#!/bin/sh # Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2014 eGlobalTech, Inc., all rights reserved # # Licensed under the BSD-3 license (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License in the root of the project or at # # http://egt-labs.com/mu/LICENSE.html # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. set -e ################################################# ################## SET VARIABLES ################ ################################################# scriptpath="`dirname $0`" knife="/opt/chef/bin/knife" USER=`whoami` STARTDIR=`pwd` HOMEDIR="`getent passwd \"$USER\" |cut -d: -f6`" if [ -z $MU_CHEF_CACHE ];then MU_CHEF_CACHE=$HOMEDIR/.chef fi manifest="$MU_CHEF_CACHE/mu_manifest" berksdir="$HOMEDIR/.berkshelf" rm -rf "${berksdir}/" # Just... don't trust it to check cache correctly if [ -z $MU_INSTALLDIR ];then MU_INSTALLDIR=/opt/mu fi if [ -z $MU_DATADIR ];then if [ "$USER" == "root" ];then MU_DATADIR=/opt/mu/var else MU_DATADIR=$HOMEDIR/.mu/var fi fi real_datadir="$MU_DATADIR" source $MU_INSTALLDIR/lib/install/deprecated-bash-library.sh # if [ -x $MU_INSTALLDIR/lib/bin/mu-gen-env ];then # $MU_INSTALLDIR/lib/bin/mu-gen-env > $HOMEDIR/.murc # source $HOMEDIR/.murc # fi export MU_DATADIR="$real_datadir" cd $MU_CHEF_CACHE ################################################# ################## Updated Cmds ################ ################################################# usage() { if [ "$1" != "" ];then echo "" echo "${RED}$1${NORM}" echo "" fi echo "Syncs Chef code to running Chef master. Optionally refreshes from git." echo "Usage: $0 [-a|-r repo_name[:branch] [-r repo_name[:branch] [...]]] [-f [-c ] ] [-d] [-n] [-s]" echo " ${BOLD}-f${NORM}: Forcibly re-sync Chef repos from Git before uploading" echo " to Chef. Saves your uncommitted changes unless ${BOLD}-d${NORM} is specified." echo " ${BOLD}-c ${NORM} (requires ${BOLD}-f${NORM} and at most one ${BOLD}-r${NORM}): Reset to a specific commit." echo " Saves your uncommitted changes unless ${BOLD}-d${NORM} is specified." echo " ${BOLD}-d${NORM}: Discard any uncommited changes to currently checked-out branches." echo " ${BOLD}-p${NORM}: Purge Chef resources from the Chef server's memory before uploading." echo " expunging old resources from the running server." echo " ${BOLD}-s${NORM}: Shortcut mode. Update cookbooks only." echo " ${BOLD}-m ${NORM}: Match mode. Only operate on artifacts with this name, e.g. '-s -m symantec' to upload a cookbook named symantec." echo " ${BOLD}-g${NORM}: Update data bags only." echo " ${BOLD}-a${NORM}: Refresh and upload the currently checked-out branch from ALL Chef repos." echo " Cannot be used with ${BOLD}-c${NORM} or ${BOLD}-r${NORM}. Saves your uncommitted changes unless ${BOLD}-d${NORM}" echo " is specified." echo " ${BOLD}-b ${NORM}: Upload the named branch from ALL Chef repos. Useful if" echo " you want to use, for example, only ${BOLD}master${NORM} from every repo Saves your" echo " uncommitted changes unless ${BOLD}-d${NORM} is specified." echo " ${BOLD}-r${NORM}: A Chef artifact repository to upload. Can specify multiple. See list" echo " below. Optionally, specify a branch by appending ${BOLD}:branchname${NORM} (this will" echo " override ${BOLD}-b${NORM}). Saves your uncommitted changes unless ${BOLD}-d${NORM}" echo " is specified." echo "" echo "Known Chef artifact repositories, as set by ${BOLD}mu-configure${NORM}. Ordered" echo "from lowest priority to highest:" for repo in $ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS $MU_REPO;do reponame="`echo $repo | cut -d/ -f2 | sed -e 's/\.git$//'`" echo "${BOLD}$reponame${NORM}" done exit 1 } mu_repo_name="`echo $MU_REPO | sed 's/^.*\///' | cut -d. -f1`" purge_manifest() { purge_repo=$1 purge_type=$2 if [ -f $manifest ];then grep -v "^$purge_type:.*:$purge_repo$" $manifest > /tmp/manifest.tmp.$$ && /bin/mv /tmp/manifest.tmp.$$ $manifest fi } update_manifest() { update_repo=$1 artifact_type=$2 artifact_name="`echo $3 | sed -e 's/\.json//'`" if [ -f $manifest ];then grep -v "^$artifact_type:$artifact_name:" $manifest > /tmp/manifest.tmp.$$ && /bin/mv /tmp/manifest.tmp.$$ $manifest fi echo "$artifact_type:$artifact_name:$update_repo" >> $manifest } add_berkshelf_cookbooks() { repodir="$1" user="`whoami`" user_home="`getent passwd \"$user\" |cut -d: -f6`" berksdir="$user_home/.berkshelf" berks="/usr/local/ruby-current/bin/ruby /usr/local/ruby-current/bin/berks" cd $repodir is_synced="`$berks list -F json 2>&1 | grep 'lockfile is out of sync'`" if [ "$MU_DEPRESOLVE" == "1" -o "$is_synced" != "" ];then # The cleansing fire for Berksfile.lock and ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks if [ "$MU_DEPRESOLVE" == "1" ];then echo "${GREEN}Resolving standard Mu cookbook dependencies in $repodir/Berksfile${NORM}" else echo "${GREEN}Attempting to update $repodir/Berksfile.lock${NORM}" fi if [ -f "$repodir/Berksfile.lock" ];then mv -f "$repodir/Berksfile.lock" "$repodir/Berksfile.lock.prev" fi if [ -d ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks ];then rm -rf ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks.prev mv -f ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks.prev fi if ! $berks install > /dev/null ;then echo "${RED}berks install failed on $repodir/Berksfile${NORM}" if [ -f "$repodir/Berksfile.lock.prev" ];then echo "${YELLOW}Reverting $repodir/Berksfile.lock${NORM}" mv -f $repodir/Berksfile.lock.prev $repodir/Berksfile.lock fi if [ -d ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks.prev ];then mv -f ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks.prev ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks fi else echo "${GREEN}Rebuilt $repodir/Berksfile.lock${NORM}" rm -f $repodir/Berksfile.lock.prev rm -rf ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks.prev fi else # just make sure ~/.berkshelf/cookbooks isn't missing pieces $berks install fi is_synced="`$berks list -F json 2>&1 | grep 'lockfile is out of sync'`" if [ "$is_synced" != "" ];then echo "${RED}$repodir/Berksfile.lock still out of sync after install, bailing${NORM}" $berks install -d $berks upload -d --no-freeze exit 1 fi for name in $($berks list -F json | jq -r '.cookbooks | .[] | .name');do if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$name" ];then berkshelf_cookbooks="$berkshelf_cookbooks $name" if [ "$name" == "mu-tools" ];then # XXX kludge can_skip_mu_repo=1 fi fi done if [ "$nopurge" == "" -a "$all" != "1" ];then echo "${GREEN}Purging old Chef resources derived from Berkshelf${NORM}" cd $repodir set +e for name in $berkshelf_cookbooks;do $knife cookbook delete $name --yes -a done set -e fi echo "" echo "${GREEN}Uploading Berkshelf Chef cookbooks from ${BOLD}$repodir${NORM}" if [ "$match" == "" ];then cd $repodir && $berks upload --no-freeze --force || exit 1 elif [ "$berkshelf_cookbooks" != "" ];then echo "${GREEN}Matching only: ${BOLD}${berkshelf_cookbooks}${NORM}${GREEN}${NORM}" cd $repodir && $berks upload $berkshelf_cookbooks --no-freeze --force 2>&1 || echo "${YELLOW}Missing cookbooks ok when using -m if they're not supposed to have been in $repodir/Berksfile${NORM}" fi cd $MU_CHEF_CACHE } copied_repodirs="" set_repo_path() { repo="$1" reponame="`echo $repo | cut -d/ -f2 | sed -e 's/\.git$//'`" if [ "$repo" == "$MU_REPO" -o "$repo" == "$mu_repo_name" ];then orig_source="$MU_INSTALLDIR/lib" else orig_source="$MU_DATADIR/$reponame" fi current_repo_path=$orig_source owner=`/usr/bin/stat -c '%U' "$orig_source" 2>/dev/null` if [ "$USER" != "$owner" ];then artifact_source="$MU_DATADIR/tmp/$reponame.$$" echo "${GREEN}Cloning ${BOLD}$orig_source${NORM}${GREEN} into $artifact_source${NORM}" mkdir -p "$artifact_source" if [ "$repo" == "$MU_REPO" ];then srcdir="$MU_INSTALLDIR/lib" else srcdir="$MU_DATADIR/$reponame" fi for subdir in cookbooks site_cookbooks roles environments data_bags Berksfile Berksfile.lock;do if [ -e "$srcdir/$subdir" ];then cp -a "$srcdir/$subdir" "$artifact_source/" fi done tmp_dirs_to_remove="$artifact_source $tmp_dirs_to_remove" copied_repodirs="${copied_repodirs} $artifact_source/" current_repo_path="$artifact_source" else current_repo_path="$orig_source" fi } all=0 while getopts "fb:c:npsgdhar:b:m:" opt; do case $opt in r) arg_repos="$arg_repos $OPTARG" ;; a) all=1 ;; f) force_sync=1 ;; c) force_commit=$OPTARG ;; b) force_branch=$OPTARG ;; p) purge=1 ;; g) bags_only=1 ;; s) cookbooks_only=1 ;; m) match=$OPTARG ;; d) discard=1 ;; h) usage ;; \?) usage ;; esac done use_on_disk=1 nopurge=1 if [ "$arg_repos" == "" ];then all=1 fi if [ "$purge" != "" ];then nopurge="" fi if [ "$force_sync" != "" ];then use_on_disk=0 fi if [ "$force_commit" != "" ];then use_on_disk=0 fi if [ "$force_branch" != "" ];then use_on_disk=0 fi if [ "$force_commit" != "" -a "$force_sync" != "1" ];then usage "Can't use -c without -f" use_on_disk=0 fi if echo $arg_repos | egrep -v '(^ )|( $)' | grep ' ' ;then if [ "$force_commit" != "" ];then usage "Can't have multiple -r options with -c" fi fi if [ "$all" == "1" -a "$force_commit" != "" ];then usage "Can't use -a with -c" fi if [ "$all" == "1" -a "$arg_repos" != "" ];then usage "Can't use -a with -r" fi if [ "$all" == "1" ];then for repo in $ADDTL_CHEF_REPOS $MU_REPO;do reponame="`echo $repo | sed -e 's/\.git$//' | sed -e 's/.*\///'`" REPOS="$REPOS $reponame" done else for repo in $arg_repos;do REPOS="$REPOS $repo" done fi set_repo_path $MU_REPO export MU_COOKBOOK_ROOT=$current_repo_path if [ "$cookbooks_only" == "1" ];then chef_artifacts="cookbooks site_cookbooks" elif [ "$bags_only" == "1" ];then chef_artifacts="data_bags" else chef_artifacts="site_cookbooks cookbooks roles environments data_bags" fi # Clear out the data bags we forcibly manufacture for Nagios users. if [ "$USER" == "root" ];then for dir in $MU_CHEF_CACHE/data_bags/nagios_users;do if [ -d "$MU_DATADIR/users" -a -d $dir ];then for admin in `ls $MU_DATADIR/users/`;do rm -f "$dir/$admin.json" done fi done fi if [ "$nopurge" == "" -a "$all" == "1" ];then if [ "$use_on_disk" == "1" -o "$all" == "1" ];then if [ "$cookbooks_only" == "1" ];then $knife cookbook bulk delete --purge '.+' --yes 2>/dev/null /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/cookbooks $MU_CHEF_CACHE/site_cookbooks elif [ "$bags_only" == "1" ];then # Nowadays we have data bags that are persistent and node-related. Leave # them be, and only delete our automatic ones. for bag in nagios_users nagios_servers demo;do $knife data bag delete $bag --yes 2>/dev/null done else $knife cookbook bulk delete --purge '.+' --yes 2>/dev/null /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/cookbooks $MU_CHEF_CACHE/site_cookbooks /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/roles $MU_CHEF_CACHE/environments $MU_CHEF_CACHE/data_bags $knife role bulk delete '.*' --yes 2>/dev/null for env in `$knife environment list | grep -v '_default$'`;do $knife environment delete $env --yes 2>/dev/null done for bag in nagios_users nagios_servers demo;do $knife data bag delete $bag --yes 2>/dev/null done fi fi fi upload_cookbooks="" berkshelf_cookbooks="" upload_roles="" upload_environments="" upload_data_bags="" tmp_dirs_to_remove="" berkshelf_include_cookbooks="" can_skip_mu_repo=0 for repo in $REPOS;do skip_cookbooks=0 repo_name="`echo $repo | cut -d: -f1`" if [ "$repo_name" == "$mu_repo_name" -a "$can_skip_mu_repo" == "1" ];then echo "${YELLOW}Skipping ${BOLD}$repo_name${NORM}${YELLOW} cookbooks, which have already been uploaded by another Berksfile${NORM}" chef_artifacts="`echo $chef_artifacts | sed -e 's/site_cookbooks//'`" chef_artifacts="`echo $chef_artifacts | sed -e 's/cookbooks//'`" fi if [ "$nopurge" == "" -a "$all" != "1" ];then echo "${GREEN}Purging old Chef resources derived from $repo_name${NORM}" for resource in `grep ":$repo_name$" $manifest`;do type="`echo $resource | cut -d: -f1`" name="`echo $resource | cut -d: -f2`" set +e if [ "$type" == "cookbooks" -o "$type" == "site_cookbooks" ];then /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$type/$name $knife cookbook delete $name --yes --all elif [ "$type" == "roles" -a "$cookbooks_only" == "" ];then /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$type/$name.json $knife role delete $name --yes elif [ "$type" == "environments" -a "$cookbooks_only" == "" ];then /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$type/$name.json $knife environment delete $name --yes elif [ "$type" == "data_bags" -a "$cookbooks_only" == "" ];then /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$type/$name $knife data bag delete $name --yes fi set -e done fi set_repo_path $repo artifact_source=$current_repo_path branch="" if echo $repo | grep ':';then branch="`echo $repo | cut -d: -f2`" elif [ "$force_branch" != "" ];then branch=$force_branch fi cd $artifact_source || ( echo "Couldn't cd to $artifact_source!" ; exit 1 ) if [ -d "$artifact_source/.git" ];then lastbranch="`git branch | egrep '^\* ' | awk '{print $2}'`" fi if [ "$branch" == "" ];then if [ "$all" == "1" -a "$lastbranch" != "" ];then branch=$lastbranch else branch="master" fi fi if [ -d "$artifact_source/.git" ];then if [ "$use_on_disk" == "" -o "$use_on_disk" == "0" ];then # Stash unchecked local changes so we can put things back how we found them if [ "$discard" != "1" ]; then stashed_changes=1 if [ "`git stash | grep '^No local changes to save'`" ];then stashed_changes=0 else echo "${GREEN}Stashing changes from working tree in ${BOLD}$repo_name${NORM}" git --no-pager stash list | head -1 fi fi # Swap branches, if pertinent if [ "$branch" != "$lastbranch" ];then echo "${YELLOW}Switching from $lastbranch to $branch${NORM} in `pwd`" set +e git fetch set -e git checkout $branch else set +e git fetch set -e git checkout -f $branch fi if [ "$force_sync" == "1" ]; then echo "${RED}Forcibly resetting $repo_name to branch $branch${NORM}" if [ ! -z $force_commit ];then # We got asked to reset to a particular commit, do so echo "${RED}Using comment $force_commit${NORM}" git reset --hard $force_commit else git reset --hard fi echo "${YELLOW}Updating $repo_name branch $branch from origin${NORM}" git pull origin $branch else echo "${YELLOW}Updating $repo_name branch $branch from origin${NORM}" set +e git pull origin $branch set -e fi fi fi if [ "$repo_name" != "$mu_repo_name" ];then if grep "AUTO-INCLUDE STANDARD MU COOKBOOKS" $artifact_source/Berksfile > /dev/null 2>&1;then export MU_DEPRESOLVE=1 fi else unset MU_DEPRESOLVE fi create_berksfile=0 if [ -f "$artifact_source/Berksfile" ];then if ( echo $chef_artifacts | grep cookbooks > /dev/null ) ;then add_berkshelf_cookbooks "$artifact_source" fi else cp $MU_INSTALLDIR/lib/extras/platform_berksfile_base $artifact_source/Berksfile create_berksfile=1 export MU_DEPRESOLVE=1 fi for artifact in $chef_artifacts;do purge_manifest $repo_name $artifact if [ -e "$artifact_source/$artifact" ];then # Overwrite anything from earlier in the stream with a conflicting name for f in `ls $artifact_source/$artifact/`;do if [ "$artifact" == "environments" -o "$artifact" == "roles" ];then shortname="`echo $f | sed -e 's/\.json//'`" else shortname=$f fi if [ -e "$MU_CHEF_CACHE/$artifact/$f" -a "$artifact" != "data_bags" ];then set +e oldsrc="`grep "^$artifact:$shortname:" $manifest`" set -e if [ "$artifact" == "cookbooks" -o "$artifact" == "site_cookbooks" ];then if [ $create_berksfile == "1" ];then echo "cookbook '$shortname', path: ENV['MU_DATADIR']+'/$repo_name/$artifact/$shortname'" >> "$artifact_source/Berksfile" fi fi if [ "`diff -r $artifact_source/$artifact/$f $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$artifact/$f`" != "" ];then if [ "$oldsrc" == "" ];then echo "${YELLOW}Overriding $artifact/$shortname with ${BOLD}$repo_name/$artifact/$shortname${NORM}" else echo "${YELLOW}Overriding $artifact/$shortname from ${BOLD}$oldsrc${NORM} with ${BOLD}$repo_name/$artifact/$shortname${NORM}" fi /bin/rm -rf $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$artifact/$f elif [ "$oldsrc" != "" ];then echo "${YELLOW}Duplicate artifact ${BOLD}$artifact/$shortname${NORM} from ${BOLD}$oldsrc${NORM}, ignoring" fi else if [ "$artifact" == "cookbooks" -o "$artifact" == "site_cookbooks" ];then if [ $create_berksfile == "1" ];then echo "cookbook '$shortname', path: ENV['MU_DATADIR']+'/$repo_name/$artifact/$shortname'" >> "$artifact_source/Berksfile" fi if ! [[ "$berkshelf_cookbooks" =~ "$shortname" ]];then if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$shortname" ];then echo "${GREEN}Adding ${BOLD}$repo_name/$artifact/$shortname${NORM}" fi fi else if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$shortname" ];then echo "${GREEN}Adding ${BOLD}$repo_name/$artifact/$shortname${NORM}" fi fi fi update_manifest $repo $artifact $f if [ "$artifact" == "cookbooks" -o "$artifact" == "site_cookbooks" ];then if ! [[ "$berkshelf_cookbooks" =~ "$shortname" ]];then upload_cookbooks="$upload_cookbooks $shortname" test -d "$MU_CHEF_CACHE/$artifact/$shortname" || mkdir -p "$MU_CHEF_CACHE/$artifact/$shortname" /bin/cp -rf $artifact_source/$artifact/$shortname $MU_CHEF_CACHE/$artifact fi elif [ "$artifact" == "roles" ];then upload_roles="$upload_roles $shortname" elif [ "$artifact" == "environments" ];then upload_environments="$upload_environments $shortname" elif [ "$artifact" == "data_bags" ];then upload_data_bags="$upload_data_bags $shortname" fi done if [ "$artifact" != "cookbooks" -a "$artifact" != "site_cookbooks" ];then /bin/cp -rf $artifact_source/$artifact $MU_CHEF_CACHE fi fi done # If we just made up a Berksfile, use it to upload things if [ $create_berksfile == "1" ];then add_berkshelf_cookbooks "$artifact_source" fi set +x if [ -d "$artifact_source/.git" ];then if [ "$use_on_disk" == "" ];then if [ "$branch" != "$lastbranch" -a "$discard" != "1" ];then echo "${GREEN}Returning to $lastbranch${NORM}" git checkout $lastbranch fi if [ "$stashed_changes" == "1" ];then echo "${GREEN}Restoring stashed changes from working tree in ${BOLD}$repo_name${NORM}" git stash pop fi fi fi done # Add some ad-hoc data bag contents for nagios_users. These are Mu logins # and contacts based on the Mu admins stored in $MU_DATADIR/users. if [ -d "$MU_DATADIR/users" -a "$USER" == "root" ];then bagdir="$MU_CHEF_CACHE/data_bags/nagios_users" test -d "$bagdir" || mkdir -p "$bagdir" upload_data_bags="nagios_users $upload_data_bags" set +e cd $MU_CHEF_CACHE bag_created=0 for admin in mu;do if [ -f "$bagdir/$admin.json" ];then if [ "$bagcreated" == "0" ];then bagcreated=1 $knife data bag create nagios_users fi $knife data bag from file nagios_users $bagdir/$admin.json fi if [ ! -f "$bagdir/$admin.json" ];then id="`echo $admin | sed -e 's/@/_/'`" crypt="*" if [ -f $MU_DATADIR/users/$admin/monitoring_email ];then email="`cat $MU_DATADIR/users/$admin/monitoring_email`" else email="`cat $MU_DATADIR/users/$admin/email`" fi if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$id" ];then if [ "$email" != "none" ];then echo "${GREEN}Adding $id to nagios_users data bag (email $email)${NORM}" echo "{ \"id\": \"$id\", \"groups\": \"sysadmin\", \"htpasswd\": \"$crypt\", \"openid\": \"http://nagiosadmin.myopenid.com/\", \"nagios\": { \"pager\": \"$email\", \"email\": \"$email\" } }" > "$bagdir/$admin.json" else echo "${GREEN}Adding $id to nagios_users data bag (No email)${NORM}" echo "{ \"id\": \"$id\", \"groups\": \"sysadmin\", \"htpasswd\": \"$crypt\", \"openid\": \"http://nagiosadmin.myopenid.com/\", \"nagios\": { \"pager\": \"devnull@localhost\", \"email\": \"devnull@localhost\" } }" > "$bagdir/$admin.json" fi fi fi done fi # Somehow directory gets lost. Set it to something sane cd $HOMEDIR if [ "$all" != "1" ];then if [ "$bags_only" == "1" ];then for bag in $upload_data_bags;do bagcreated=0 for file in `ls -1 $MU_CHEF_CACHE/data_bags/$bag/*.json`;do itemname="`echo $file | sed -r 's/.*\/([^\\]+).json$/\1/'`" if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$itemname" ];then if [ "$bagcreated" == "0" ];then bagcreated=1 $knife data bag create $bag fi $knife data bag from file $bag $file fi done done else for role in $upload_roles;do if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$role" ];then $knife role from file $MU_CHEF_CACHE/roles/$role.json fi done for env in $upload_environments;do if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$env" ];then $knife environment from file $MU_CHEF_CACHE/environments/$env.json fi done set +e for bag in $upload_data_bags;do bagcreated=0 for file in `ls -1 $MU_CHEF_CACHE/data_bags/$bag/*.json`;do itemname="`echo $file | sed -r 's/.*\/([^\\]+).json$/\1/'`" if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$itemname" ];then if [ "$bagcreated" == "0" ];then bagcreated=1 $knife data bag create $bag fi $knife data bag from file $bag $file fi done done set -e fi else databagdir="$MU_CHEF_CACHE/data_bags/" if [ "$cookbooks_only" == "1" ];then if [ "$tmp_dirs_to_remove" != "" ];then echo "${GREEN}Cleaning up temporary directories: ${BOLD}$tmp_dirs_to_remove${NORM}" rm -rf $tmp_dirs_to_remove fi echo "${GREEN}Cookbook upload complete and -s specified, all done.${NORM}" exit elif [ "$bags_only" == "1" ];then if [ "$match" != "" ];then echo "Uploading data bag items named '$match'" fi for Dir in $(find $databagdir* -mindepth 0 -maxdepth 1 -type d );do folder=$(basename $Dir); bagcreated=0 files="$databagdir$folder/*.json" for file in $files;do itemname="`echo $file | sed -r 's/.*\/([^\\]+).json$/\1/'`" if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$itemname" ];then if [ "$bagcreated" == "0" ];then bagcreated=1 $knife data bag create $folder fi $knife data bag from file $folder $file fi done done else cd $MU_CHEF_CACHE if [ "$match" != "" ];then echo "Uploading any non-cookbook items named '$match'" fi _files="$MU_CHEF_CACHE/roles/*.json" for file in $_files;do role="`echo $file | sed -r 's/.*\/([^\\]+).json$/\1/'`" if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$role" ];then $knife role from file $file fi done _files="$MU_CHEF_CACHE/environments/*.json" for file in $_files;do env="`echo $file | sed -r 's/.*\/([^\\]+).json$/\1/'`" if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$env" ];then $knife environment from file $file fi done for Dir in $(find $databagdir* -mindepth 0 -maxdepth 1 -type d );do folder=$(basename $Dir); bagcreated=0 set +e files="$databagdir$folder/*.json" for file in $files;do itemname="`echo $file | sed -r 's/.*\/([^\\]+).json$/\1/'`" if [ "$match" == "" -o "$match" == "$itemname" ];then if [ "$bagcreated" == "0" ];then bagcreated=1 $knife data bag create $folder fi $knife data bag from file $folder $file fi done set -e done fi fi if [ "$tmp_dirs_to_remove" != "" ];then echo "${GREEN}Cleaning up temporary directories: ${BOLD}$tmp_dirs_to_remove${NORM}" rm -rf $tmp_dirs_to_remove fi