visit('/b/d'); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('BD'); // this.assertComponentElement(this.firstChild, { content: 'BD' }); }); } ['@test it should produce a stable DOM when the model changes']() { { this.route('color', { path: '/colors/:color' }); }); this.add( 'route:color', Route.extend({ model(params) { return params.color; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('color', 'color: {{model}}'); return this.visit('/colors/red') .then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('color: red'); this.takeSnapshot(); return this.visit('/colors/green'); }) .then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('color: green'); this.assertInvariants(); }); } ['@test it should have the right controller in scope for the route template']() { { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); }); this.add( 'controller:a', Controller.extend({ value: 'a', }) ); this.add( 'controller:b', Controller.extend({ value: 'b', }) ); this.addTemplate('a', '{{value}}'); this.addTemplate('b', '{{value}}'); return this.visit('/a') .then(() => { this.assertText('a'); return this.visit('/b'); }) .then(() => this.assertText('b')); } ['@test it should update correctly when the controller changes']() { { this.route('color', { path: '/colors/:color' }); }); this.add( 'route:color', Route.extend({ model(params) { return { color: params.color }; }, renderTemplate(controller, model) { this.render({ controller: model.color, model }); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:red', Controller.extend({ color: 'red', }) ); this.add( 'controller:green', Controller.extend({ color: 'green', }) ); this.addTemplate('color', 'model color: {{model.color}}, controller color: {{color}}'); return this.visit('/colors/red') .then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('model color: red, controller color: red'); return this.visit('/colors/green'); }) .then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('model color: green, controller color: green'); }); } ['@test it should produce a stable DOM when two routes render the same template']() { { this.route('a'); this.route('b'); }); this.add( 'route:a', Route.extend({ model() { return 'A'; }, renderTemplate(controller, model) { this.render('common', { controller: 'common', model }); }, }) ); this.add( 'route:b', Route.extend({ model() { return 'B'; }, renderTemplate(controller, model) { this.render('common', { controller: 'common', model }); }, }) ); this.add( 'controller:common', Controller.extend({ prefix: 'common', }) ); this.addTemplate('common', '{{prefix}} {{model}}'); return this.visit('/a') .then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('common A'); this.takeSnapshot(); return this.visit('/b'); }) .then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('common B'); this.assertInvariants(); }); } // Regression test, glimmer child outlets tried to assume the first element. // but the if put-args clobbered the args used by did-create-element. // I wish there was a way to assert that the OutletComponentManager did not // receive a didCreateElement. ['@test a child outlet is always a fragment']() { this.addTemplate('application', '{{outlet}}'); this.addTemplate('index', '{{#if true}}1{{/if}}<div>2</div>'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('1<div>2</div>'); }); } ['@test it allows a transition during route activate']() { { this.route('a'); }); this.add( 'route:index', Route.extend({ activate() { this.transitionTo('a'); }, }) ); this.addTemplate('a', 'Hello from A!'); return this.visit('/').then(() => { this.assertInnerHTML('Hello from A!'); }); } ['@test it emits a useful backtracking re-render assertion message']() { { this.route('routeWithError'); }); this.add( 'route:routeWithError', Route.extend({ model() { return { name: 'Alex' }; }, }) ); this.addTemplate('routeWithError', 'Hi {{}} {{x-foo person=model}}'); this.addComponent('x-foo', { ComponentClass: Component.extend({ init() { this._super(...arguments); this.set('', 'Ben'); }, }), template: 'Hi {{}} from component', }); let expectedBacktrackingMessage = /modified "model\.name" twice on \[object Object\] in a single render\. It was rendered in "template:my-app\/templates\/routeWithError.hbs" and modified in "component:x-foo"/; return this.visit('/').then(() => { expectAssertion(() => { this.visit('/routeWithError'); }, expectedBacktrackingMessage); }); } ['@test route templates with {{{undefined}}} [GH#14924] [GH#16172]']() { { this.route('first'); this.route('second'); }); this.addTemplate('first', 'first'); this.addTemplate('second', '{{{undefined}}}second'); return this.visit('/first') .then(() => { this.assertText('first'); return this.visit('/second'); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('second'); return this.visit('/first'); }) .then(() => { this.assertText('first'); }); } } );