# encoding: UTF-8 require 'helper' describe UnixUtils do before do @old_pwd = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir File.expand_path('../target', __FILE__) end after do Dir.chdir @old_pwd end describe "errors" do it "gets printed to stderr" do begin old_stderr = $stderr capture = StringIO.new $stderr = capture UnixUtils.unzip(__FILE__) capture.rewind capture.read.must_match %r{End-of-central-directory signature not found} ensure $stderr = old_stderr end end end describe :curl do it "downloads to a temp file" do outfile = UnixUtils.curl('http://brighterplanet.com') File.read(outfile).must_match %r{sustain}i safe_delete outfile end it "deals safely with local files" do UnixUtils.curl_s('utf8.txt').must_include 'Hola, ¿cómo estás?' UnixUtils.curl_s(File.expand_path('utf8.txt')).must_include 'Hola, ¿cómo estás?' UnixUtils.curl_s("file://#{File.expand_path('utf8.txt')}").must_include 'Hola, ¿cómo estás?' end end describe :shasum do it "checksums a file with SHA-1" do UnixUtils.shasum('directory.zip', 1).must_equal 'c0abb36c923ed7bf87ebb8d7097cb8e264e528d2' end it "checksums a file with SHA-256" do UnixUtils.shasum('directory.zip', 256).must_equal '661af2b7b0993088263228b071b649a88d82a6a655562162c32307d1e127f27a' end it "works just as well with absolute paths" do target_path = File.join(Dir.pwd, 'directory.zip') Dir.chdir('/') do UnixUtils.shasum(target_path, 256).must_equal '661af2b7b0993088263228b071b649a88d82a6a655562162c32307d1e127f27a' end end end describe :md5sum do it "checksums a file" do UnixUtils.md5sum('directory.zip').must_equal 'd6e15da798ae19551da6c49ec09afaef' end end describe :du_sk do it "calculates the size of a directory in bytes" do UnixUtils.du_sk('directory').must_equal 8 end end describe :unzip do before do @infile = 'directory.zip' @anonymous_infile = 'directory-really-a-z_i_p-shh' end it "unpacks a DIRECTORY located in the tmp directory" do assert_unpack_dir :unzip, @infile end it "accepts unsemantic filenames" do assert_unpack_dir :unzip, @anonymous_infile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :unzip, @infile end end describe :untar do before do @infile = 'directory.tar' @anonymous_infile = 'directory-really-a-t_a_r-shh' end it "unpacks a DIRECTORY located in the tmp directory" do assert_unpack_dir :untar, @infile end it "accepts unsemantic filenames" do assert_unpack_dir :untar, @anonymous_infile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :untar, @infile end end describe :bunzip2 do before do @infile = 'file.bz2' @anonymous_infile = 'file-really-a-b_z_2-shh' end it "unpacks a FILE located in the tmp directory" do assert_unpack_file :bunzip2, @infile end it "accepts unsemantic filenames" do assert_unpack_file :bunzip2, @anonymous_infile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :bunzip2, @infile end end describe :gunzip do before do @infile = 'file.gz' @anonymous_infile = 'file-really-a-g_z-shh' end it "unpacks a FILE located in the tmp directory" do assert_unpack_file :gunzip, @infile end it "accepts unsemantic filenames" do assert_unpack_file :gunzip, @anonymous_infile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :gunzip, @infile end end describe :bzip2 do before do @infile = 'directory.tar' end it "packs a FILE to a FILE in the tmp directory" do assert_pack :bzip2, @infile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :bzip2, @infile end it "sticks on a useful extension" do outfile = UnixUtils.bzip2 @infile File.extname(outfile).must_equal '.bz2' safe_delete outfile end end describe :gzip do before do @infile = 'directory.tar' end it "packs a FILE to a FILE in the tmp directory" do assert_pack :gzip, @infile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :gzip, @infile end it "sticks on a useful extension" do outfile = UnixUtils.gzip @infile File.extname(outfile).must_equal '.gz' safe_delete outfile end end describe :zip do before do @srcdir = 'directory' end it "packs a DIRECTORY to a FILE in the tmp directory" do assert_pack :zip, @srcdir end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :zip, @srcdir end it "sticks on a useful extension" do outfile = UnixUtils.zip @srcdir File.extname(outfile).must_equal '.zip' safe_delete outfile end end describe :tar do before do @srcdir = 'directory' end it "packs a DIRECTORY to a FILE in the tmp directory" do assert_pack :tar, @srcdir end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :tar, @srcdir end it "sticks on a useful extension" do outfile = UnixUtils.tar @srcdir File.extname(outfile).must_equal '.tar' safe_delete outfile end end describe :perl do before do @f = Tempfile.new('perl.txt') @f.write "badWord\n"*10_000 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it "processes a file" do outfile = UnixUtils.perl(@infile, 's/bad/good/g') File.read(outfile).must_equal "goodWord\n"*10_000 safe_delete outfile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :perl, @infile, 's/bad/good/g' end it "keeps the original extname" do outfile = UnixUtils.perl(@infile, 's/bad/good/g') File.extname(outfile).must_equal File.extname(@infile) safe_delete outfile end end describe :awk do before do @f = Tempfile.new('awk.txt') @f.write "badWord\n"*10_000 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it "processes a file" do outfile = UnixUtils.awk(@infile, '{gsub(/bad/, "good"); print}') File.read(outfile).must_equal "goodWord\n"*10_000 safe_delete outfile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :awk, @infile, '{gsub(/bad/, "good"); print}' end it "keeps the original extname" do outfile = UnixUtils.awk(@infile, '{gsub(/bad/, "good"); print}') File.extname(outfile).must_equal File.extname(@infile) safe_delete outfile end end describe :unix2dos do before do @f = Tempfile.new('unix2dos.txt') @f.write "unix\n"*5_000 @f.write "dos\r\n"*5_000 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'converts newlines' do outfile = UnixUtils.unix2dos @infile File.read(outfile).must_equal("unix\r\n"*5_000 + "dos\r\n"*5_000) safe_delete outfile end end describe :dos2unix do before do @f = Tempfile.new('dos2unix.txt') @f.write "dos\r\n"*5 @f.write "unix\n"*5 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'converts newlines' do outfile = UnixUtils.dos2unix @infile File.read(outfile).must_equal("dos\n"*5 + "unix\n"*5) safe_delete outfile end end describe :wc do before do @f = Tempfile.new('wc.txt') @f.write "dos line\r\n"*50_000 @f.write "unix line\n"*50_000 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'counts lines, words, and bytes' do UnixUtils.wc(@infile).must_equal [50_000+50_000, 100_000+100_000, 500_000+500_000] end end describe :sed do before do @f = Tempfile.new('sed.txt') @f.write "badWord\n"*10_000 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it "processes a file" do outfile = UnixUtils.sed(@infile, 's/bad/good/g') File.read(outfile).must_equal "goodWord\n"*10_000 safe_delete outfile end it "does not touch the infile" do assert_does_not_touch :sed, @infile, 's/bad/good/g' end it "keeps the original extname" do outfile = UnixUtils.sed(@infile, 's/bad/good/g') File.extname(outfile).must_equal File.extname(@infile) safe_delete outfile end end describe :tail do before do @a2z = ('a'..'z').to_a @f = Tempfile.new('tail.txt') @f.write @a2z.join("\n") @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'gets last three lines' do outfile = UnixUtils.tail(@infile, 3) File.read(outfile).must_equal @a2z.last(3).join("\n") safe_delete outfile end it 'gets trailing lines starting with the third line (inclusive)' do outfile = UnixUtils.tail(@infile, '+3') File.read(outfile).must_equal @a2z[2..-1].join("\n") safe_delete outfile end it 'has a related tail_s method' do str = UnixUtils.tail_s(@infile, 3) str.must_equal @a2z.last(3).join("\n") end end describe :head do before do @a2z = ('a'..'z').to_a @f = Tempfile.new('head.txt') @f.write @a2z.join("\n") @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'gets first three lines' do outfile = UnixUtils.head(@infile, 3) File.read(outfile).must_equal(@a2z.first(3).join("\n") + "\n") safe_delete outfile end it 'has a related head_s method' do str = UnixUtils.head_s(@infile, 3) str.must_equal(@a2z.first(3).join("\n") + "\n") end end describe :cut do before do @a2z = ('a'..'z').to_a @f = Tempfile.new('cut.txt') 10.times do @f.write(@a2z.join + "\n") end @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'cuts out character positions' do outfile = UnixUtils.cut(@infile, '1,12,13,15,19,20') almosts = (0..9).map { |i| 'almost' }.join("\n") + "\n" File.read(outfile).must_equal almosts safe_delete outfile end it 'cuts out character ranges (inclusive)' do outfile = UnixUtils.cut(@infile, '3-6') cdefs = (0..9).map { |i| 'cdef' }.join("\n") + "\n" File.read(outfile).must_equal cdefs safe_delete outfile end end describe :iconv do it 'converts files from utf-8 to latin1' do outfile = UnixUtils.iconv('utf8.txt', 'ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8') UnixUtils.md5sum(outfile).must_equal UnixUtils.md5sum('iso-8859-1.txt') safe_delete outfile end it 'converts files from latin1 to utf-8' do outfile = UnixUtils.iconv('iso-8859-1.txt', 'UTF-8', 'ISO-8859-1') UnixUtils.md5sum(outfile).must_equal UnixUtils.md5sum('utf8.txt') safe_delete outfile end end describe :tmp_path do it "includes basename of ancestor" do UnixUtils.tmp_path("dirname1/dirname2/basename.extname").must_include 'basename' end it "includes extname of ancestor" do UnixUtils.tmp_path("dirname1/dirname2/basename.extname").must_include 'extname' end it "optionally appends extname" do File.extname(UnixUtils.tmp_path("dirname1/dirname2/basename.extname", '.foobar')).must_equal '.foobar' end it "doesn't create excessively long filenames" do 100.times { File.basename(UnixUtils.tmp_path("a"*5000)).length.must_equal(255) } end it "doesn't include directory part of ancestor" do UnixUtils.tmp_path("dirname1/dirname2/basename.extname").wont_include 'dirname1' end it "includes unix_utils part only once" do one = UnixUtils.tmp_path('basename.extname') File.basename(one).start_with?('unix_utils').must_equal true one.scan(/unix_utils/).length.must_equal 1 again = UnixUtils.tmp_path(one) File.basename(again).start_with?('unix_utils').must_equal true again.scan(/unix_utils/).length.must_equal 1 and_again = UnixUtils.tmp_path(again) File.basename(and_again).start_with?('unix_utils').must_equal true and_again.scan(/unix_utils/).length.must_equal 1 and_again.must_include('basename_extname') end end # not really for public consumption describe :spawn do before do @f = Tempfile.new('spawn.txt') @f.write "dos line\r\n"*50_000 @f.write "unix line\n"*50_000 @f.flush @infile = @f.path end after do @f.close end it 'reads and writes everything' do wc_output = UnixUtils.spawn(['wc'], :read_from => @infile) wc_output.strip.split(/\s+/)[0..2].map { |s| s.to_i }.must_equal [50_000+50_000, 100_000+100_000, 500_000+500_000] end end end