require 'katello/permission_creator' Foreman::Plugin.register :katello do requires_foreman '>= 1.16' sub_menu :top_menu, :content_menu, :caption => N_('Content'), :after => :monitor_menu do menu :top_menu, :environments, :caption => N_('Lifecycle Environments'), :url => '/lifecycle_environments', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/environments', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :red_hat_subscriptions, :caption => N_('Red Hat Subscriptions'), :url => '/subscriptions', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/subscriptions', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :activation_keys, :caption => N_('Activation Keys'), :url => '/activation_keys', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/activation_keys', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu menu :top_menu, :redhat_provider, :caption => N_('Red Hat Repositories'), :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/providers', :action => 'redhat_provider'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :products, :caption => N_('Products'), :url => '/products', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/products', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :gpg_keys, :caption => N_('GPG Keys'), :url => '/gpg_keys', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/gpg_keys', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu menu :top_menu, :sync_status, :caption => N_('Sync Status'), :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/sync_management', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :sync_plans, :caption => N_('Sync Plans'), :url => '/sync_plans', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/sync_plans', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu menu :top_menu, :content_views, :caption => N_('Content Views'), :url => '/content_views', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/content_views', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false divider :top_menu, :parent => :content_menu menu :top_menu, :errata, :caption => N_('Errata'), :url => '/errata', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/errata', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :packages, :caption => N_('Packages'), :url => '/packages', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/packages', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :puppet_modules, :caption => N_('Puppet Modules'), :url => '/puppet_modules', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/puppet_modules', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :docker_tags, :caption => N_('Docker Tags'), :url => '/docker_tags', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/docker_tags', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :files, :caption => N_('Files'), :url => '/files', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/file_units', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :ostree_branches, :caption => N_('OSTree Branches'), :url => '/ostree_branches', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/ostree_branches', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :turbolinks => false end menu :top_menu, :content_hosts, :caption => N_('Content Hosts'), :url => '/content_hosts', :url_hash => {:controller => 'api/v2/hosts', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :parent => :hosts_menu, :after => :hosts, :turbolinks => false menu :top_menu, :host_collections, :caption => N_('Host Collections'), :url => '/host_collections', :url_hash => {:controller => 'katello/api/v2/host_collections', :action => 'index'}, :engine => Katello::Engine, :parent => :hosts_menu, :after => :content_hosts, :turbolinks => false allowed_template_helpers :subscription_manager_configuration_url search_path_override("Katello") do |resource| "/#{Katello::Util::Model.model_to_controller_path(resource)}/auto_complete_search" end apipie_documented_controllers ["#{Katello::Engine.root}/app/controllers/katello/api/v2/*.rb"] apipie_ignored_controllers %w(::Api::V2::OrganizationsController) parameter_filter ::Host::Managed, :host_collection_ids => [], :content_facet_attributes => [:content_view_id, :lifecycle_environment_id, :content_source_id, :host, :kickstart_repository_id], :subscription_facet_attributes => [:release_version, :autoheal, :service_level, :host, {:installed_products => [:product_id, :product_name, :arch, :version]}, :facts, :hypervisor_guest_uuids => []] parameter_filter Hostgroup, :content_view_id, :lifecycle_environment_id, :content_source_id, :kickstart_repository_id parameter_filter Organization, :label, :service_level parameter_filter SmartProxy, :download_policy, :lifecycle_environment_ids => [] logger :glue, :enabled => true logger :pulp_rest, :enabled => true logger :cp_rest, :enabled => true logger :cp_proxy, :enabled => true logger :action, :enabled => true logger :manifest_import_logger, :enabled => true widget 'errata_widget', :name => 'Latest Errata', :sizey => 1, :sizex => 6 widget 'content_views_widget', :name => 'Content Views', :sizey => 1, :sizex => 6 widget 'sync_widget', :name => 'Sync Overview', :sizey => 1, :sizex => 6 widget 'subscription_widget', :name => 'Host Subscription Status', :sizey => 1, :sizex => 6 widget 'subscription_status_widget', :name => 'Subscription Status', :sizey => 1, :sizex => 6 widget 'host_collection_widget', :name => 'Host Collections', :sizey => 1, :sizex => 6 extend_page("smart_proxies/show") do |context| context.add_pagelet :main_tabs, :name => _("Content"), :partial => "foreman/smart_proxies/content_tab", :onlyif => proc { |proxy| proxy.has_feature?(SmartProxy::PULP_NODE_FEATURE) } context.add_pagelet :details_content, :name => _("Content Sync"), :partial => "foreman/smart_proxies/content_sync", :onlyif => proc { |proxy| proxy.has_feature?(SmartProxy::PULP_NODE_FEATURE) } end register_custom_status(Katello::ErrataStatus) register_custom_status(Katello::SubscriptionStatus) register_custom_status(Katello::TraceStatus) extend_page "smart_proxies/show" do |cx| cx.add_pagelet :details_content, :name => _('Storage'), :partial => 'smart_proxies/show/storage', :onlyif => proc { |proxy| proxy.has_feature?(SmartProxy::PULP_FEATURE) || proxy.has_feature?(SmartProxy::PULP_NODE_FEATURE) } end register_facet Katello::Host::ContentFacet, :content_facet do api_view :list => 'katello/api/v2/content_facet/base_with_root', :single => 'katello/api/v2/content_facet/show' api_docs :content_facet_attributes, ::Katello::Api::V2::HostContentsController template_compatibility_properties :content_source_id, :content_source end register_facet Katello::Host::SubscriptionFacet, :subscription_facet do api_view :list => 'katello/api/v2/subscription_facet/base_with_root', :single => 'katello/api/v2/subscription_facet/show' api_docs :subscription_facet_attributes, ::Katello::Api::V2::HostSubscriptionsController end if Katello.with_remote_execution? RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_package_install, N_("Katello: Install Package"), :description => N_("Install package via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['package']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_package_update, N_("Katello: Update Package"), :description => N_("Update package via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['package']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_package_remove, N_("Katello: Remove Package"), :description => N_("Remove package via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['package']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_group_install, N_("Katello: Install Package Group"), :description => N_("Install package group via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['package']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_group_update, N_("Katello: Update Package Group"), :description => N_("Update package group via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['package']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_group_remove, N_("Katello: Remove Package Group"), :description => N_("Remove package group via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['package']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_errata_install, N_("Katello: Install Errata"), :description => N_("Install errata via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['errata']) RemoteExecutionFeature.register(:katello_service_restart, N_("Katello: Service Restart"), :description => N_("Restart Services via Katello interface"), :provided_inputs => ['helpers']) allowed_template_helpers :errata end tests_to_skip("AccessPermissionsTest" => [ 'foreman_tasks/api/tasks/callback should have a permission that grants access', 'bastion/bastion/index should have a permission that grants access', 'bastion/bastion/index_ie should have a permission that grants access' ]) in_to_prepare do add_controller_action_scope(HostsController, :index) do |base_scope| base_scope .preload(:content_view, :lifecycle_environment, :subscription_facet) .preload(content_facet: [:bound_repositories, :content_view, :lifecycle_environment]) end add_controller_action_scope(Api::V2::HostsController, :index) do |base_scope| base_scope .preload(:content_view, :lifecycle_environment, :subscription_facet) .preload(content_facet: [:bound_repositories, :content_view, :lifecycle_environment]) end end register_info_provider Katello::Host::InfoProvider add_all_permissions_to_default_roles end